Blown Away - The Interactive Game
Technical Analysis and Fan Page

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Unused audio files

BV09A11.WAV (Bomb van: Key tone)

BV09A12.WAV (Bomb van: Unlock jingle)

BV09A29.WAV (Bomb van: Denied jingle)

HCAA00.WAV (Helicopter background athmosphere. Same file as HC08AA00.WAV)

LB05A01N.WAV (Patrick tells Jimmy to hurry and warns him that the villain has setup something crazy)

LB05A05.WAV (Sound of fuse box opening)

LB05A06.WAV (Sound of fuse box opening)

LB05A08.WAV (Patrick: "The pipes Jimmy, the pipes! Shut them down. Get us out of here!"; probably a hint for the mercury puzzle)

LB05A09.WAV (Patrick: "Don't touch me. Don't come any closer."; probably it was initially planned to stay in Patrick's room before starting the mercury puzzle)

LB05A22N.WAV (Sounds of elecricity, then Patrick saying "we're all trapped' while a siren can be heard.)

LB05A27N.WAV (Patrick: "You're getting closer. I'm on your left and behind you")

LB05A28W.WAV (Patrick: "I'm on your left. But forget me, stop the contraption first.")

LR03A12.WAV (Living room: Sound of starting a new round of the gambling machine)

LR03A27.WAV (Living room: Villain's hint #2 for Sam. In the final game version, the audio was inserted in the movie LRIPA21.AVI)

LR03A29.WAV (Living room: Villain's hint #3 for Sam. In the final game version, the audio was inserted in the movie LRIPA09.AVI)

LR03A40.WAV (Villain says "Time's over")

NEWLEVER.WAV (Lever sound, probably to be used in the Switch Room game)

SUCCESS.WAV (Success jingle for the slider puzzle?)

TU10A30.WAV (Crank. In the final game version, the audio was inserted in the movie TUIPA02.AVI)

TU10A31.WAV (Water. Should be the sound for TUIPA06.AVI???)

TU10A53.WAV (Indefinable sound; the file name suggests that it is used in the tunnel)

TY06A01B.WAV (Sam: "He's got me wired to the jack-in-the-box. Everything is hot and about go!")

TY06A31A.WAV (Train game: Sound of a log starting to roll)

© 2025 Daniel Marschall - -

Please also see my pages for other Imagination Pilots games:
Blown Away | Panic in the Park | Waldo at the Circus | Waldo Exploring Geography | Eraser Turnabout | Virtual K'Nex