Blown Away - The Interactive Game
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How scoring works

General information about scoring

There are 3 kinds of scores:

  1. Points for collecting items or performing actions (e.g. handcuffing a criminal).
  2. Points for absolving a room or chapter (e.g. when you walk to the doorlock in the hospital, you have absolved the room and get rewarded). The score may vary on the number of movements you have done in the room.
  3. Points for solving a puzzle. These points are time-based. If a cheat is applied, you wont get any points.

Bonus points

Added to your score are points for collecting of items, or things you have done:
+ 10 points for finding knucks at living room
+ 10 points for finding motorcycle at living room
+ 10 points for finding carbon paper at living room
+ 10 points for finding small missile at living room
+ 10 points for handcuffing criminal in the tunnel

Penality points

Subtracted are penality points:
- 20 points for hitting a dead wire at thermal maze
- 1 point for misplaced chemical at the mercury game
- 5 points for wrong tone at the xylophone game
- 5 points for each fallen log at the train game

List of all rooms / puzzles

Index	Type	Description			Score
 0	ROOM	Hospital			  20
 1	PUZZLE	15-door				  20
 2	ROOM	Living room			  50 (bug exists)
 3	ROOM	News agency			  30
 4	PUZZLE	Thermal maze			  70
 5	ROOM	Laboratory Entrance Hall	  10
 6	ROOM	Laboratory Maze			  40
 7	PUZZLE	Laboratory Fuse Game		  20
 8	PUZZLE	Laboratory Keycard Game		  30
 9	PUZZLE	Laboratory Mercury Game		  40
10	ROOM	Toystore Entrance Hall		  20
11	ROOM	Toystore Sam's Room		  10
12	PUZZLE	Toystore Xylophone		  20
13	PUZZLE	Toystore Train Game		  30
14	PUZZLE	Toystore Marble Game		  30
15	PUZZLE	Toystore Grid Game		  30
16	PUZZLE	Template Game			  30
17	PUZZLE	Helicopter Game 1		  30
18	PUZZLE	Helicopter Game 2		  30
19	ROOM	Bomb van			  20
20	PUZZLE	Phone Game			  40
21	PUZZLE	Detonator 1			  20
22	ROOM	Tunnel				 100
23	PUZZLE	34-door				  30
24	PUZZLE	Make-A-Word			  30
25	PUZZLE	Slider door			  40
26	ROOM	Justus's room			  10
27	PUZZLE	1357 Nim Game			  80
28	PUZZLE	Detonator 2			  20
					Sum	 950
Bonus points:
	ITEM	Motorcycle			  10
	ITEM	Knucks				  10
	ITEM	Carbon Paper			  10
	ITEM	Small missile			  10
	ACTION	Handcuff criminal		  10
					Sum	1000

© 2024 Daniel Marschall - -

Please also see my pages for other Imagination Pilots games:
Blown Away | Panic in the Park | Waldo at the Circus | Waldo Exploring Geography | Eraser Turnabout | Virtual K'Nex