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BLOWNAWY.SAV savegame analysis

Note: The score is calculated using the savegame status (e.g. Puzzle status shows if solved via cheat, normal or not at all). The points are not written in the savegame file itself.

BLOWNAWY.SAV Analysis by Daniel Marschall

Overal BLOWNAWY.SAV structure:
	10 Savegames with 484 (0x1E4) bytes
	10 Highscores with 36 (0x24) bytes

Highscore Structure:
	0x0	string	szName
	0x20	int32	score

Savegame Structure:
	0x0	int32	(unused)
	0x4	int32	Time spent at 15-door game at hospital (in milliseconds)
			Note: There is no timer for the TV game
	0x8	int32	(unused)
	0xC	int32	(unused)
	0x10	int32	Time spent at Thermal maze (in milliseconds)
			Note: There is no timer for the Concentration Game
	0x14	int32	(unused)
	0x18	int32	(unused)
	0x1C	int32	Time spent at lab fuse game (in milliseconds)
	0x20	int32	Time spent at lab key game (in milliseconds)
	0x24	int32	Time spent at lab mercury game (in milliseconds)
	0x28	int32	(unused)
	0x2C	int32	(unused)
	0x30	int32	Time spent at Xylophone (in milliseconds)
	0x34	int32	Time spent at Train Game (in milliseconds)
	0x38	int32	Time spent at Marble Game (in milliseconds)
	0x3C	int32	Time spent at Grid Game (in milliseconds)
	0x40	int32	Time spent at Template Game (in milliseconds)
	0x44	int32	Time spent at Helicopter Game 1 (in milliseconds)
	0x48	int32	Time spent at Helicopter Game 2 (in milliseconds)
	0x4C	int32	(unused)
	0x50	int32	Time spent at Phone game (in milliseconds)
	0x54	int32	Time spent at Detonator 1 (in milliseconds)
	0x58	int32	(unused)
	0x5C	int32	Time spent at 34-door (in milliseconds)
	0x60	int32	Time spent at Find-A-Word (in milliseconds)
	0x64	int32	Time spent at Slider puzzle (in milliseconds)
	0x68	int32	(unused)
	0x6C	int32	Time spent at 1357 game (in milliseconds)
	0x70	int32	Time spent at Detonator 2 (in milliseconds)
	0x74	int32	(unused)
	0x78	int32	(unused)
	0x7C	int32	(unused)
	0x80	int32	(unused)
	0x84	int32	(unused)
	0x88	int32	(unused)
	0x8C	int32	(unused)
	0x90	int32	(unused)
	0x94	int32	(unused)
	0x98	int32	(unused)
	0x9C	int32	(unused)
	0xA0	int32	How often the screen was changed in the Hospital
	0xA4	int32	(unused)
	0xA8	int32	How often the screen was changed in the Living room
	0xAC	int32	How often the screen was changed in the news agency
	0xB0	int32	How often the screen was changed in the switching room
	0xB4	int32	How often the screen was changed in the Laboratory entrance hall
	0xB8	int32	How often the screen was changed in the Laboratory maze
	0xBC	int32	(unused)
	0xC0	int32	(unused)
	0xC4	int32	(unused)
	0xC8	int32	How often the screen was changed in Sam's entrace hall
	0xCC	int32	How often the screen was changed in Sam's room
	0xD0	int32	(unused)
	0xD4	int32	(unused)
	0xD8	int32	(unused)
	0xDC	int32	(unused)
	0xE0	int32	How often the screen was changed in the helicopter
	0xE4	int32	(unused)
	0xE8	int32	(unused)
	0xEC	int32	How often the screen was changed in the bomb van
	0xF0	int32	(unused)
	0xF4	int32	(unused)
	0xF8	int32	How often the screen was changed in the Tunnel
	0xFC	int32	(unused)
	0x100	int32	(unused)
	0x104	int32	(unused)
	0x108	int32	How often the screen was changed in Justus's room
	0x10C	int32	(unused)
	0x110	int32	(unused)
	0x114	int32	(unused)
	0x118	int32	(unused)
	0x11C	int32	(unused)
	0x120	int32	(unused)
	0x124	int32	(unused)
	0x128	int32	(unused)
	0x12C	int32	(unused)
	0x130	int32	(unused)
	0x134	int32	(unused)
	0x138	int32	(unused)
	0x13C	int32	(unused)
	0x140	byte	ROOM Status: Hospital room
				00		Not started
				01		Started
				03		15 door started
	0x141	byte	PUZZLE Status: 15 Door
				00		Not started
				01		Started
				02		Solved with cheats
				03		Solved for real
				04		Failed
	0x142	byte	ROOM Status: Living room (including all hostages)
				00		Not started
				01		Entered room (finished TV game)
				02		Bug: If video poker was cheated, the room gets marked as solved with cheats,
						therefore you will not get the 50 points for ending the living room chapter!
						(Fixed in my patch)
				03		Leaving cabinet after handling all hostages
	0x143	byte	ROOM Status: News agency
				00		Not played
				01		News agency started
				03		Concentration game done / Starting thermal maze
	0x144	byte	PUZZLE Status: Thermal maze
				00		Not played
				01		Thermal maze started
				02		Thermal maze solved with cheats (hostage rescued)
				03		Thermal maze solved for real (hostage rescued)
				04		Failed (hostage dead)
	0x145	byte	ROOM Status: Laboratory Entrance hall
				00		Not played
				01		Started
				03		Done keycard game and fuse game / Entering Lab Maze
				05		Failed (hostage dead)
	0x146	byte	ROOM Status: Laboratory maze
				00		Not played
				01		Started
				03		Maze done / Starting Mercury Game
				05		Failed (hostage dead)
	0x147	byte	PUZZLE Status: Laboratory fuse game
				00		Not played
				01		Playing
				02		Solved with cheats
				03		Solved for real
				04		Failed (hostage dead)
				05		Not played because keycard game failed (hostage dead)
	0x148	byte	PUZZLE Status: Laboratory keycard game
				00		Not played
				01		Playing
				02		Solved step 1 / Solved step 2 via cheats
				03		Solved for real
				04		Failed (hostage dead)
				05		Not played because fuse game failed (hostage dead)
	0x149	byte	PUZZLE Status: Mercury Game
				00		Not played
				01		Started Mercury Game
				02		Solved with cheats (hostage rescued)
				03		Solved for real (hostage rescued)
				04		Failed (hostage dead)
				05		Not played because fuse game or keycard game failed (hostage dead)
	0x14A	byte	ROOM Status: Toystore Entrance hall
				00		Not played
				01		Started
				03		Done / Entered sam's room
	0x14B	byte	ROOM Status: Toystore Sam's Room
				00		Not entered
				01		Sams room entered
				03		Grid game started
	0x14C	byte	PUZZLE Status: Xylophone
				00		Not played
				01		Started
				02		Solved with cheats
				03		Solved for real
				04		Failed (hostage dead)
	0x14D	byte	PUZZLE Status: Train game
				00		Not played
				01		Started
				02		Solved with cheats
				03		Solved for real
				04		Failed (hostage dead)
				05		Not played because earlier puzzles failed (Hostage dead)
	0x14E	byte	PUZZLE Status: Marble game
				00		Not played
				01		Started
				02		Solved with cheats
				03		Solved for real
				04		Failed (hostage dead)
				05		Not played because earlier puzzles failed (Hostage dead)
	0x14F	byte	PUZZLE Status: Grid Game
				00		Not played
				01		Started
				02		Solved with cheats (hostage rescued)
				03		Solved for real (hostage rescued)
				04		Failed (hostage dead)
				05		Not played because earlier puzzles failed (Hostage dead)
	0x150	byte	PUZZLE Status: Template game
			Note: There is no ROOM Status for the Switch Room
				00		Not played
				01		Started
				02		Solved with cheats
				03		Solved for real
				04		Failed (continue to helicopter anyways)
	0x151	byte	PUZZLE Status: Helicopter game 1
			Note: There is no ROOM Status for the Helicopter
				00		Not played
				01		Started
				02		Solved with cheats
				03		Solved for real
				04		Failed (won't be written because player is now dead)
	0x152	byte	PUZZLE Status: Helicopter game 2
				00		Not played
				01		Started
				02		Solved with cheats
				03		Solved for real
				04		Failed (won't be written because player is now dead)
	0x153	byte	ROOM Status: Bomb van
				00		Bomb van not played
				01		Entered bomb van (finished phone game)
				03		Detonator 1 started
	0x154	byte	PUZZLE Status: Phone game
				00		Not played
				01		Started
				02		Solved with cheats
				03		Solved for real *or* failed (the bomb did not actually explode, it was a fake, you get the points anyways)
				BUG? There is probably a bug: If you fail, value 04 should be set and you should not get points for it!
	0x155	byte	PUZZLE Status: Detonator 1
				00		Not played
				01		Started
				02		Solved with cheats
				03		Solved for real
				04		Failed (won't be written because player is now dead)
	0x156	byte	ROOM Status: Tunnel
				00		Not played
				01		Started
				03		Entered Justus's Room
	0x157	byte	PUZZLE Status: 34-Door
				00		Not played
				01		Playing
				02		Puzzle was solved with cheats, homeless person denied help
				03		Puzzle was solved for real *or* Homeless person granted help and door was passed
	0x158	byte	PUZZLE Status: Find-A-Word puzzle
				00		Not played
				01		Playing
				02		Puzzle was solved
	0x159	byte	PUZZLE Status: Slider puzzle
				00		Not played
				01		Playing
				02		Puzzle was solved with cheats, homeless person denied help
				03		Puzzle was solved for real *or* Homeless person granted help and door was passed
	0x15A	byte	ROOM Status: Justus's room
				00		Not entered
				01		Entered room
				03		Started 1357 game
	0x15B	byte	PUZZLE Status: 1357 game
				00		Not played
				01		Playing
				02		Solved with cheats
				03		Solved for real
				04		Failed (won't be written because player is now dead)
	0x15C	byte	PUZZLE Status: Detonator 2
				00		Not played
				01		Playing
				02		Solved with cheats (this will never be written because the game is now won)
				03		Solved for real (this will never be written because the game is now won)
				04		Failed (won't be written because player is now dead)
	0x15D	byte	(unused)
	0x15E	byte	(unused)
	0x15F	byte	(unused)
	0x160	byte	(unused)
	0x161	byte	(unused)
	0x162	byte	(unused)
	0x163	byte	(unused)
	0x164	byte	(unused)
	0x165	byte	(unused)
	0x166	byte	(unused)
	0x167	byte	(unused)
	0x168	int32	(unused, however this field is initialized with 0?!)
	0x16C	int16	Bonus points added to your score, for things done or collected (see more info here)
	0x16E	int16	Penality points subtracted from your score (see more info here)
	0x170	int32	HOSTAGE Status: Robin
				00 00 00 00	Dead
				01 00 00 00	Rescued
				02 00 00 00	Not played
	0x174	int32	HOSTAGE Status: Sam
				00 00 00 00	Dead
				01 00 00 00	Rescued
				02 00 00 00	Not played
	0x178	int32	HOSTAGE Status: Patrick
				00 00 00 00	Dead
				01 00 00 00	Rescued
				02 00 00 00	Not played
	0x17C	int32	Robin clue counter
				00 00 00 00	Not unlocked at video poker
				01 00 00 00	Video poker unlocked
				03 00 00 00	Clue 1 found
				07 00 00 00	Clue 2 found
				3F 00 00 00	Clue 3 found / Quest started
	0x180	int32	Sam clue counter
				00 00 00 00	Not unlocked at video poker
				01 00 00 00	Video poker unlocked
				03 00 00 00	Clue 1 found
				07 00 00 00	Clue 2 found
				0F 00 00 00	Clue 3 found
				3F 00 00 00	Clue 4 found / Quest started
	0x184	int32	Patrick clue counter
				00 00 00 00	Not unlocked at video poker
				01 00 00 00	Video poker unlocked
				03 00 00 00	Clue 1 found
				07 00 00 00	Clue 2 found
				3F 00 00 00	Clue 3 found / Quest started
	0x188	int32	Status of Thermal maze
				00 00 00 00	Not played
				01 00 00 00	Solved OR failed (sic! is this a bug?)
	0x18C	int32	Status of Concentration game
				00 00 00 00	Not played
				01 00 00 00	Solved
	0x190	int32	Status of Lab Fuse Game
				00 00 00 00	Not played or failed
				01 00 00 00	Solved
	0x194	int32	Status of Lab Keycard Game
				00 00 00 00	Not played or failed
				01 00 00 00	Solved both steps
	0x198	int32	Status of Xylophone game
				00 00 00 00	Not played or failed
				01 00 00 00	Solved
	0x19C	uint32	Countdown timer for the tunnels, in milliseconds (set to 0x124F80 = 20 minutes once you enter the tunnels).
				Also counts down from 0xFFFFFFFF during the normal game, but has no meaning there.
	0x1A0	int32	Status of Train and Marble Game at the toystore
				bit 0 / LSB	0x1	Train game solved or failed
				bit 1		0x2	Marble same solved or failed
				bit 2..31	(unused)
			therefore there are following values:
				00 00 00 00	No game played
				01 00 00 00	Train game done (solved or failed), marble game not played
				02 00 00 00	Marble game done (solved or failed), train game not played
				03 00 00 00	Both games done (solved or failed)
	0x1A4	int16	Current game chapter
	0x1A6	int16	Current sub-chapter
			These two words contain the Game progress (adjust this to go to any step you like!)
				00 00 xx xx	Hospital intro video
				01 00 xx xx	Hospital room
				02 00 xx xx	TV game     (02 00 xx xx gets automatically skipped if all hostages are handled)
				03 00 00 00	Living room (03 00 xx xx gets automatically skipped if all hostages are handled)
				03 00 01 00	Video poker
				03 00 02 00	Cabinet
				03 00 03 00	News Studio: Studio room
				03 00 04 00	News Studio: Concentration game
				03 00 05 00	News Studio: Thermal maze
				03 00 06 00	Laboratory: Entrance hall
				03 00 07 00	Laboratory: Fuse game
				03 00 08 00	Laboratory: Keycard game
				03 00 09 00	Laboratory: Room maze
				03 00 0A 00	Laboratory: Mercury Game
				03 00 0B 00	Toystore: Xylophone
				03 00 0C 00	Toystore: Entrance hall
				03 00 0D 00	Toystore: Marble Game
				03 00 0E 00	Toystore: Train Game
				03 00 0F 00	Toystore: Sam's room
				03 00 10 00	Toystore: Grid game
				04 00 00 00	Lizzy hostage video
				04 00 01 00	Switch room: Switch room hall
				04 00 02 00	Switch room: Template Game
				05 00 xx xx	Helicopter / Helicopter Game 1
				06 00 xx xx	Helicopter Game 2
				07 00 xx xx	Phone game
				08 00 xx xx	Bomb van / Detonator 1
				09 00 xx xx	Tunnel
				0A 00 xx xx	Justus's room
				0B 00 xx xx	1357 game
				0C 00 xx xx	Detonator 2
	0x1A8	int16	Homeless person status
				bit 0 / LSB	News paper bought
				bit 1		Helped with 34-puzzle
				bit 2		Helped with slider puzzle
				bit 3		Encountered second time (either helped or denied help)
				bit 4		Encountered first time (either bought news paper or not)
				bit 5..31	(probably unused)
			so the valid states are:
				00 00		Sam's Quest not started
				10 00		Sam's Quest started, no newspaper bought
				11 00		Sam's Quest started, newspaper was bought
				18 00		Homeless person denied help at the tunnel (34 door or slider puzzle)
				1A 00		Homeless person granted help at tunnel (34 door)
				1C 00		Homeless person granted help at the tunnel (slider puzzle)
	0x1AA	int16	Codeword for helicopter game 1
				00 00		Jaw
				01 00		Pitch
				02 00		Fliers
				03 00		Roll
				04 00		Joystick
				05 00		Imagine
				06 00		Pilot
				07 00		Gear
				BUG: This value will not be read. If you exit the game and load the savegame again, the codeword will be "Jaw" again.
				(Fixed in my patch)
	0x1AC	int32	Things taken from the Living Room
				bit 0 / LSB	0x1	Handcuffs found (set to zero when criminal is handcuffed)
				bit 1		0x2	Small missile found
				bit 2		0x4	Knucks found
				bit 3		0x8	Motorcycle found
				bit 4		0x10	Carbon paper found
				bit 5..31	(unused)
	0x1B0	int32	Earring found at tunnel?
				00 00 00 00	no
				01 00 00 00	yes
	0x1B4	int32	The card that was chosen at the concentration game in the news agency. It has an effect on Sam's grid game
				00 00 00 00	Hearths Ace
				01 00 00 00	Spades Ace
				02 00 00 00	Diamonds Ace
				03 00 00 00	Clubs Ace
				04 00 00 00	Hearths 2
				05 00 00 00	Spades 2
				06 00 00 00	Diamonds 2
				07 00 00 00	Clubs 2
				08 00 00 00	Hearths 3
				09 00 00 00	Spades 3
				0A 00 00 00	Diamonds 3
				0B 00 00 00	Clubs 3
				0C 00 00 00	Hearths 4
				0D 00 00 00	Spades 4
				0E 00 00 00	Diamonds 4
				0F 00 00 00	Clubs 4
				10 00 00 00	Hearths 5
				11 00 00 00	Spades 5
				12 00 00 00	Diamonds 5
				13 00 00 00	Clubs 5
				14 00 00 00	Joker
				FF FF FF FF	Not played yet
	0x1B8	int16	Fuse taken from hospital
				00 00		no
				01 00		yes
	0x1BA	int16	Video poker status
				00 00		Never won
				01 00		Won at least once
	0x1BC	int16	Kennedy card found at tunnel
				00 00		card not found or Robin survived
				01 00		card found
	0x1BE	int16	Encountered Tunnel video sequences / persons
				bit 0 / LSB	(unused)
				bit 1		0x2	Met annoying lady (sequence 1)
				bit 2		0x4	Met annoying lady (sequence 2)
				bit 3		0x8	Met left secret service (set ONLY if access denied, this is probably a bug)
				bit 4		0x10	Met right secret service (set if access granted or denied)
				bit 5		0x20	Met criminal (set if met and/or handcuffed)
				bit 6..15	(unused)
	0x1C0	int32	Tunnel flags
				bit 0 / LSB	0x1	Water stopped (valve turned)
				bit 1		0x2	Showed ID card to left Secret Service guy
				bit 2		0x4	Showed ID card to right Secret Service guy
				bit 3..31	(unused)
	0x1C4	string	szName[0x20]

© 2025 Daniel Marschall - -

Please also see my pages for other Imagination Pilots games:
Blown Away | Panic in the Park | Waldo at the Circus | Waldo Exploring Geography | Eraser Turnabout | Virtual K'Nex