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(German or English)

Explosiv Blown Away - Inofficial patch

These patches fix some errors for the English and German editions of the game!

Patch download
** Version 2024-10-19 by Daniel Marschall,                    **

--- Description / Beschreibung ---

This is an inofficial patch for the game "Blown Away" by Imagination Pilots.
It fixes various issues for the German Retail, German Censored and English Retail
version for PC.

Dies ist ein inoffizieller Patch des Spiels "Explosiv - Blown Away" von Imagination Pilots.
Er behebt einige Fehler der Englischen Vollversion, der deutschen Vollversion und
der deutschen zensierten Version (aus der ALDI Spielebox, FSK 12).
Bitte wählen Sie das richtige Verzeichnis. Es gibt folgende deutsche Fassungen:
1) ALDI Spielebox Ausgabe: Schwarze CD mit orangener Schrift "Explosiv Blown Away".
   Diese ist FSK 12, da in den Videos alle Bomben und Explosionen zensiert wurden.
   Dieser Patch behebt unter anderem einen schweren Fehler bei den transparenten Videos
   der Geiseln im Zensierungsprozess, der dazu führte, dass die Räume, in denen sich die
   Geiseln befinden, schwarz darstellt werden, d.h. man muss "blind" klicken.
   Damit das Produkt weiterhin FSK 12 bleibt, wurden die fehlerhaften transparenten Videos
   entfernt, d.h. man sieht die Geiseln nicht mehr, dafür ist aber der Raum wieder spielbar.
2) Die Einzelhandels-Version ist FSK 16 und enthält keine Zensur,
   d.h. hier gibt es den Fehler mit den schwarzen Räumen nicht.
   Der Patch behebt etwaige andere Probleme und Fehler.

--- Installation (English) ---

1. Copy CD ROM contents to your hard drive.
2. Change the paths in the config.ini file
3. Replace the files from the ones in this ZIP file.

For steps 1 and 2, my tool "Blown Away Launcher" could help you:

--- Installation (German) ---

1. CD-ROM-Inhalte auf die Festplatte kopieren
2. Pfade innerhalb von config.ini anpassen
3. Ersetzen von Dateien mit denen aus diesem ZIP-Archiv

Bei den Schritten 1 und 2 kann Ihnen der von mir entwickelte "Blown Away Launcher" helfen:

* Changelog                                                                            *

(1) Phone game wrong solutions corrected

	Applies to:  English Retail, German Retail, German Censored
	File:        BLOWNAWY.EXE

	These were are the wrong solutions of the original game:
	001  122  263  => Solution fixed to 132, since this is the correct average
	145  237  327  => Solution fixed to 236, since this is the correct average
	281  441  821  => Solution fixed to 551, since this is the correct average
	134  225  314  => Solution fixed to 224, since this is the correct average
	A technical analysis can be found here:

(2) Video poker scoring bug

	Applies to:  English Retail, German Retail, German Censored
	File:        BLOWNAWY.EXE

	If the video poker ("bet your life") was solved with a cheat, the game
	accidentally marked the living room as "solved via cheats",
	although the living room was not solved yet,
	and a room can never be solved via cheats.
	Therefore, the player did not get the 50 points reward for ending the
	living room chapter later in the game.
	A technical analysis can be found here:
	Note: This patch will not fix existing savestate files (*.SAV)!
(3) Switch room / Helicopter score bug

	Applies to:  English Retail, German Retail, German Censored
	File:        BLOWNAWY.EXE

	After loading a savegame, moving in the switch room or
	helicopter could decrease your score you have actually earned
	for completing other rooms. The switch room and helicopter
	are rooms that do NOT have score. You should be able
	to move as often as you like without affecting your score.
	This patch fixes this issue.
	A technical analysis can be found here:
	Note: This patch will not fix existing savestate files (*.SAV)!
(4) Helicopter codeword bug after loading a savegame

	Applies to:  English Retail, German Retail, German Censored
	File:        BLOWNAWY.EXE
	After loading a savegame, the helicopter codeword is not
	loaded, and it is always "JAW". This patch will fix this issue.

	A technical analysis can be found here:
(5) Added icon to EXE file
	Applies to:  English Retail, German Retail, German Censored
	File:        BLOWNAWY.EXE
(6) German: Translated the strings "Load game", "Save game" and "Enter name"
	Applies to:  German Retail, German Censored
	File:        BLOWNAWY.EXE

(7) Small background pattern fix at the dialog "Save game before practice round?"
	Applies to:  English Retail, German Retail, German Censored
	File:        BLOWNAWY.ART
	Embedded:    PRACTICE

(8) Hospital door lock: "CLEAR" and "DENIED" text background is now gray instead of pure black.
	Applies to:  English Retail, German Retail, German Censored
	File:        BLOWNAWY.ART
	Embedded:    HPMDEN, HPMCLR
(9) Hospital door lock: Translated "DENIED" with "FALSCH" (German)
	Applies to:  German Retail, German Censored
	File:        BLOWNAWY.ART
	Embedded:    HPMDEN

(10) Hospital door lock: Translated "RESET" with "NEU" (German)
	Applies to:  German Retail, German Censored
	File:        BLOWNAWY.ART
	Embedded:    HPDV4W, HPLV4W

(11) Mercury puzzle: Added missing joint in the carbon-paper hint / "memory".
	Applies to:  English Retail, German Retail, German Censored
	File:        BLOWNAWY.ART
	Embedded:    MEM11, MERCVW1

(12) German: Speichern/Laden-Menü: Bei der Übersetzung ist versehentlich der Schriftzug "LÖS EN EGLER" hinzugefügt worden. Entfernt
	Applies to:  German Retail, German Censored
	File:        BLOWNAWY.ART
	Embedded:    MENU_2

(13) German: Abgeschnittenes Bild im Spielzeugladen und Tunnel behoben (LZW-Komprimierungsfehler)
	Applies to:  German Retail, German Censored
	File:        BLOWNAWY.ART
	Embedded:    TY06V01N, TU020S

(14) German: Beschädigte Button-Grafiken im Hauptmenü
	Applies to:  German Retail, German Censored
	File:        BLOWNAWY.ART
	Die Grafiken der gedrückten Buttons im Hauptmenü (nur kurz zu sehen beim Klicken),
	sowie der defekte Speichern-Button (nachdem man ein Trainings-Spiel vollzogen hat),
	hatten eine fehlerhafte Farb-Palette und wurden daher falsch und unleserlich dargestellt.
	Da die Farb-Palette nicht rekonstruiert werden konnte, wurden die Buttons nach
	dem Abbild der englischen Version mit Photoshop neu erstellt.

(15) German: Wochentags-Abkürzungen (Mo-Fr) auf dem Schild am Krankenhausbett korrigiert.
	Applies to:  German Retail, German Censored
	File:        BLOWNAWY.ART
	Embedded:    HPDV2CS, HPLV2CS

(16) German: Notizblock im Krankenhaus ("Sicher heiß diese Sicherung") leicht verbessert, um die Schrift besser lesbar zu machen.
	Applies to:  German Retail, German Censored
	File:        BLOWNAWY.ART
	Embedded:    HPLVPPR

(17) German: In den Hinweisbildern die Vorkommen von "This fuse is good news" übersetzt zu "Sicher heiß diese Sicherung".
	Applies to:  German Retail, German Censored
	File:        BLOWNAWY.ART
	Embedded:    MEM12, MEM13

(18) German: Tunnel-Wandbemalung "If you can read this, then you must be really lost!" übersetzt.
	Applies to:  German Retail, German Censored
	File:        BLOWNAWY.ART
	Embedded:    TU010W

(19) German: Beschriftung der Tür im Tunnel ("make the right word") übersetzt.
	Applies to:  German Retail, German Censored
	File:        BLOWNAWY.ART
	Embedded:    TU011E_1, TU013W, TU006E

(20) German: Beschriftung "Hazardous Material Checkpoint" übersetzt zu "Gefahrgut Sicherheitsschleuse"
	Applies to:  German Retail, German Censored
	File:        BLOWNAWY.ART
	Embedded:    LB05VJS, LB05VJR, LB05VKS

(21) Lab room maze: In room 130, there was a door labeled 147 which lead to a room that is referred
                    by two other rooms by the number 135. Therefore the door label was changed from 147 to 135.
	Applies to:  English Retail, German Retail, German Censored
	File:        BLOWNAWY.ART
	Embedded:    LB05VEL, LB05VES

(22) Replaced AnimDLL.dll version 1994-10-05 (Retail BA) with 1994-11-29 (Demo BA)
	Applies to:  English Retail, German Retail, German Censored
	File:        ANIMDLL.DLL
	Improved functionalities:
	- PLAY_SOUND: If a sound cannot be found, no default Windows sound is played.
	- UNLOAD_SOUND: Function will return the status of the operation to the game, which might output
	                the message box "Could not unload sound" ín case of a failure.
	More technical info at

(23) 1357 Switch game missing sound
	Applies to:  English Retail, German Retail, German Censored
	File:        SW11A98.WAV
	The sound that should be played when the player has lost and clicks the blue blining button
	(instead of the reset button) is missing. Hence, the Windows default "ding" sound is played.
	The missing file SW11A98.WAV was replaced with SW11A95.WAV which is the reset sound.
	After all, when you lose, a reset of the switches is performed.


© 2025 Daniel Marschall - -

Please also see my pages for other Imagination Pilots games:
Blown Away | Panic in the Park | Waldo at the Circus | Waldo Exploring Geography | Eraser Turnabout | Virtual K'Nex