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GAME.SAV savegame analysis

GAME.SAV Analysis by Daniel Marschall

Overal GAME.SAV structure:
	10 Savegames with 679 (0x2A7) bytes
	10 Highscores with 36 (0x24) bytes

Highscore Structure:
	0x0	string	szName
	0x20	int32	score

	[8 Bytes unknown]
	0x8	int32	Total time spent on Fuzzy Freaks (area 1)
	0xC	int32	Total time spent on Bumble Ball (area 1)
	0x10	int32	total time spent on Clown game (area 1)
	[144 Bytes unknown]
	0xa4	int32?	Steps taken in total
	[317 Bytes unknown]
	0x1e4	byte	??? all area 3 games cheat=02 are saved here????
	0x1e5	byte	Status Fuzzy Freaks
	0x1e6	byte	Status Bumble Ball
	0x1e7	byte	Status clown game
	[41 Bytes unknown]
	0x210	int32	Tokens
	[12 Bytes unknown]
	0x220	???	"06 AA 01 00" = Area 1 token found ???
	[8 Bytes unknown]
	0x21c	int16	Where are you currently?
				0x01	(1)	Entrance (requires CD 1)
				0x0a	(10)	Area 1 (requires CD 3)
				0x14	(20)	Area 2 (requires CD 2)
				0x1e	(30)	Area 3 (requires CD 3)
				0x28	(40)	Area 4 (requires CD 2)
				0x64	(100)	Center point
	0x21e	int16	Which disk needs to be inserted? (00=disk1, 01=disk2, 02=disk3)
	[49 Bytes unknown]
	0x251	int32?	Areas visited (bitfield)
				0x0001	?
				0x0002	?
				0x0004	?
				0x0008	?
				0x0010	?
				0x0020	Door1
				0x0040	Door2
				0x0080	Door3
				0x0100	Door4
	0x257	int16[14]Seed specific values ???
				Seed 12242	00 00 01 00 03 00 01 00 01 00 00 00 02 01 01 01 02 00 00 02 02 01 00 01 01 00 01 00
				Seed 33623	02 00 02 00 01 00 02 00 01 01 01 02 02 00 01 00 00 00 00 02 01 00 00 01 00 01 04 00
				Seed 34524	02 00 03 00 01 00 03 00 02 00 00 00 00 01 02 00 00 02 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 08 00
				Seed 36151	02 00 05 00 04 00 00 00 02 01 00 00 00 02 02 00 00 00 01 00 00 01 00 01 00 01 05 00
	[6 Bytes unknown]
	0x277	int32	Something about door 1 (-1 not entered, 0=entered)
	0x27b	int32	Something about door 2 (-1 not entered, 1=entered)
	0x27f	int32	Something about door 3 (-1 not entered, 2=entered)
	0x283	int32	Something about door 4 (-1 not entered, 3=entered)
	0x287	string	szName[0x20]

Puzzle Status
	00 = not played
	02 = solved with cheat
	03 = solved
	04 = failed

© 2025 Daniel Marschall - -

Please also see my pages for other Imagination Pilots games:
Blown Away | Panic in the Park | Waldo at the Circus | Waldo Exploring Geography | Eraser Turnabout | Virtual K'Nex