Interprete a UUID
Your input: edd50ba0-eada-4c33-8b62-23aa6e629be2
Various notations:
URN: urn:uuid:edd50ba0-eada-4c33-8b62-23aa6e629be2
URI: uuid:edd50ba0-eada-4c33-8b62-23aa6e629be2
Microsoft GUID syntax: {EDD50BA0-EADA-4C33-8B62-23AA6E629BE2}
C++ struct syntax: { 0xedd50ba0, 0xeada, 0x4c33, { 0x8b, 0x62, 0x23, 0xaa, 0x6e, 0x62, 0x9b, 0xe2 } }
As OID (ISO/ITU-T 128 bits): 2.25.316133230087588020591298957819162827746
As OID (Microsoft): 1.2.840.113556.1.8000.2554.60885.2976.60122.19507.35682.2337390.6462434
As OID (Waterjuice 2x64 bits):
As OID (Waterjuice 4x32 bits):
As OID (Waterjuice 8x16 bits):
Interpretation of the UUID:
Variant: [0b10_] RFC 4122 (Leach-Mealling-Salz)
Version: [0x4] Random
Random bits: 11101101 11010101 00001011 10100000 11101010 11011010 ????1100 00110011
??001011 01100010 00100011 10101010 01101110 01100010 10011011 11100010
Random bytes: [0xedd50ba0eada?c33?b6223aa6e629be2]