Interprete a UUID
Your input: 7854d910-414b-43d8-beb0-008940688480
Various notations:
URN: urn:uuid:7854d910-414b-43d8-beb0-008940688480
URI: uuid:7854d910-414b-43d8-beb0-008940688480
Microsoft GUID syntax: {7854D910-414B-43D8-BEB0-008940688480}
C++ struct syntax: { 0x7854d910, 0x414b, 0x43d8, { 0xbe, 0xb0, 0x00, 0x89, 0x40, 0x68, 0x84, 0x80 } }
As OID (ISO/ITU-T 128 bits): 2.25.159947915001048938381614888870832800896
As OID (Microsoft): 1.2.840.113556.1.8000.2554.30804.55568.16715.17368.48816.35136.6849664
As OID (Waterjuice 2x64 bits):
As OID (Waterjuice 4x32 bits):
As OID (Waterjuice 8x16 bits):
Interpretation of the UUID:
Variant: [0b10_] RFC 4122 (Leach-Mealling-Salz)
Version: [0x4] Random
Random bits: 01111000 01010100 11011001 00010000 01000001 01001011 ????0011 11011000
??111110 10110000 00000000 10001001 01000000 01101000 10000100 10000000
Random bytes: [0x7854d910414b?3d8?eb0008940688480]