Interprete a UUID
Your input: 01934d9e-08f0-73c7-be86-1aeda07c1f9d
Various notations:
URN: urn:uuid:01934d9e-08f0-73c7-be86-1aeda07c1f9d
URI: uuid:01934d9e-08f0-73c7-be86-1aeda07c1f9d
Microsoft GUID syntax: {01934D9E-08F0-73C7-BE86-1AEDA07C1F9D}
C++ struct syntax: { 0x01934d9e, 0x08f0, 0x73c7, { 0xbe, 0x86, 0x1a, 0xed, 0xa0, 0x7c, 0x1f, 0x9d } }
As OID (ISO/ITU-T 128 bits): 2.25.2094069900345262998740336090084548509
As OID (Microsoft): 1.2.840.113556.1.8000.2554.403.19870.2288.29639.48774.1764768.8134557
As OID (Waterjuice 2x64 bits):
As OID (Waterjuice 4x32 bits):
As OID (Waterjuice 8x16 bits):
Interpretation of the UUID:
Variant: [0b10_] RFC 9562 (Davis-Peabody-Leach)
Version: [0x7] Unix Epoch Time
Timestamp: [0x01934d9e08f0] 2024-11-21 07:27:02'896 GMT
Random bits: ????0011 11000111 ??111110 10000110 00011010 11101101 10100000 01111100 00011111 10011101
Random bytes: [0x3c7?e861aeda07c1f9d]