Absolute Invincible Raijin-Oh (Zettai Muteki Raijinou) - Infinite Continues ROM-Hack

by Daniel Marschall, 23 July 2009

This is a ROM hack for the GameBoy games Absolute Invincible Raijin-Oh (E) and Zettai Muteki Raijinou (J), which allows you to continue the game infinitely when you die, without returning to round 1. The story screen is only shown once at the beginning.


Hex editor patch summary

ROM offset English ROM Japanese ROM
014Eh Find C1 31 Find F5 30
Replace C9 DE Replace FD DD
0B51h Find AF CD A4 2F CD 16 05 3E 01 EA 04 D1
Replace CD 94 4E 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
8E92h Find 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
Replace 18 0F FA 04 D1 FE 00 C0 CD ED 4E 3E 01 EA 04 D1 C9
8EEBh Find 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
Replace 18 09 3E 00 CD A4 2F CD 16 05 C9

Disassembling explanation

Original state

0B51h is called at two places and is the action after "Start" was pressed - so the game begins here.

ROM offset BUS offset Machine code ASM code Comment
0B51h 0B51h AF XOR A Set A=0 (A = A XOR A = 0). If this is replaced with NOP (00h) then you'll hear a part of the winning melody when the story appears.
0B52h 0B52h CD A4 2F CALL 2FA4h Stop the music
0B55h 0B55h CD 16 05 CALL 0516h Show the story screen
0B58h 0B58h 3E 01 LD A,01h Load value 01
0B5Ah 0B5Ah EA 04 D1 LD (D104h),A Set it as round counter

The BUS areas 4E92h..4EA2h (ROM: 8E92h..8EA2h) and 4EEBh..4EF5h (ROM: 8EEBh..8EF5h) are filled with NOPs (00h). So we can insert some code there because there are no actions performed. But that does not mean, that the program counter will never reach these areas!

Part 1

In the original code the sound is stopped (A=0), the story is shown and then the round counter at offset D104h is set to 1. We have to insert some code, but we have not enough space, so we make a CALL to a free space in the ROM.

ROM offset BUS offset Machine code ASM code Comment
0B51h 0B51h CD 94 4E CALL 4E94h Jump to our inserted part and then return.
0B54h 0B54h 00 NOP Do nothing.
0B55h 0B55h 00 NOP Do nothing.
0B56h 0B56h 00 NOP Do nothing.
0B57h 0B57h 00 NOP Do nothing.
0B58h 0B58h 00 NOP Do nothing.
0B59h 0B59h 00 NOP Do nothing.
0B5Ah 0B5Ah 00 NOP Do nothing.
0B5Bh 0B5Bh 00 NOP Do nothing.
0B5Ch 0B5Ch 00 NOP Do nothing.

Part 2

Now overwrite some hopefully unused NOPs for the insertion of the additional decision of the round counter. The round counter at offset D104h has the default value 0. If it is 0, initialize it with 1 and show the story screen. If it is not null, we go back and let the user play the game another time without story screen and without reset of the round counter.

ROM offset BUS offset Machine code ASM code Comment
8E92h 4E92h 18 0F JR 4EA3h Just to be sure, jump over our inserted part.
8E94h 4E94h FA 04 D1 LD A,(D104h) Load the round counter into the register.
8E97h 4E97h FE 00 CP 00h Compare the round counter to 0
8E99h 4E99h C0 RET NZ If a round was set, we return!
8E9Ah 4E9Ah CD ED 4E CALL 4eed Show the story screen only once at the beginning
8E9Dh 4E9Dh 3E 01 LD A,01h Load value 01
8E9Fh 4E9Fh EA 04 D1 LD (D104h),A Set it as round counter
8EA2h 4EA2h C9 RET Return to 0B54h

Part 3

Overwrite another hopefully unused NOPs for the story part only for the beginning.

ROM offset BUS offset Machine code ASM code Comment
8EEBh 4EEBh 18 09 JR 4EF6h Just to be sure, jump over our inserted part. I believe this is really necessary since there were no RET (C9h) before this NOP section.
8EEDh 4EEDh 3E 00 LD A,00h Equals our "XOR A" (A = A XOR A = 0) from the original code
8EEFh 4EEFh CD A4 2F CALL 2FA4h Change music (Silence because A=0)
8EF2h 4EF2h CD 16 05 CALL 0516h Show story screen
8EF5h 4EF5h C9 RET Return to 4E9Dh

Part 4

Now change the CRC checksum from C131h to C9DEh (English ROM) or F530h to FDDDh (Japanese ROM) with the hex editor as seen in the table above. If your original ROM has another checksum, then you have to change it as shown in your emulator tool. If you had the same original checksum as I had, but another checksum after the changes, then you did probably something wrong.
