TERRANIGMA ROM ANALYSIS ENGLISH TRANSCRIPTION TABLE (NOT FOR CREDITS SECTION!) DANIEL MARSCHALL 06 JAN 2013 -- incomplete! -------------------------- ROM ASCII -------------------------- 20 ( [SPACE] ) [SPACE] 21 ( ! ) A 22 ( " ) B 23 ( # ) C 24 ( $ ) D 25 ( % ) E 26 ( & ) F 27 ( ' ) G 28 ( ( ) H 29 ( ) ) I 2a ( * ) J 2b ( + ) K 2c ( , ) L 2d ( - ) M 2e ( . ) N 2f ( / ) O 30 ( 0 ) P 31 ( 1 ) Q 32 ( 2 ) R 33 ( 3 ) S 34 ( 4 ) T 35 ( 5 ) U 36 ( 6 ) V 37 ( 7 ) W 38 ( 8 ) X 39 ( 9 ) Y 3a ( : ) Z 41 ( A ) a 42 ( B ) b 43 ( C ) c 44 ( D ) d 45 ( E ) e 46 ( F ) f 47 ( G ) g 48 ( H ) h 49 ( I ) i 4a ( J ) j 4b ( K ) k 4c ( L ) l 4d ( M ) m 4e ( N ) n 4f ( O ) o 50 ( P ) p 51 ( Q ) q 52 ( R ) r 53 ( S ) s 54 ( T ) t 55 ( U ) u 56 ( V ) v 57 ( W ) w 58 ( X ) x 59 ( Y ) y 5a ( Z ) z 60 ( ` ) ? 63 ( c ) 0 64 ( d ) 1 65 ( e ) 2 66 ( f ) 3 67 ( g ) 4 68 ( h ) 5 69 ( i ) 6 6a ( j ) 7 6b ( k ) 8 6c ( l ) 9 6d ( m ) ! 6e ( n ) , 6f ( o ) : 76 ( v ) ' 79 ( y ) % 7b ( { ) + 7c ( | ) - 7f ( [DEL] ) . C9 44 ( ÉD ) Tab / right align (?) (Ma-Jo's letter) cf ( Ï ) [NEWLINE] D2 00 [Player's name] D3 [End dialog] D5 [Continue dialog] DC ( Ü ) End of color section ??? (Bird) D6 ( Ö ) End of chapter ??? (Beruga's computer) e5 xx e5 00 "...But " e5 01 "America " e5 02 "Actraiser " e5 03 "Airfield " e5 04 "Apartment " e5 05 "Beruga " e5 06 "Before " e5 07 "Because " e5 08 "Beruga's " e5 09 "Castle " e5 0a "Crystal " e5 0b "Columbus " e5 0c "Choose " e5 0d "Chapter " e5 0e "Dragoon " e5 0f "Everything " e5 10 "Elle's " e5 11 "Everyone " e5 12 "Elder's " e5 13 "Effective " e5 14 "Freedom " e5 15 "Humans " e5 16 "However " e5 17 "However, " e5 18 "Here's " e5 19 "Hehehe. " e5 1a "Kumari " e5 1b "King's " e5 1c "Listen " e5 1d "Meilin's " e5 1e "Meihou " e5 1f "Magirock " e5 20 "Mermaid " e5 21 "Meilin " e5 22 "Miracle " e5 23 "Meilin. " e5 24 "Nirlake " e5 25 "Norfest " e5 26 "Nothing " e5 27 "Neotokio " e5 28 "Please " e5 29 "Princess " e5 2a "People " e5 2b "Protect " e5 2c "Please, " e5 2d "Princess's " e5 2e "Pretty " e5 2f "Princess, " e5 30 "Perhaps " e5 31 "Quintet " e5 32 "Rainfall " e5 33 "Remaining " e5 34 "Resurrection " e5 35 "Rococo " e5 36 "Something " e5 37 "Select " e5 38 "Someone " e5 39 "Storkolm " e5 3a "Somebody " e5 3b "Snowgrass " e5 3c "Strength " e5 3d "Something's " e5 3e "Sounds " e5 3f "Starstones " e5 40 "That's " e5 41 "There's " e5 42 "They're " e5 43 "Thanks " e5 44 "Tinned " e5 45 "What's " e5 46 "Welcome " e5 47 "Where's " e5 48 "Whatever " e5 49 "Without " e5 4a "You're " e5 4b "You've " e5 4c "You'll " e5 4d "appears " e5 4e "always " e5 4f "anything " e5 50 "another " e5 51 "appear " e5 52 "around " e5 53 "animals " e5 54 "anyone " e5 55 "aren't " e5 56 "ability " e5 57 "allowed " e5 58 "airplane " e5 59 "appeared " e5 5a "already " e5 5b "against " e5 5c "apologize " e5 5d "anything, " e5 5e "become " e5 5f "because " e5 60 "better " e5 61 "beautiful " e5 62 "business " e5 63 "before " e5 64 "became " e5 65 "behind " e5 66 "believe " e5 67 "balance " e5 68 "brought " e5 69 "brother " e5 6a "cannot " e5 6b "called " e5 6c "crystal " e5 6d "coming " e5 6e "clothes " e5 6f "change " e5 70 "counting " e5 71 "course " e5 72 "courage " e5 73 "challenge " e5 74 "certain " e5 75 "chicken " e5 76 "canyon " e5 77 "caught " e5 78 "controlled " e5 79 "correct " e5 7a "claimed " e5 7b "countless " e5 7c "didn't " e5 7d "doesn't " e5 7e "discovered " e5 7f "destroyed " e5 80 "distant " e5 81 "direction " e5 82 "everyone " e5 83 "enough " e5 84 "everything " e5 85 "exactly " e5 86 "escaped " e5 87 "effective " e5 88 "friend " e5 89 "flying " e5 8a "future " e5 8b "finally " e5 8c "finished " e5 8d "forest " e5 8e "forget " e5 8f "follow " e5 90 "feeling " e5 91 "furniture " e5 92 "friend, " e5 93 "growth " e5 94 "golden " e5 95 "getting " e5 96 "guards " e5 97 "happened " e5 98 "humans " e5 99 "haven't " e5 9a "holding " e5 9b "husband " e5 9c "happen " e5 9d "hasn't " e5 9e "internal " e5 9f "intend " e5 a0 "inside " e5 a1 "important " e5 a2 "information " e5 a3 "identical " e5 a4 "killed " e5 a5 "living " e5 a6 "looking " e5 a7 "little " e5 a8 "longer " e5 a9 "looked " e5 aa "leaving " e5 ab "locked " e5 ac "machine " e5 ad "monsters " e5 ae "making " e5 af "nothing " e5 b0 "opened " e5 b1 "opposite " e5 b2 "outside " e5 b3 "people " e5 b4 "please " e5 b5 "protect " e5 b6 "person " e5 b7 "perfect " e5 b8 "paradise " e5 b9 "progress " e5 ba "protected " e5 bb "promise " e5 bc "portrait " e5 bd "properly " e5 be "plants " e5 bf "places " e5 c0 "playing " e5 c1 "really " e5 c2 "return " e5 c3 "remember " e5 c4 "right? " e5 c5 "record " e5 c6 "returned " e5 c7 "rebirth " e5 c8 "resurrection " e5 c9 "restored " e5 ca "reflected " e5 cb "should " e5 cc "something " e5 cd "someone " e5 ce "supposed " e5 cf "surface " e5 d0 "special " e5 d1 "strange " e5 d2 "seeing " e5 d3 "started " e5 d4 "strength " e5 d5 "saving " e5 d6 "second " e5 d7 "saying " e5 d8 "somewhere " e5 d9 "shouldn't " e5 da "seeking " e5 db "suddenly " e5 dc "starting " e5 dd "sorry. " e5 de "summon " e5 df "somewhere, " e5 e0 "support " e5 e1 "sailing " e5 e2 "thought " e5 e3 "that's " e5 e4 "things " e5 e5 "treasure " e5 e6 "through " e5 e7 "travel " e5 e8 "there's " e5 e9 "talking " e5 ea "thinking " e5 eb "trying " e5 ec "traveled " e5 ed "taking " e5 ee "turned " e5 ef "totally " e5 f0 "traveling " e5 f1 "understand " e5 f2 "village " e5 f3 "villagers " e5 f4 "visitors " e5 f5 "wonder " e5 f6 "without " e5 f7 "wanted " e5 f8 "worried " e5 f9 "world's " e5 fa "whenever " e5 fb "weapon " e5 fc "worked " e5 fd "you're " e5 fe "yourself " e5 ff "xxxxxxx" e5 xx e6 00 "...I'm " e6 01 "...That's " e6 02 "Attack " e6 03 "Anyone " e6 04 "Airplane " e6 05 "Aiyeah. " e6 06 "Australia " e6 07 "Absorbed " e6 08 "Beruga, " e6 09 "Bwahahaha! " e6 0a "Battle " e6 0b "Changes " e6 0c "Castle. " e6 0d "Change " e6 0e "Crysta " e6 0f "Columbus, " e6 10 "Critical " e6 11 "Dragon " e6 12 "Emilio " e6 13 "Engagement " e6 14 "Follow " e6 15 "Feeling " e6 16 "Gramma " e6 17 "Greenland " e6 18 "Guardner " e6 19 "Hello! " e6 1a "Hahaha. " e6 1b "Hurry, " e6 1c "Humph. " e6 1d "Hello, " e6 1e "Hello. " e6 1f "Highness, " e6 20 "Illusion " e6 21 "Inquire " e6 22 "Instantly " e6 23 "Increases " e6 24 "Kidsgart " e6 25 "Kingbirds " e6 26 "Kidsgart, " e6 27 "Loire's " e6 28 "Living " e6 29 "Louran " e6 2a "Lightside " e6 2b "Mystic " e6 2c "Nirlake's " e6 2d "Number " e6 2e "Noodle " e6 2f "Nobody " e6 30 "Outside, " e6 31 "Poison " e6 32 "Plants " e6 33 "Pardon " e6 34 "Pandora's " e6 35 "Professor " e6 36 "Prototype " e6 37 "Princess. " e6 38 "Protects " e6 39 "Quality " e6 3a "Raises " e6 3b "Restores " e6 3c "Really " e6 3d "Sorry. " e6 3e "Sorry, " e6 3f "Stardew " e6 40 "Sylvain " e6 41 "Stained " e6 42 "Silver " e6 43 "Starstone " e6 44 "Snivel... " e6 45 "Time's " e6 46 "Thunder " e6 47 "Thanks, " e6 48 "Tragically, " e6 49 "Wh-what " e6 4a "Weapons " e6 4b "Weapon " e6 4c "Zombie " e6 4d "animal " e6 4e "announce " e6 4f "awaited " e6 50 "appearance " e6 51 "appreciate " e6 52 "afraid " e6 53 "across " e6 54 "alone. " e6 55 "appeal " e6 56 "advantage " e6 57 "attendant " e6 58 "awakening " e6 59 "abandoned " e6 5a "becoming " e6 5b "before. " e6 5c "beautiful, " e6 5d "barren " e6 5e "beside " e6 5f "brings " e6 60 "beasts " e6 61 "buying " e6 62 "bridge " e6 63 "continent " e6 64 "create " e6 65 "castle " e6 66 "carnival " e6 67 "changed " e6 68 "control " e6 69 "created " e6 6a "continent, " e6 6b "continents " e6 6c "crying " e6 6d "chance " e6 6e "candidacy " e6 6f "critical " e6 70 "difficult " e6 71 "daughter " e6 72 "decided " e6 73 "disappeared " e6 74 "development " e6 75 "decreed " e6 76 "delicious, " e6 77 "delicious. " e6 78 "dragon " e6 79 "doing? " e6 7a "desert " e6 7b "drinks " e6 7c "different " e6 7d "disappear " e6 7e "disturbed " e6 7f "dedicated " e6 80 "delicious " e6 81 "darkness " e6 82 "extremely " e6 83 "explorer " e6 84 "external " e6 85 "echoed " e6 86 "escape " e6 87 "except " e6 88 "expensive " e6 89 "fantastic " e6 8a "friends " e6 8b "filled " e6 8c "family " e6 8d "fiends " e6 8e "forgot " e6 8f "freely " e6 90 "fought " e6 91 "goblet " e6 92 "granddad! " e6 93 "having " e6 94 "healing " e6 95 "helping " e6 96 "helped " e6 97 "happened? " e6 98 "happiness " e6 99 "impressive " e6 9a "island " e6 9b "impressed " e6 9c "letter " e6 9d "lonely " e6 9e "learned " e6 9f "leader, " e6 a0 "letters " e6 a1 "listen " e6 a2 "mermaids " e6 a3 "medicine " e6 a4 "meeting " e6 a5 "memory " e6 a6 "missed " e6 a7 "matter " e6 a8 "money. " e6 a9 "medicinal " e6 aa "miserable " e6 ab "migrators " e6 ac "nobody " e6 ad "navigation " e6 ae "night. " e6 af "ordered " e6 b0 "others " e6 b1 "possible " e6 b2 "peaceful " e6 b3 "presence " e6 b4 "probably " e6 b5 "people. " e6 b6 "problem " e6 b7 "penguin " e6 b8 "popular " e6 b9 "priest " e6 ba "points " e6 bb "plenty " e6 bc "pretty " e6 bd "pointless " e6 be "possessed " e6 bf "reborn, " e6 c0 "require " e6 c1 "revolve " e6 c2 "reading " e6 c3 "rebuild " e6 c4 "remarkably " e6 c5 "revive " e6 c6 "right. " e6 c7 "reward " e6 c8 "rather " e6 c9 "reception " e6 ca "returning " e6 cb "strength, " e6 cc "speech " e6 cd "switch " e6 ce "single " e6 cf "soothing " e6 d0 "shutters " e6 d1 "seconds " e6 d2 "smorgasbord " e6 d3 "supposedly " e6 d4 "search " e6 d5 "sewers " e6 d6 "spring " e6 d7 "spoken " e6 d8 "shield " e6 d9 "sorry, " e6 da "scored " e6 db "stored " e6 dc "surprised " e6 dd "surprise! " e6 de "suffering " e6 df "starfish " e6 e0 "there, " e6 e1 "there? " e6 e2 "there. " e6 e3 "together " e6 e4 "training " e6 e5 "terrible " e6 e6 "telling " e6 e7 "things, " e6 e8 "they're " e6 e9 "thing's " e6 ea "terminated " e6 eb "thanks " e6 ec "today, " e6 ed "time's " e6 ee "town's " e6 ef "treatment " e6 f0 "unleashing " e6 f1 "voting " e6 f2 "wonderful " e6 f3 "waited " e6 f4 "whatever " e6 f5 "waiting " e6 f6 "working " e6 f7 "written " e6 f8 "world, " e6 f9 "wander " e6 fa "wishes " e6 fb "wasn't " e6 fc "whispered " e6 fd "witnessed " e6 fe "you'll " e6 ff "xxxxxx"