Proof 1: Proof that the only "godwall" is in the Cruelty Squad Headquarters =========================================================================== 1. Disassemble Cruelty Squad using the tool 2. In folder "Scripts" search for the string "640". You will only find the script "" as well as an entry in "" (the NPC in Archon Grid talking). The script contains the code: if Global.resolution[0] == 640 or Global.implants.head_implant.holy: queue_free() which means: If the resolution is 640 or the Holy Scope implant is equiped, the wall will be removed (freed from memory). Now the next question is: Where is the godwall used in the game? 3. Search for the string "godwall" in the complete project. There will be the following search results: addons\qodot\game-definitions\fgd\qodot_fgd.tres(96): [ext_resource path="res://Maps/entities/godwall.tres" type="Resource" id=94] Levels\Training_Level.tscn: [ext_resource path="res://Scripts/" type="Script" id=80] ... [node name="entity_49_Godwall" type="StaticBody" parent="QodotMap"] transform = Transform( 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, -14.25, 23.75, 55.25 ) script = ExtResource( 80 ) [node name="entity_49_mesh_instance" type="MeshInstance" parent="QodotMap/entity_49_Godwall"] mesh = SubResource( 1512 ) material/0 = null [node name="entity_49_brush_0_collision_shape" type="CollisionShape" parent="QodotMap/entity_49_Godwall"] shape = SubResource( 1513 ) D:\Cruelty Squad RevEng\Maps\entities\godwall.tres: [gd_resource type="Resource" load_steps=3 format=2] [ext_resource path="res://addons/qodot/src/resources/game-definitions/fgd/" type="Script" id=1] [ext_resource path="res://Scripts/" type="Script" id=2] [resource] script = ExtResource( 1 ) class_options = "----------------------------------------------------------------" classname = "Godwall" description = "" qodot_internal = false base_classes = [ ] class_properties = { } class_property_descriptions = { } meta_properties = { "color": Color( 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 1 ), "size": AABB( -8, -8, -8, 8, 8, 8 ) } node_options = "----------------------------------------------------------------" node_class = "StaticBody" transient_node = false spawn = "----------------------------------------------------------------" spawn_type = 2 visual_build = "----------------------------------------------------------------" build_visuals = true collision_build = "----------------------------------------------------------------" collision_shape_type = 1 scripting = "----------------------------------------------------------------" script_class = ExtResource( 2 ) This proves that the Training Level (i.e. Headquarters) is the only level that features a wall that unlocks with 640x480, and that only one god wall exists (since there is only one entity, and it has the coordinates -14.25, 23.75, 55.25). Proof 2: Proof that the godwall penetrability is the only use of the Holy Scope =============================================================================== Has the Global.implants.head_implant.holy any other use? Search in Scripts\*.gd for Global.implants.head_implant.holy : It will only find these: Scripts\ if Global.resolution[0] == 640 or Global.implants.head_implant.holy: queue_free() ==> Usage as described in proof #1 Scripts\ if GLOBAL.implants.head_implant.holy: shader_screen.material.set_shader_param("holy_mode", true) ... if GLOBAL.implants.head_implant.holy: shader_screen.material.set_shader_param("holy_mode", special_vision) ==> This is only for the visual effects