Attention: This page only addresses Filter Factory 3.0.4 for Photoshop/Win32.
Offset in 3.0.4: 5DB8h - 5ED7h
Length: 11Eh
Note: Things like vendorID are of type
which is a value of type "long" (int32). Due to its endianess, the
assigned "string" is written in reverse order. For example, "dnik" is actually
Offset | Size | Description |
0000h | 2 | ???: 01 00 |
0002h | 4 | version: 00 00 00 00 |
0006h | 4 | count: number of the following attribute sections (= 9) |
000Ah | 4 | vendorID: 8BIM (MIB8) = Adobe Photoshop |
000Eh | 4 | propertyKey: kind (dnik) = PIKindProperty |
0012h | 4 | propertyID: 0 |
0016h | 4 | propertyLength: 4 |
001Ah | 4 | 8BFM (MFB8) = Filter Module (8BF file) |
001Eh | 4 | vendorID: 8BIM (MIB8) = Adobe Photoshop |
0022h | 4 | propertyKey: name (eman) = PINameProperty |
0026h | 4 | propertyID: 0 |
002Ah | 4 | propertyLength: 36 |
002Eh | 1 | actual size of the following variable string (=17) |
002Fh | 35 | Filter Factory...\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0 |
0052h | 4 | vendorID: 8BIM (MIB8) = Adobe Photoshop |
0056h | 4 | propertyKey: catg (gtac) = PICategoryProperty |
005Ah | 4 | propertyID: 0 |
005Eh | 4 | propertyLength: 36 |
0062h | 1 | actual size of the following variable string (=9) |
0063h | 35 | Synthetic\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0 |
0086h | 4 | vendorID: 8BIM (MIB8) = Adobe Photoshop |
008Ah | 4 | propertyKey: vers (srev) = PIVersionProperty |
008Eh | 4 | propertyID: 0 |
0092h | 4 | propertyLength: 4 |
0096h | 2 | Minor version number of used plug-in interface: 00 00 = 0 |
0098h | 2 | Major version number of used plug-in interface: 04 00 = 4 |
= Interface version 4.0 | ||
009Ah | 4 | vendorID: 8BIM (MIB8) = Adobe Photoshop |
009Eh | 4 | propertyKey: prty (ytrp) = PIPriorityProperty |
00A2h | 4 | propertyID: 0 |
00A6h | 4 | propertyLength: 4 |
00AAh | 4 | 00 00 00 00 |
00AEh | 4 | vendorID: 8BIM (MIB8) = Adobe Photoshop |
00B2h | 4 | propertyKey: mode (edom) = PIImageModesProperty |
00B6h | 4 | propertyID: 0 |
00BAh | 4 | propertyLength: 4 |
00BEh | 4 | 10 00 00 00 =
00010000000000000000000000000000 = plugInModeRGBColor |
00C2h | 4 | vendorID: 8BIM (MIB8) = Adobe Photoshop |
00C6h | 4 | propertyKey: host (tsoh) = PIRequiredHostProperty |
00CAh | 4 | propertyID: 0 |
00CEh | 4 | propertyLength: 4 |
00D2h | 4 | 8BIM (MIB8) = Adobe Photoshop |
00D6h | 4 | vendorID: 8BIM (MIB8) = Adobe Photoshop |
00DAh | 4 | propertyKey: wx86 (68xw) = PIWin32X86CodeProperty |
00DEh | 4 | propertyID: 0 |
00E2h | 4 | propertyLength: 12 |
00E6h | 12 | ENTRYPOINT1\0 This is the entrypoint (exported symbol) for Win32 with x86 processors. |
00F2h | 4 | vendorID: 8BIM (MIB8) = Adobe Photoshop |
00F6h | 4 | propertyKey: fici (icif) = PIFilterCaseInfoProperty |
00FAh | 4 | propertyID: 0 |
00FEh | 4 | propertyLength: 28 |
0102h | 4 | Filter Case 1: filterCaseFlatImageNoSelection [A background layer or a flat image] |
inputHandling [Preprocessing actions on the image data] = 01h
(filterDataHandlingNone) outputHandling [Postprocessing actions on the image data] = 01h (filterDataHandlingNone) flags1 [Flags for how the filter case information should be treated] = 00h PIFilterDontCopyToDestinationBit = false PIFilterWorksWithBlankDataBit = false PIFilterFiltersLayerMaskBit = false PIFilterWritesOutsideSelectionBit = false flags2 [Reserved] = 00h |
0106h | 4 | Filter Case 2: filterCaseFlatImageWithSelection [No transparency data, but a selection may be present] |
inputHandling [Preprocessing actions on the image data] = 01h
(filterDataHandlingNone) outputHandling [Postprocessing actions on the image data] = 01h (filterDataHandlingNone) flags1 [Flags for how the filter case information should be treated] = 00h PIFilterDontCopyToDestinationBit = false PIFilterWorksWithBlankDataBit = false PIFilterFiltersLayerMaskBit = false PIFilterWritesOutsideSelectionBit = false flags2 [Reserved] = 00h |
010Ah | 4 | Filter Case 3: filterCaseFloatingSelection [Image data with an accompanying mask] |
inputHandling [Preprocessing actions on the image data] = 0Ah (filterDataHandlingBackgroundZap) outputHandling [Postprocessing actions on the image data] = 01h (filterDataHandlingNone) flags1 [Flags for how the filter case information should be treated] = 00h PIFilterDontCopyToDestinationBit = false PIFilterWorksWithBlankDataBit = false PIFilterFiltersLayerMaskBit = false PIFilterWritesOutsideSelectionBit = false flags2 [Reserved] = 00h |
010Eh | 4 | Filter Case 4: filterCaseEditableTransparencyNoSelection [Layer with transparency editing enabled and no selection] |
inputHandling [Preprocessing actions on the image data] = 0Ah (filterDataHandlingBackgroundZap) outputHandling [Postprocessing actions on the image data] = 01h (filterDataHandlingNone) flags1 [Flags for how the filter case information should be treated] = 02h PIFilterDontCopyToDestinationBit = false PIFilterWorksWithBlankDataBit = true PIFilterFiltersLayerMaskBit = false PIFilterWritesOutsideSelectionBit = false flags2 [Reserved] = 00h |
0112h | 4 | Filter Case 5: filterCaseEditableTransparencyWithSelection [Layer with transparency editing enabled and a selection] |
inputHandling [Preprocessing actions on the image data] = 0Ah (filterDataHandlingBackgroundZap) outputHandling [Postprocessing actions on the image data] = 01h (filterDataHandlingNone) flags1 [Flags for how the filter case information should be treated] = 02h PIFilterDontCopyToDestinationBit = false PIFilterWorksWithBlankDataBit = true PIFilterFiltersLayerMaskBit = false PIFilterWritesOutsideSelectionBit = false flags2 [Reserved] = 00h |
0116h | 4 | Filter Case 6: filterCaseProtectedTransparencyNoSelection [Layer with transparency editing disabled and no selection] |
inputHandling [Preprocessing actions on the image data] = 00h
(filterDataHandlingCantFilter) outputHandling [Postprocessing actions on the image data] = 00h (filterDataHandlingCantFilter) flags1 [Flags for how the filter case information should be treated] = 00h PIFilterDontCopyToDestinationBit = false PIFilterWorksWithBlankDataBit = false PIFilterFiltersLayerMaskBit = false PIFilterWritesOutsideSelectionBit = false flags2 [Reserved] = 00h |
011Ah | 4 | Filter Case 7: filterCaseProtectedTransparencyWithSelection [Layer with transparency editing disabled and a selection] |
inputHandling [Preprocessing actions on the image data] = 00h
(filterDataHandlingCantFilter) outputHandling [Postprocessing actions on the image data] = 00h (filterDataHandlingCantFilter) flags1 [Flags for how the filter case information should be treated] = 00h PIFilterDontCopyToDestinationBit = false PIFilterWorksWithBlankDataBit = false PIFilterFiltersLayerMaskBit = false PIFilterWritesOutsideSelectionBit = false flags2 [Reserved] = 00h |