ViaThinkSoft Photoshop Filters

by Daniel Marschall

These filters were created using the tool Filter Foundry.

How to install?

Extract the 8BF files to
C:\Program Files\Adobe\Photoshop XXX\Plug-Ins\Filters\ (for 64-bit) or
C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Photoshop XXX\Plug-Ins\Filters\ (for 32-bit)

Many other programs like like IrfanView, JASC PaintShop Pro, GIMP, or Paint.NET support 8BF filters.

Color changing filters

(True) Greyscale

Converts a picture into greyscale, by using the perceived brightness rather than the actual brightness, i.e. blue is perceived darker than green.

Filter Factory / Filter Foundry code:

R = i
G = i
B = i
A = a

Download for 32-bit Photoshop | Download for 64-bit Photoshop | Download source code: AFS

Colorize Gradient

Can be used to colorize a greyscale picture by colorizing dark areas with color A and light areas with color B.

Note: This can also be done using the built-in Photoshop function "Image > Adjustments > Gradient Map".

Filter Factory / Filter Foundry code:

R = (ctl(4)*i/R + ctl(0)*(255-i)/R)
G = (ctl(5)*i/G + ctl(1)*(255-i)/G)
B = (ctl(6)*i/B + ctl(2)*(255-i)/B)
A = a

Download for 32-bit Photoshop | Download for 64-bit Photoshop | Download source code: AFS

Change Color

Changes a color (SrcR,SrcG,SrcB) and changes it into another color (DstR,DstG,DstB). If mathematically possible, gradients will be changed, too. (Note: Something like a Cyan-Red-Gradient will never work, because the middle will generate gray, which matches neither redness nor cyanness). The formulas base on Daniel Marschall's 8-color-theory which assums that every color has a redness, yellowness, greenness, cyanness, blueness, magentaness, whiteness, and blackness.

Please note that this filter will NOT work with the original Filter Factory 3.0.x because of the ASM size limit. It works with the inofficial patch 3.1.x, though.

Filter Factory / Filter Foundry code:

R = r+ctl(4)*put((max(0,ctl(0)-max(ctl(1),ctl(2)))*max(0,r-max(g,b)
G = g+ctl(5)*get(0)/C-max(0,min(ctl(0),ctl(1))-ctl(2))*max(0,min(r,
B = b+ctl(6)*get(0)/C-max(0,min(ctl(2),ctl(1))-ctl(0))*max(0,min(b,
A = a

Download for 32-bit Photoshop | Download for 64-bit Photoshop | Download source code: AFS, PHP


This plugin divides a picture into two colors, based on the luminosity of the pixels. It can be useful if you have a JPEG icon you want to convert to a GIF/PNG file with correct colors.

Filter Factory / Filter Foundry code:

R = i < ctl(0) ? ctl(1) : ctl(4)
G = i < ctl(0) ? ctl(2) : ctl(5)
B = i < ctl(0) ? ctl(3) : ctl(6)
A = i < ctl(0) ? a : a-ctl(7)

Download for 32-bit Photoshop | Download for 64-bit Photoshop | Download source code: AFS

Transparency changing filters

Set transparency

Lets you explicitly choose the alpha channel value. Can be used to make transparent areas opaque again. Note that the layer must not be transparency-locked.

Filter Factory / Filter Foundry code:

R = r
G = g
B = b
A = a <= ctl(2) ? A-ctl(0) : 255

Download for 32-bit Photoshop | Download for 64-bit Photoshop | Download source code: AFS

White to Transparent

Converts whiteness into transparency and keeps existing transparency. Note that the layer must not be transparency-locked.

New version as of 18 November 2022: Resulting image is now fully reversible, i.e. if you place it on top of a white canvas, you get the original image again.

Filter Factory / Filter Foundry code:

R = C-((C-c)*C/max(R-r,max(G-g,B-b)))
G = C-((C-c)*C/max(R-r,max(G-g,B-b)))
B = C-((C-c)*C/max(R-r,max(G-g,B-b)))
A = max(R-r,max(G-g,B-b))*c/C

Download for 32-bit Photoshop | Download for 64-bit Photoshop | Download source code: AFS

Black to Transparent

Converts blackness into transparency and keeps existing transparency. Note that the layer must not be transparency-locked.

New version as of 18 November 2022: Resulting image is now fully reversible, i.e. if you place it on top of a black canvas, you get the original image again.

Filter Factory / Filter Foundry code:

R = c*C/max(r,max(g,b))
G = c*C/max(r,max(g,b))
B = c*C/max(r,max(g,b))
A = max(r,max(g,b))*c/C

Download for 32-bit Photoshop | Download for 64-bit Photoshop | Download source code: AFS

Prisma graphic by Suidroot, modified (black background), licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

Make Color Transparent (8-Color)

This filter let you make one or more colors in the 8-color-scheme transparent. If mathematically possible, gradients will be changed, too. Note that the layer must not be transparency-locked.

Filter Factory / Filter Foundry code:

R = r
G = g
B = b
A = C-(max(0,ctl(0)*(r-max(g,b)))+max(0,ctl(1)*(min(r,g)-b))+max(0,

Download for 32-bit Photoshop | Download for 64-bit Photoshop | Download source code: AFS, PHP

Make Color Transparent (RGB)

This filter let you make a single color using the transparent by converting RGB to 8-color. If mathematically possible, gradients will be changed, too. Note that the layer must not be transparency-locked.

Filter Factory / Filter Foundry code:

R = r
G = g
B = b
A = C-(max(0,(ctl(0)-max(ctl(1),ctl(2))))*(r-max(g,b))+max(0,(min(c

Download for 32-bit Photoshop | Download for 64-bit Photoshop | Download source code: AFS, PHP

Feedback? Problems? Then please contact me!