#!/usr/bin/php 0 = ".(ONLY_IM ? 'Yes' : 'No')."\n"; echo "\n"; } if (file_exists(SAV_FILE_EXT)) { list ($x, $found_x_maxx, $expected_y_size) = unserialize(file_get_contents(SAV_FILE_EXT)); if (count($found_y) != $expected_y_size) { $x = 0; $found_x_maxx = array(); } } else { $x = 0; $found_x_maxx = array(); } while (true) { $something_found = false; if ($x%1000 == 0) echo "Round: $x \r"; foreach ($found_y as $y) { if (_go($x, $x, $y, null, 'A')) $something_found = true; } foreach ($found_x as $x_suffix) { if (!isset($found_x_maxx[$x_suffix]) || ($found_x_maxx[$x_suffix] < $x)) { for ($zeros=0; $zeros $strlen) return false; return substr_compare($string, $test, $strlen - $testlen, $testlen) === 0; } function _go($round, $x, $y, $new_y=null, $info='') { if ($y%2 == 1) return; // y must be even because "2xy === y" // For Base 10 power 2, X can only end with 3 or 8 // 2*x*y == y // 2*3*2 == 12 == 2 // 2*3*4 == 24 == 4 // 2*3*6 == 36 == 6 // 2*3*8 == 48 == 8 // 2*8*2 == 32 == 2 // 2*8*4 == 64 == 4 // 2*8*6 == 96 == 6 // 2*8*8 == 128 == 8 if (ONLY_IM) { $last_digit = substr($x,-1); if (($last_digit != '3') && ($last_digit != '8')) return; } $x = ltrim($x, "0"); $y = ltrim($y, "0"); global $checked; $search_key = $x.'/'.$y; if (is_null(CHECKED_LOOKUP_SIZELIMIT) || (strlen($search_key) <= CHECKED_LOOKUP_SIZELIMIT)) { if (CHECKED_LOOKUP_READ && isset($checked[$search_key])) return false; if (CHECKED_LOOKUP_WRITE) $checked[$search_key] = 1; } # echo "Round $round, Checking: (".$x." + ".$y."i)^2 \r"; // Power 2: // (x+yi)^2 = x^2 + 2xyi - y^2 = (x^2-y^2 + 2xyi) // Therefore: // (x+yi) is immortal if // (x^2-y^2)^2 === x^2-y^2 mod 2^... // (2xy)^2 === 2xy mod 2^... if (is_null($new_y)) { $new_y = bcmul(bcmul($x,$y),2); #if ($new_y[0] == '-') $new_y = substr($new_y, 1); } if (($new_y == 0) && (ONLY_IM)) return false; if (!endswith($new_y,$y)) return false; $new_x = bcsub(bcmul($x,$x),bcmul($y,$y)); #if ($new_x[0] == '-') $new_x = substr($new_x, 1); if (!endswith($new_x,$x)) return false; # echo "Round $round, Candidate: (".$x." + ".$y."i)^2 \r"; global $found; if (isset($found[$x.'/'.$y])) return false; $found[$x.'/'.$y] = 1; global $found_x; if (/* ($new_x != 0) && */(!in_array($x,$found_x))) $found_x[] = $x; global $found_y; if (/* ($new_y != 0) && */(!in_array($y,$found_y))) $found_y[] = $y; file_put_contents(SAV_FILE, serialize(array($found_x,$found_y,CHECKED_LOOKUP_SAVE ? $checked : array(),$found))); global $found_x_maxx; file_put_contents(SAV_FILE_EXT, serialize(array($round, $found_x_maxx, count($found_y)))); $line = ''; $dist = round(sqrt($x*$x + $y*$y)); if (SHOW_DIST) $line .= "[".str_pad($dist,FIX_PAD,'0',STR_PAD_LEFT)."] "; $line .= "IMMORTAL($info): (".str_pad($x,FIX_PAD,' ',STR_PAD_LEFT)." + ".str_pad($y,FIX_PAD,' ',STR_PAD_LEFT)."i) ^ 2"; if (SHOW_RESULT) $line .= " = (".$new_x." + ".$new_y."i)"; $line .= "\n"; file_put_contents(OUT_FILE, $line, FILE_APPEND); echo "\r$line"; return true; }