define('OID_DOT_FORBIDDEN', 0);
define('OID_DOT_OPTIONAL', 1);
define('OID_DOT_REQUIRED', 2);
* Checks if an OID has a valid dot notation.
* @author Daniel Marschall, ViaThinkSoft
* @version 2014-12-09
* @param string $oid
* An OID in dot notation.
* @param boolean $allow_leading_zeroes
* true of leading zeroes are allowed or not.
* @param boolean $allow_leading_dot
* true of leading dots are allowed or not.
* @return boolean true if the dot notation is valid.
function oid_valid_dotnotation($oid, $allow_leading_zeroes=true, $allow_leading_dot=false, $min_len=0) {
$regex = oid_validation_regex($allow_leading_zeroes, $allow_leading_dot, $min_len);
$m = array();
return preg_match($regex, $oid, $m) ? true : false;
* Returns a full regular expression to validate an OID in dot-notation
* @author Daniel Marschall, ViaThinkSoft
* @version 2014-12-09
* @param boolean $allow_leading_zeroes
* true of leading zeroes are allowed or not.
* @param boolean $allow_leading_dot
* true of leading dots are allowed or not.
* @return string The regular expression
function oid_validation_regex($allow_leading_zeroes=true, $allow_leading_dot=false, $min_len=0) {
$leading_dot_policy = $allow_leading_dot ? OID_DOT_OPTIONAL : OID_DOT_FORBIDDEN;
$part_regex = oid_part_regex($min_len, $allow_leading_zeroes, $leading_dot_policy);
return '@^'.$part_regex.'$@';
* Returns a partial regular expression which matches valid OIDs in dot notation.
* It can be inserted into regular expressions.
* @author Daniel Marschall, ViaThinkSoft
* @version 2014-12-09
* @param int $min_len
* 0="." and greater will be recognized, but not ""
* 1=".2" and greater will be recognized
* 2=".2.999" and greater will be recognized (default)
* etc.
* @param boolean $allow_leading_zeroes
* true: ".2.0999" will be recognized
* false: ".2.0999" won't be recognized (default)
* @param int $leading_dot_policy
* 0 (OID_DOT_FORBIDDEN): forbidden
* 1 (OID_DOT_OPTIONAL) : optional (default)
* 2 (OID_DOT_REQUIRED) : enforced
* @return string|false A regular expression which matches OIDs in dot notation
function oid_part_regex($min_len=2, $allow_leading_zeroes=false, $leading_dot_policy=OID_DOT_OPTIONAL) {
switch ($leading_dot_policy) {
case 0: // forbidden
$lead_dot = '';
case 1: // optional
$lead_dot = '\\.{0,1}';
case 2: // enforced
$lead_dot = '\\.';
return false;
$lead_zero = $allow_leading_zeroes ? '0*' : '';
$zero_till_thirtynine = '(([0-9])|([1-3][0-9]))'; // second arc is limited to 0..39 if root arc is 0..1
$singledot_option = ($min_len == 0) && ($leading_dot_policy != OID_DOT_FORBIDDEN) ? '|\\.' : '';
$only_root_option = ($min_len <= 1) ? '|('.$lead_dot.$lead_zero.'[0-2])' : '';
$regex = '
(\\.'.$lead_zero.'(0|[1-9][0-9]*)){'.max(0, $min_len-2).',}
(\\.'.$lead_zero.'(0|[1-9][0-9]*)){'.max(0, $min_len-1).',}
// Remove the indentations which are used to maintain this large regular expression in a human friendly way
$regex = str_replace("\n", '', $regex);
$regex = str_replace("\r", '', $regex);
$regex = str_replace("\t", '', $regex);
$regex = str_replace(' ', '', $regex);
return $regex;
* Searches all OIDs in $text and outputs them as array.
* @author Daniel Marschall, ViaThinkSoft
* @version 2014-12-09
* @param string $text
* The text to be parsed
* @param int $min_len
* 0="." and greater will be recognized, but not ""
* 1=".2" and greater will be recognized
* 2=".2.999" and greater will be recognized (default)
* etc.
* @param boolean $allow_leading_zeroes
* true: ".2.0999" will be recognized
* false: ".2.0999" won't be recognized (default)
* @param int $leading_dot_policy
* 0 (OID_DOT_FORBIDDEN): forbidden
* 1 (OID_DOT_OPTIONAL) : optional (default)
* 2 (OID_DOT_REQUIRED) : enforced
* @param boolean $requires_whitespace_delimiters
* true: "2.999" will be recognized, as well as " 2.999 " (default)
* false: "2.999!" will be reconigzed, as well as "2.999.c" (this might be used in in documentations with templates)
* @return string[] An array of OIDs in dot notation
function parse_oids($text, $min_len=2, $allow_leading_zeroes=false, $leading_dot_policy=OID_DOT_OPTIONAL, $requires_whitespace_delimiters=true) {
$regex = oid_detection_regex($min_len, $allow_leading_zeroes, $leading_dot_policy, $requires_whitespace_delimiters);
$matches = array();
preg_match_all($regex, $text, $matches);
return $matches[1];
* Returns a full regular expression for detecting OIDs in dot notation inside a text.
* @author Daniel Marschall, ViaThinkSoft
* @version 2014-12-09
* @param int $min_len
* 0="." and greater will be recognized, but not ""
* 1=".2" and greater will be recognized
* 2=".2.999" and greater will be recognized (default)
* etc.
* @param boolean $allow_leading_zeroes
* true: ".2.0999" will be recognized
* false: ".2.0999" won't be recognized (default)
* @param int $leading_dot_policy
* 0 (OID_DOT_FORBIDDEN): forbidden
* 1 (OID_DOT_OPTIONAL) : optional (default)
* 2 (OID_DOT_REQUIRED) : enforced
* @param boolean $requires_whitespace_delimiters
* true: "2.999" will be recognized, as well as " 2.999 " (default)
* false: "2.999!" will be reconigzed, as well as "2.999.c" (this might be used in in documentations with templates)
* @return string The regular expression
function oid_detection_regex($min_len=2, $allow_leading_zeroes=false, $leading_dot_policy=OID_DOT_OPTIONAL, $requires_whitespace_delimiters=true) {
if ($requires_whitespace_delimiters) {
// A fully qualified regular expression which can be used by preg_match()
$begin_condition = '(?<=^|\\s)';
$end_condition = '(?=\\s|$)';
} else {
// A partial expression which can be used inside another regular expression
$begin_condition = '(?
* Leading dots and leading zeroes are tolerated.
* @author Daniel Marschall, ViaThinkSoft
* @version 2014-12-16
* @param string $oid
* An OID in dot notation.
* @return string|false The parent OID in dot notation.
function oid_up($oid) {
$oid = sanitizeOID($oid, 'auto');
if ($oid === false) return false;
$p = strrpos($oid, '.');
if ($p === false) return $oid;
if ($p == 0) return '.';
return substr($oid, 0, $p);
* Outputs the depth of an OID.
* @author Daniel Marschall, ViaThinkSoft
* @version 2014-12-09
* @param string $oid An OID in dot notation (with or without leading dot)
* @return int The depth of the OID, e.g. 2.999 and .2.999 has the length 2.
function oid_len($oid) {
if ($oid == '') return 0;
if (substr($oid,0,1) == '.') $oid = substr($oid, 1);
return substr_count($oid, '.')+1;
function oid_depth($oid) {
return oid_len($oid);
* Lists all parents of an OID.
* This function tolerates leading dots. The parent of '.' stays '.'.
* The OID will not be checked for validity!
* @author Daniel Marschall, ViaThinkSoft
* @version 2014-12-17
* @param string $oid
* An OID in dot notation.
* @return string[] An array with all parent OIDs.
function oid_parents($oid) {
$parents = array();
while (oid_len($oid) > 1) {
$oid = oid_up($oid);
$parents[] = $oid;
if (substr($oid, 0, 1) == '.') $parents[] = '.';
return $parents;
assert(oid_parents('.1.2.999') == array('.1.2', '.1', '.'));
assert(oid_parents('1.2.999') == array('1.2', '1'));
assert(oid_parents('.') == array('.'));
assert(oid_parents('') == array());
* Sorts an array containing OIDs in dot notation.
* @author Daniel Marschall, ViaThinkSoft
* @version 2014-12-09
* @param string[] $ary
* An array of OIDs in dot notation.
* This array will be changed by this method.
* @param boolean $output_with_leading_dot
* true: The array will be normalized to OIDs with a leading dot.
* false: The array will be normalized to OIDs without a leading dot. (default)
function oidSort(&$ary, $output_with_leading_dot=false) {
$out = array();
$none = $output_with_leading_dot ? '.' : '';
$d = array();
$oid = null;
foreach ($ary as &$oid) {
if (($oid == '') || ($oid == '.')) {
$out[] = $none;
} else {
$oid = sanitizeOID($oid, 'auto'); // strike leading zeroes
$bry = explode('.', $oid, 2);
$firstarc = $bry[0];
$rest = (isset($bry[1])) ? $bry[1] : '';
$d[$firstarc][] = $rest;
$data = null;
foreach ($d as $firstarc => &$data) {
foreach ($data as &$rest) {
$out[] = ($output_with_leading_dot ? '.' : '')."$firstarc" . (($rest != $none) ? ".$rest" : '');
$ary = $out;
* Checks if two OIDs in dot-notation are equal
* @author Daniel Marschall, ViaThinkSoft
* @version 2020-05-27
* @param string $oidA
* First OID
* @param string $oidB
* Second OID
* @return boolean|null True if the OIDs are equal, null if one of the OIDs are invalid
function oid_dotnotation_equal($oidA, $oidB) {
$oidA = sanitizeOID($oidA, false);
if ($oidA === false) return null;
$oidB = sanitizeOID($oidB, false);
if ($oidB === false) return null;
return $oidA === $oidB;
* Removes leading zeroes from an OID in dot notation.
* @author Daniel Marschall, ViaThinkSoft
* @version 2015-08-17
* @param string $oid
* An OID in dot notation.
* @param mixed $leading_dot
* true: The OID is valid, if it contains a leading dot.
* false (default): The OID is valid, if it does not contain a leading dot.
* 'auto: Allow both
* @return string|false The OID without leading dots, or false
if the OID is syntactically wrong.
function sanitizeOID($oid, $leading_dot=false) {
static $oid_sanitize_cache = array();
if ($leading_dot) $leading_dot = substr($oid,0,1) == '.';
// We are using a cache, since this function is used very often by OIDplus
global $oid_sanitize_cache;
$v = ($leading_dot ? 'T' : 'F').$oid;
if (isset($oid_sanitize_cache[$v])) return $oid_sanitize_cache[$v];
if ($leading_dot) {
if ($oid == '.') return '';
} else {
if ($oid == '') return '';
$out = '';
$ary = explode('.', $oid);
foreach ($ary as $n => &$a) {
if (($leading_dot) && ($n == 0)) {
if ($a != '') return false;
if (!preg_match('@^(\\d+)$@', $a, $m)) return false; // does contain something other than digits
// strike leading zeroes
$a = preg_replace("@^0+@", '', $a);
if ($a == '') $a = 0;
if (($leading_dot) || ($n != 0)) $out .= '.';
$out .= $a;
$oid_sanitize_cache[$v] = $out;
return $out;
* Shows the top arc of an OID.
* This function tolerates leading dots.
* @author Daniel Marschall, ViaThinkSoft
* @version 2014-12-16
* @param string $oid
* An OID in dot notation.
* @return string|false The top arc of the OID or empty string if it is already the root ('.')
function oid_toparc($oid) {
$leadingdot = substr($oid,0,1) == '.';
$oid = sanitizeOID($oid, $leadingdot);
if ($oid === false) return false;
if (!$leadingdot) $oid = '.'.$oid;
$p = strrpos($oid, '.');
if ($p === false) return false;
$r = substr($oid, $p+1);
if ($leadingdot) {
# if ($r == '') return '.';
return $r;
} else {
return substr($r, 1);
* Calculates the distance between two OIDs.
* This function tolerates leading dots and leading zeroes.
* @author Daniel Marschall, ViaThinkSoft
* @version 2014-12-20
* @param string $a
* An OID.
* @param string $b
* An OID.
* @return int|false false if both OIDs do not have a child-parent or parent-child relation, e.g. oid_distance('2.999.1.2.3', '2.999.4.5') = false, or if one of the OIDs is syntactially invalid
* >0 if $a is more specific than $b , e.g. oid_distance('2.999.1.2', '2.999') = 2
* <0 if $a is more common than $b , e.g. oid_distance('2.999', '2.999.1.2') = -2
function oid_distance($a, $b) {
if (substr($a,0,1) == '.') $a = substr($a,1);
if (substr($b,0,1) == '.') $b = substr($b,1);
$a = sanitizeOID($a, false);
if ($a === false) return false;
$b = sanitizeOID($b, false);
if ($b === false) return false;
$ary = explode('.', $a);
$bry = explode('.', $b);
$min_len = min(count($ary), count($bry));
for ($i=0; $i<$min_len; $i++) {
if ($ary[$i] != $bry[$i]) return false;
return count($ary) - count($bry);
assert(oid_distance('2.999.1.2.3', '2.999.4.5') === false);
assert(oid_distance('2.999.1.2', '2.999') === 2);
assert(oid_distance('2.999', '2.999.1.2') === -2);
* Adds a leading dot to an OID.
* Leading zeroes are tolerated.
* @author Daniel Marschall, ViaThinkSoft
* @version 2014-12-20
* @param string $oid
* An OID.
* @return string|false The OID with a leading dot or false if the OID is syntactially wrong.
function oid_add_leading_dot($oid) {
$oid = sanitizeOID($oid, 'auto');
if ($oid === false) return false;
if (substr($oid,0,1) != '.') $oid = '.'.$oid;
return $oid;
* Removes a leading dot to an OID.
* Leading zeroes are tolerated.
* @author Daniel Marschall, ViaThinkSoft
* @version 2014-12-20
* @param string $oid
* An OID.
* @return string|false The OID without a leading dot or false if the OID is syntactially wrong.
function oid_remove_leading_dot($oid) {
$oid = sanitizeOID($oid, 'auto');
if ($oid === false) return false;
if (substr($oid,0,1) == '.') $oid = substr($oid, 1);
return $oid;
* Find the common ancestor of two or more OIDs
* @author Daniel Marschall, ViaThinkSoft
* @version 2020-05-27
* @param string[] $oids
* An array of multiple OIDs, e.g. 2.999.1 and 2.999.2.3.4
* @return string|false The common ancestor, e.g. 2.999, or false if there is no common ancestor.
function oid_common_ancestor(array $oids) {
$shared = array();
if (!is_array($oids)) return false;
if (count($oids) === 0) return false;
foreach ($oids as &$oid) {
$oid = sanitizeOID($oid, false);
if ($oid === false) return false;
$oid = explode('.', $oid);
$max_ok = strlen($oids[0]);
for ($i=1; $i= '0') && ($c <= '9') && (!$firstchar)) return true;
if (($c >= 'A') && ($c <= 'Z')) return true;
if (($c >= 'a') && ($c <= 'z')) return true;
$v = mb_ord($c, 'UTF-8');
if (($v >= 0x000000A0) && ($v <= 0x0000DFFE)) return true;
if (($v >= 0x0000F900) && ($v <= 0x0000FDCF)) return true;
if (($v >= 0x0000FDF0) && ($v <= 0x0000FFEF)) return true;
if (($v >= 0x00010000) && ($v <= 0x0001FFFD)) return true;
if (($v >= 0x00020000) && ($v <= 0x0002FFFD)) return true;
if (($v >= 0x00030000) && ($v <= 0x0003FFFD)) return true;
if (($v >= 0x00040000) && ($v <= 0x0004FFFD)) return true;
if (($v >= 0x00050000) && ($v <= 0x0005FFFD)) return true;
if (($v >= 0x00060000) && ($v <= 0x0006FFFD)) return true;
if (($v >= 0x00070000) && ($v <= 0x0007FFFD)) return true;
if (($v >= 0x00080000) && ($v <= 0x0008FFFD)) return true;
if (($v >= 0x00090000) && ($v <= 0x0009FFFD)) return true;
if (($v >= 0x000A0000) && ($v <= 0x000AFFFD)) return true;
if (($v >= 0x000B0000) && ($v <= 0x000BFFFD)) return true;
if (($v >= 0x000C0000) && ($v <= 0x000CFFFD)) return true;
if (($v >= 0x000D0000) && ($v <= 0x000DFFFD)) return true;
if (($v >= 0x000E1000) && ($v <= 0x000EFFFD)) return true;
// Note: Rec. ITU-T X.660, clause 7.5.3 would also forbid ranges which are marked in ISO/IEC 10646 as "(This position shall not be used)"
// But tool implementers should be tolerate them, since these limitations can be removed in future.
return false;
function iri_arc_valid($arc, $allow_numeric=true) {
if ($arc == '') return false;
$m = array();
if ($allow_numeric && preg_match('@^(\\d+)$@', $arc, $m)) return true; # numeric arc
if (mb_substr($arc, 2, 2) == '--') return false; // see Rec. ITU-T X.660, clause 7.5.4
$array = array();
preg_match_all('/./u', $arc, $array, PREG_SET_ORDER);
$len = count($array);
foreach ($array as $i => $char) {
if (!iri_char_valid($char[0], $i==0, $i==$len-1)) return false;
return true;
* Checks if an IRI identifier is valid or not.
* @author Daniel Marschall, ViaThinkSoft
* @version 2014-12-17
* @param string $iri
* An OID in OID-IRI notation, e.g. /Example/test
* @return boolean true if the IRI identifier is valid.
function iri_valid($iri) {
if ($iri == '/') return true; // OK?
if (substr($iri, 0, 1) != '/') return false;
$ary = explode('/', $iri);
foreach ($ary as $a) {
if (!iri_arc_valid($a)) return false;
return true;
assert(!iri_arc_valid(' ABCDEF'));
assert(!iri_arc_valid('2 ABCDEF'));
* Returns an associative array in the form 'ASN.1' => '/2/1' .
* @author Daniel Marschall, ViaThinkSoft
* @version 2018-01-05
* @see
* @return array An associative array in the form 'ASN.1' => '/2/1' .
function iri_get_long_arcs() {
$iri_long_arcs = array();
$iri_long_arcs['ASN.1'] = '/2/1';
$iri_long_arcs['Country'] = '/2/16';
$iri_long_arcs['International-Organizations'] = '/2/23';
$iri_long_arcs['UUID'] = '/2/25';
$iri_long_arcs['Tag-Based'] = '/2/27';
$iri_long_arcs['BIP'] = '/2/41';
$iri_long_arcs['Telebiometrics'] = '/2/42';
$iri_long_arcs['Cybersecurity'] = '/2/48';
$iri_long_arcs['Alerting'] = '/2/49';
$iri_long_arcs['OIDResolutionSystem'] = '/2/50';
$iri_long_arcs['GS1'] = '/2/51';
$iri_long_arcs['Example'] = '/2/999'; // English
$iri_long_arcs['Exemple'] = '/2/999'; // French
$iri_long_arcs['Ejemplo'] = '/2/999'; // Spanish
$iri_long_arcs["\u{0627}\u{0644}\u{0645}\u{062B}\u{0627}\u{0644}"] = '/2/999'; // Arabic
$iri_long_arcs["\u{8303}\u{4F8B}"] = '/2/999'; // Chinese
$iri_long_arcs["\u{041F}\u{0440}\u{0438}\u{043C}\u{0435}\u{0440}"] = '/2/999'; // Russian
$iri_long_arcs["\u{C608}\u{C81C}"] = '/2/999'; // Korean
$iri_long_arcs["\u{4F8B}"] = '/2/999'; // Japanese
$iri_long_arcs['Beispiel'] = '/2/999'; // German
return $iri_long_arcs;
* Tries to shorten/simplify an IRI by applying "long arcs", e.g. /2/999/123 -> /Example/123 .
* @author Daniel Marschall, ViaThinkSoft
* @version 2020-05-22
* @param string $iri
* An OID in OID-IRI notation, e.g. /Example/test
* @return string|false The modified IRI.
function iri_add_longarcs($iri) {
$iri_long_arcs = iri_get_long_arcs();
if (!iri_valid($iri)) return false;
$ary = explode('/', $iri);
$ary_number_iri = $ary;
if ($ary_number_iri[1] == 'Joint-ISO-ITU-T') $ary_number_iri[1] = '2';
$number_iri = implode('/', $ary_number_iri);
foreach ($iri_long_arcs as $cur_longarc => $cur_iri) {
if (strpos($number_iri.'/', $cur_iri.'/') === 0) {
$cnt = substr_count($cur_iri, '/');
for ($i=1; $i<$cnt; $i++) {
$ary[0] = '';
$ary[1] = $cur_longarc;
$iri = implode('/', $ary);
return $iri;
assert(iri_add_longarcs('/2/999/123') === '/Example/123');
* Checks if an ASN.1 identifier is valid.
* @author Daniel Marschall, ViaThinkSoft
* @version 2020-05-22
* @param string $id
* An ASN.1 identifier, e.g. "example". Not "example(99)" or "99" and not a path like "{ 2 999 }"
* Note: Use asn1_path_valid() for validating a whole ASN.1 notation path.
* @return boolean true, if the identifier is valid: It begins with an lowercase letter and contains only 0-9, a-z, A-Z and "-"
function oid_id_is_valid($id) {
// see Rec. ITU-T X.660 | ISO/IEC 9834-1, clause 7.7
// and Rec. ITU-T X.680 | ISO/IEC 8824-1, clause 12.3
if (substr($id,-1,1) == '-') return false;
if (strstr($id,'--')) return false;
return preg_match('/^([a-z][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)$/', $id) != 0;
* Checks if the ASN.1 notation of an OID is valid.
* This function does not tolerate leading zeros.
* This function will fail (return false) if there are unresolved symbols, e.g. {iso test} is not valid while { iso 123 } is valid.
* @author Daniel Marschall, ViaThinkSoft
* @version 2014-12-17
* @param string $asn1
* An OID in ASN.1 notation.
* @return boolean true if the identifier is valid.
function asn1_path_valid($asn1) {
return asn1_to_dot($asn1) != false;
* Returns an array of standardized ASN.1 alphanumeric identifiers which do not require a numeric identifier, e.g. { 2 example }
* The array has the form '0.0.a' -> '0.0.1'
* @author Daniel Marschall, ViaThinkSoft
* @version 2019-03-25
* @see
* @return array Associative array of standardized ASN.1 alphanumeric identifiers
function asn1_get_standardized_array() {
// Taken from
$standardized = array();
$standardized['itu-t'] = '0';
$standardized['ccitt'] = '0';
$standardized['iso'] = '1';
$standardized['joint-iso-itu-t'] = '2';
$standardized['joint-iso-ccitt'] = '2';
$standardized['0.recommendation'] = '0.0';
$standardized['0.0.a'] = '0.0.1';
$standardized['0.0.b'] = '0.0.2';
$standardized['0.0.c'] = '0.0.3';
$standardized['0.0.d'] = '0.0.4';
$standardized['0.0.e'] = '0.0.5';
$standardized['0.0.f'] = '0.0.6';
$standardized['0.0.g'] = '0.0.7';
$standardized['0.0.h'] = '0.0.8';
$standardized['0.0.i'] = '0.0.9';
$standardized['0.0.j'] = '0.0.10';
$standardized['0.0.k'] = '0.0.11';
$standardized['0.0.l'] = '0.0.12';
$standardized['0.0.m'] = '0.0.13';
$standardized['0.0.n'] = '0.0.14';
$standardized['0.0.o'] = '0.0.15';
$standardized['0.0.p'] = '0.0.16';
$standardized['0.0.q'] = '0.0.17';
$standardized['0.0.r'] = '0.0.18';
$standardized['0.0.s'] = '0.0.19';
$standardized['0.0.t'] = '0.0.20';
$standardized['0.0.u'] = '0.0.21';
$standardized['0.0.v'] = '0.0.22';
$standardized['0.0.w'] = '0.0.23'; // actually, this OID does not exist
$standardized['0.0.x'] = '0.0.24';
$standardized['0.0.y'] = '0.0.25';
$standardized['0.0.z'] = '0.0.26';
$standardized['0.question'] = '0.1';
$standardized['0.administration'] = '0.2';
$standardized[''] = '0.3';
$standardized['0.identified-organization'] = '0.4';
$standardized['1.standard'] = '1.0';
$standardized['1.registration-authority'] = '1.1';
$standardized['1.member-body'] = '1.2';
$standardized['1.identified-organization'] = '1.3';
return $standardized;
* Converts an OID in ASN.1 notation into an OID in dot notation and tries to resolve well-known identifiers.
* e.g. {joint-iso-itu-t(2) example(999) 1 2 3} --> 2.999.1.2.3
* e.g. {iso 3} --> 1.3
* This function does not tolerate leading zeros.
* This function will fail (return false) if there are unresolved symbols, e.g. {iso test} will not be resolved to 1.test
* @author Daniel Marschall, ViaThinkSoft
* @version 2014-12-17
* @param string $asn
* An OID in ASN.1 notation.
* @return string|false An OID in dot notation without leading dot or false if the path is invalid.
function asn1_to_dot($asn) {
$standardized = asn1_get_standardized_array();
// Clean up
$count = -1;
$asn = preg_replace('@^\\{(.+)\\}$@', '\\1', $asn, -1, $count);
if ($count == 0) return false; // { and } are required. The ASN.1 path will NOT be trimmed by this function
// If identifier is set, apply it (no check if it overrides a standardized identifier)
$asn = preg_replace('|\s*([a-z][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)\s*\((\d+)\)|', ' \\2', $asn);
$asn = trim($asn);
// Set dots
$asn = preg_replace('|\s+|', '.', $asn);
// Apply standardized identifiers (case sensitive)
$asn .= '.';
foreach ($standardized as $s => $r) {
$asn = preg_replace("@^".preg_quote($s,"@")."@", $r, $asn);
$asn = substr($asn, 0, strlen($asn)-1);
// Check if all numbers are OK
// -> every arc must be resolved
// -> numeric arcs must not have a leading zero
// -> invalid stuff will be recognized, e.g. a "(1)" without an identifier in front of it
$ary = explode('.', $asn);
foreach ($ary as $a) {
$m = array();
if (!preg_match('@^(0|([1-9]\\d*))$@', $a, $m)) return false;
return $asn;
assert(asn1_to_dot('{2 999 (1)}') == false);
assert(asn1_to_dot('{2 999 test}') == false);
assert(asn1_to_dot('{2 999 1}') == '2.999.1');
assert(asn1_to_dot(' {2 999 1} ') == false);
assert(asn1_to_dot('2 999 1') == false);
assert(asn1_to_dot('{2 999 01}') == false);
assert(asn1_to_dot('{ 0 question 123 }') == '0.1.123');
assert(asn1_to_dot('{ iso }') == '1');
assert(asn1_to_dot('{ iso(1) }') == '1');
assert(asn1_to_dot('{ iso(2) }') == '2');
assert(asn1_to_dot('{ iso 3 }') == '1.3');
* Gets the last numeric identifier of an ASN.1 notation OID.
* @author Daniel Marschall, ViaThinkSoft
* @version 2020-06-11
* @param string $asn1id
* An ASN.1 identifier string, e.g. { 2 example(999) test(1) }
* @return int|false The last numeric identifier arc, e.g. "1" or false if the ID is invalid
function asn1_last_identifier($asn1id) {
$asn1id = preg_replace('@\(\s*\d+\s*\)@', '', $asn1id);
$asn1id = trim(str_replace(array('{', '}', "\t"), ' ', $asn1id));
$ary = explode(' ', $asn1id);
$asn1id = $ary[count($ary)-1];
return preg_match('#[^0-9]#',$asn1id) ? (int)$asn1id : false;
* "Soft corrects" an invalid ASN.1 identifier.
* Attention, by "soft correcting" the ID, it is not authoritative anymore, and might not be able to be resolved by ORS.
* @author Daniel Marschall, ViaThinkSoft
* @version 2020-05-22
* @param string $id
* An ASN.1 identifier.
* @param boolean $append_id_prefix
* true (default): If the identifier doesn't start with a-Z, the problem will be solved by prepending "id-" to the identifier.
* false: If the identifier doesn't start with a-Z, then the problem cannot be solved (method returns empty string).
* @return string The "soft corrected" ASN.1 identifier.
* Invalid characters will be removed.
* Uncorrectable start elements (0-9 or "-") will be either removed or solved by prepending "id-" (see $append_id_prefix
* If the identifier begins with an upper case letter, the letter will be converted into lower case.
function oid_soft_correct_id($id, $append_id_prefix = true) {
// Convert "_" to "-"
$id = str_replace('_', '-', $id);
// Convert "--" to "-"
$id = str_replace('--', '-', $id);
// Remove invalid characters
$id = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9-]+/', '', $id);
// Remove uncorrectable start elements (0-9 or "-")
if ($append_id_prefix) {
$id = preg_replace('/^([^a-zA-Z]+)/', 'id-$1', $id);
} else {
$id = preg_replace('/^([^a-zA-Z]+)/', '', $id);
// "Correct" upper case beginning letter by converting it to lower case
if (preg_match('/^[A-Z]/', $id)) {
$id = strtolower($id[0]) . substr($id, 1);
return $id;