$r[0] - $r[1]\n"; $rev = ipv4_range2cidr($r[0], $r[1]); $rev = implode("\n", $rev); echo "$r[0] - $r[1] => $rev ["; $ok = $rev == "$iv_b/$iv_m"; echo $ok ? 'OK' : 'Mismatch'; echo "]\n"; echo "In-CIDR-Test: "; echo ipv4_in_cidr("$iv_b/$iv_m", "$iv_b/$iv_m") ? 'OK' : 'Fail'; echo "\n"; } ipv4_selftest(); */ function ipv4_cidr2range($baseip_or_cidr, $subnet='') { # (C) 2012 ViaThinkSoft # Version 1.1 # This function converts an CIDR notation / into an IPv4 address block array($low_ip, $high_ip) if (strpos($baseip_or_cidr, '/') !== false) { $tmp = explode('/', $baseip_or_cidr, 2); $baseip_or_cidr = $tmp[0]; $subnet = $tmp[1]; unset($tmp); } if (($subnet < 0) || ($subnet > 32)) return false; $maxint32 = 0xFFFFFFFF; $netmask = $maxint32 << (32-$subnet); $netmask = $netmask & $maxint32; // crop to 32 bits $wildcard = $maxint32 ^ $netmask; // ~$netmask; $x = ipv4_incomplete_ip2long($baseip_or_cidr) & $netmask; $nums = $wildcard; $low = long2ip($x); $high = long2ip($x + $nums); return array($low, $high); } function ipv4_range2cidr($baseip, $topip, $shortening=false) { # (C) 2012 ViaThinkSoft # Version 1.0 # This function converts an IPv4 address block into valid CIDR blocks (There may be multiple blocks!) $out = array(); if (ipv4_cmp($baseip, $topip) > 0) return false; while (ipv4_incomplete_ip2long($baseip)-1 != ipv4_incomplete_ip2long($topip)) { $i = -1; do { $i++; $range = ipv4_cidr2range($baseip, $i); $l = $range[0]; $t = $range[1]; } while ((ipv4_cmp($l, $baseip) != 0) || (ipv4_cmp($t, $topip) > 0)); # Shortening: Stroke ".0" at the end if ($shortening) $baseip = ipv4_shortening($baseip); $out[] = "$baseip/$i"; $baseip = ipv4_add($t, 1); } return $out; } function ipv4_shortening($ip) { # (C) 2012 ViaThinkSoft # Version 1.0 return preg_replace("|(\\.0{1,3}){0,3}\$|ismU", '', $ip); } function ipv4_add($baseip, $num) { # (C) 2012 ViaThinkSoft # Version 1.0 return long2ip(ipv4_incomplete_ip2long($baseip) + $num); } function ipv4_sub($baseip, $num) { # (C) 2012 ViaThinkSoft # Version 1.0 return long2ip(ipv4_incomplete_ip2long($baseip) - $num); } function ipv4_cmp($a, $b) { # (C) 2012 ViaThinkSoft # Version 1.0 $a = ipv4_incomplete_ip2long($a); $b = ipv4_incomplete_ip2long($b); if ($a == $b) return 0; if ($a < $b) return -1; if ($a > $b) return 1; } function ipv4_in_cidr($haystack, $needle) { # (C) 2012 ViaThinkSoft # Version 1.1 $x = explode('/', $haystack); $ha = ipv4_cidr2range($x[0], $x[1]); $x = explode('/', $needle); if (!isset($x[1])) $x[1] = '32'; // single IP $ne = ipv4_cidr2range($x[0], $x[1]); $ha_low = ipv4_incomplete_ip2long($ha[0]); $ha_hig = ipv4_incomplete_ip2long($ha[1]); $ne_low = ipv4_incomplete_ip2long($ne[0]); $ne_hig = ipv4_incomplete_ip2long($ne[1]); # HA: low[ ]high # NE: low[ ]high return ($ne_low >= $ha_low) && ($ne_hig <= $ha_hig); } function ipv4_complete($short_form) { # (C) 2012 ViaThinkSoft # Version 1.0 $short_form = trim($short_form); if ($short_form == '') return ''; $c = substr_count($short_form, '.'); if ($c > 3) return false; if ($c == 3) return $short_form; $c = substr_count($short_form, '.'); $short_form .= str_repeat('.0', 3-$c); return $short_form; } function ipv4_incomplete_ip2long($ip) { # (C) 2012-2014 ViaThinkSoft # Version 1.2 # return sprintf('%u', ip2long(ipv4_complete($ip))); return sprintf('%u', ip2long(ipv4_normalize($ip))); } // IMPORTANT! $cmp_ary[x]=y MUST HAVE x<=y ! function ipv4_merge_address_blocks($data, $debug = false, $shortening = false) { # (C) 2012-2013 ViaThinkSoft # Version 2.2 if ($debug !== false) $STARTZEIT = time(); // 1. Convert IPs to numbers $cmp_ary = array(); foreach ($data as $a => &$b) { $a = ipv4_incomplete_ip2long($a); $b = ipv4_incomplete_ip2long($b); $cmp_ary[$a] = $b; unset($a); unset($b); } // 2. Sort array ksort($cmp_ary); // 3. Merge the blocks in an intelligent way (and remove redundant blocks) # Merge overlapping blocks # [ ] # [ ] -> [ ] # Merge neighbor blocks # [ ][ ] -> [ ] # Remove redundant blocks # [ ] -> [ ] # [ ] $merge_count = 0; $redundant_deleted_count = 0; $round_count = 0; do { if ($debug !== false) { $LAUFZEIT = time() - $STARTZEIT; echo $debug."Merging... $round_count rounds; merged $merge_count blocks; deleted $redundant_deleted_count redundant blocks; time: $LAUFZEIT seconds\r"; } $round_count++; $clean = true; foreach ($cmp_ary as $a => &$b) { foreach ($cmp_ary as $x => &$y) { // x in range [a+1..b+1] ? if ($x<=$a) continue; if ($x>$b+1) break; // Merge $clean = false; if ($y>$b) { $merge_count++; $b = $y; unset($cmp_ary[$x]); } else { $redundant_deleted_count++; unset($cmp_ary[$x]); } } } } while (!$clean); if ($debug !== false) { $LAUFZEIT = time() - $STARTZEIT; echo $debug."Merge completed. $round_count rounds; merged $merge_count blocks; deleted $redundant_deleted_count redundant blocks; time: $LAUFZEIT seconds\n"; } // 4. Convert back to IPs $out_ary = array(); foreach ($cmp_ary as $a => &$b) { $a = long2ip($a); $b = long2ip($b); if ($shortening) { $a = ipv4_shortening($a); $b = ipv4_shortening($b); } $out_ary[$a] = $b; } return $out_ary; } function ipv4_merge_arrays($data_a, $data_b) { # (C) 2012 ViaThinkSoft # Version 1.2 $normalized_data_a = array(); foreach ($data_a as $from => &$to) { $normalized_data_a[ipv4_normalize($from)] = ipv4_normalize($to); } $normalized_data_b = array(); foreach ($data_b as $from => &$to) { $normalized_data_b[ipv4_normalize($from)] = ipv4_normalize($to); } $data = array(); foreach ($normalized_data_a as $from => &$to) { if (isset($normalized_data_b[$from])) { $data[$from] = ipv4_max($to, $normalized_data_b[$from]); } else { $data[$from] = $to; } } foreach ($normalized_data_b as $from => &$to) { if (!isset($normalized_data_a[$from])) { $data[$from] = $to; } } return $data; } function ipv4_valid($ip) { # (C) 2012 ViaThinkSoft # Version 1.0 # return ipv4_incomplete_ip2long($ip) !== false; return ip2long($ip) !== false; } function ipv4_normalize($ip) { # (C) 2012-2013 ViaThinkSoft # Version 1.1.1 # Example: # -> $ip = ipv4_complete($ip); if (!$ip) return false; # ip2long buggy: is not accepted ## $cry = explode('.', $ip); ## $cry[0] = preg_replace('@^0+@', '', $cry[0]); if ($cry[0] == '') $cry[0] = '0'; ## $cry[1] = preg_replace('@^0+@', '', $cry[1]); if ($cry[1] == '') $cry[1] = '0'; ## $cry[2] = preg_replace('@^0+@', '', $cry[2]); if ($cry[2] == '') $cry[2] = '0'; ## $cry[3] = preg_replace('@^0+@', '', $cry[3]); if ($cry[3] == '') $cry[3] = '0'; ## $ip = implode('.', $cry); ## return $ip; return preg_replace('@^0{0,2}([0-9]{1,3})\.0{0,2}([0-9]{1,3})\.0{0,2}([0-9]{1,3})\.0{0,2}([0-9]{1,3})$@', '\\1.\\2.\\3.\\4', $ip); } function ipv4_expand($ip) { # (C) 2012 ViaThinkSoft # Version 1.0 # Example: # -> $ip = ipv4_complete($ip); if (!$ip) return false; $cry = explode('.', $ip); $cry[0] = str_pad($cry[0], 3, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT); $cry[1] = str_pad($cry[1], 3, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT); $cry[2] = str_pad($cry[2], 3, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT); $cry[3] = str_pad($cry[3], 3, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT); return implode('.', $cry); } function ipv4_min($ip_a, $ip_b) { # (C) 2012 ViaThinkSoft # Version 1.0 if (ipv4_cmp($ip_a, $ip_b) == -1) { return $ip_a; } else { return $ip_b; } } function ipv4_max($ip_a, $ip_b) { # (C) 2012 ViaThinkSoft # Version 1.0 if (ipv4_cmp($ip_a, $ip_b) == 1) { return $ip_a; } else { return $ip_b; } } function ipv4_ipcount($data) { # (C) 2012 ViaThinkSoft # Version 1.0 $cnt = 0; foreach ($data as $from => &$to) { $cnt += ipv4_incomplete_ip2long($to) - ipv4_incomplete_ip2long($from); } return $cnt; } function ipv4_read_file($file) { # (C) 2012 ViaThinkSoft # Version 1.0 $data = array(); $lines = file($file); foreach ($lines as &$line) { $rng = ipv4_line2range($line); $data[$rng[0]] = $rng[1]; } return $data; } function ipv4_line2range($line) { # (C) 2012 ViaThinkSoft # Version 1.0 $line = trim($line); if (strpos($line, '/') !== false) { $rng = ipv4_cidr2range($line); } else { $rng = explode('-', $line); $rng[0] = ipv4_normalize(trim($rng[0])); $rng[1] = isset($rng[1]) ? ipv4_normalize(trim($rng[1])) : $rng[0]; } return $rng; } # --- New 16,12,12 define('IPV4_BITS', 32); function ipv4_distance($ipOrCIDR_Searchterm, $ipOrCIDR_Candidate) { $ary = ipv4_cidr_split($ipOrCIDR_Searchterm); $ip = $ary[0]; if (filter_var($ip, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, FILTER_FLAG_IPV4) === false) { return false; } $ary = ipv4_cidr_split($ipOrCIDR_Candidate); $ip = $ary[0]; $cidr_bits = $ary[1]; if ($cidr_bits > IPV4_BITS) return false; // throw new Exception('CIDR bits > '.IPV4_BITS); if (!is_numeric($cidr_bits)) return false; if (filter_var($ip, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, FILTER_FLAG_IPV4) === false) { return false; } $x = ipv4_trackdown($ipOrCIDR_Searchterm); if (ipv4_in_cidr($x[0], $ip.'/'.$cidr_bits)) { $ary = ipv4_cidr_split($x[0]); $cidr_bits2 = $ary[1]; if ($cidr_bits2 > IPV4_BITS) return false; // throw new Exception('CIDR bits > '.IPV4_BITS); return $cidr_bits2-$cidr_bits; } $i = 0; $max = false; foreach ($x as &$y) { if (ipv4_in_cidr($ip.'/'.$cidr_bits, $y)) { $max = $i; } $i++; } return $max; } function ipv4_cidr_split($ipOrCIDR) { $ary = explode('/', $ipOrCIDR, 2); $cidr_bits = isset($ary[1]) ? $ary[1] : IPV4_BITS; if ($cidr_bits > IPV4_BITS) return false; // throw new Exception('CIDR bits > '.IPV4_BITS); if (!is_numeric($cidr_bits)) return false; $ip = $ary[0]; return array($ip, $cidr_bits); } function ipv4_equals($ipOrCIDRA, $ipOrCIDRB) { return ipv4_normalize_range($ipOrCIDRA) == ipv4_normalize_range($ipOrCIDRB); } function ipv4_cidr_min_ip($ipOrCIDR) { $ary = ipv4_cidr_split($ipOrCIDR); $ipOrCIDR = $ary[0]; $cidr_bits = $ary[1]; if ($cidr_bits > IPV4_BITS) return false; // throw new Exception('CIDR bits > '.IPV4_BITS); if (!is_numeric($cidr_bits)) return false; $m = ip2bin($ipOrCIDR); $m = substr($m, 0, $cidr_bits) . str_repeat('0', IPV4_BITS-$cidr_bits); return bin2ip($m); } function ipv4_cidr_max_ip($ipOrCIDR) { $ary = ipv4_cidr_split($ipOrCIDR); $ipOrCIDR = $ary[0]; $cidr_bits = $ary[1]; if ($cidr_bits > IPV4_BITS) return false; // throw new Exception('CIDR bits > '.IPV4_BITS); if (!is_numeric($cidr_bits)) return false; $m = ip2bin($ipOrCIDR); $m = substr($m, 0, $cidr_bits) . str_repeat('1', IPV4_BITS-$cidr_bits); return bin2ip($m); } function ipv4_normalize_range($ipOrCIDR) { $ary = ipv4_cidr_split($ipOrCIDR); $ipOrCIDR = $ary[0]; $cidr_bits = $ary[1]; if ($cidr_bits > IPV4_BITS) return false; // throw new Exception('CIDR bits > '.IPV4_BITS); if (!is_numeric($cidr_bits)) return false; $m = ip2bin($ipOrCIDR); $m = substr($m, 0, $cidr_bits) . str_repeat('0', IPV4_BITS-$cidr_bits); return bin2ip($m) . '/' . $cidr_bits; } function ipv4_trackdown($ipOrCIDR) { $ary = ipv4_cidr_split($ipOrCIDR); $ipOrCIDR = $ary[0]; $cidr_bits = $ary[1]; if ($cidr_bits > IPV4_BITS) return false; // throw new Exception('CIDR bits > '.IPV4_BITS); if (!is_numeric($cidr_bits)) return false; $out = array(); $m = ip2bin($ipOrCIDR); for ($i=$cidr_bits; $i>=0; $i--) { $m = substr($m, 0, $i) . str_repeat('0', IPV4_BITS-$i); $out[] = bin2ip($m) . '/' . $i; } return $out; } # --- if (!function_exists('ip2bin')) { function ip2bin($ip) { # Source: http://php.net/manual/en/function.ip2long.php#104163 # modified by VTS if (filter_var($ip, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, FILTER_FLAG_IPV4) !== false) { $iplong = ip2long($ip); assert($iplong !== false); return base_convert((string)$iplong, 10, 2); } if (filter_var($ip, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, FILTER_FLAG_IPV6) === false) { return false; } if (($ip_n = inet_pton($ip)) === false) { return false; } $bits = 15; // 16 x 8 bit = 128bit (ipv6) $ipbin = ''; # added by vts to avoid warning while ($bits >= 0) { $bin = sprintf('%08b', (ord($ip_n[$bits]))); $ipbin = $bin.$ipbin; $bits--; } return $ipbin; } } if (!function_exists('bin2ip')) { function bin2ip($bin) { # Source: http://php.net/manual/en/function.ip2long.php#104163 # modified by VTS if (strlen($bin) <= 32) { // 32bits (ipv4) $iplong = base_convert($bin, 2, 10); return long2ip(intval($iplong)); } if (strlen($bin) != 128) { return false; } //$bin = str_pad($bin, 128, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT); $bits = 0; $ipv6 = ''; # added by vts to avoid warning while ($bits <= 7) { $bin_part = substr($bin,($bits*16),16); $ipv6 .= dechex(bindec($bin_part)) . ':'; $bits++; } return inet_ntop(inet_pton(substr($ipv6, 0, -1))); } } # --- TEST /* assert(ipv4_normalize('') == ''); assert(ipv4_normalize('') == ''); assert(ipv4_normalize('') == ''); assert(ipv4_normalize('') == ''); assert(ipv4_normalize('') == ''); assert(ipv4_distance('', '') == -2); assert(ipv4_distance('', '') == -1); assert(ipv4_distance('', '') == 0); assert(ipv4_distance('', '') == 1); assert(ipv4_distance('', '') == 2); assert(ipv4_distance('', '') === false); assert(ipv4_distance('', '') === false); assert(ipv4_distance('', '') === false); */ /* $test = ''; $x = ipv4_trackdown($test); foreach ($x as &$cidr) { $min = ipv4_cidr_min_ip($cidr); $max = ipv4_cidr_max_ip($cidr); echo "$cidr ($min - $max)\n"; } */ function ipv4_sort($ary) { $f = array(); foreach ($ary as $c) { $a = explode('/', $c); $ip = $a[0]; $bits = isset($a[1]) ? $a[1] : 32; $d = ip2bin($ip); # ord('*') must be smaller than ord('0') $d = substr($d, 0, $bits).str_repeat('*', 32-$bits); $f[$d] = $c; } return $f; } function ipv4_make_tree($ary) { $ary = ipv4_sort($ary); if (count($ary) == 0) return array(); $sub_begin = ''; $sub_begin_ip = ''; foreach ($ary as $n => $d) { $sub_begin = substr($n, 0, strpos($n, '*')); $sub_begin_ip = $d; unset($ary[$n]); break; } $sub = array(); $nonsub = array(); foreach ($ary as $n => $d) { if (substr($n, 0, strlen($sub_begin)) == $sub_begin) { $sub[$n] = $d; } else { $nonsub[$n] = $d; } } $out = array(); $out[$sub_begin_ip] = ipv4_make_tree($sub); $a = ipv4_make_tree($nonsub); $out = array_merge($out, $a); return $out; }