'; } return $aus; } function getAddrSpec() { // Ref: http://www.iamcal.com/publish/articles/php/parsing_email/ $qtext = '[^\\x0d\\x22\\x5c\\x80-\\xff]'; $dtext = '[^\\x0d\\x5b-\\x5d\\x80-\\xff]'; $atom = '[^\\x00-\\x20\\x22\\x28\\x29\\x2c\\x2e\\x3a-\\x3c\\x3e\\x40\\x5b-\\x5d\\x7f-\\xff]+'; $quoted_pair = '\\x5c[\\x00-\\x7f]'; $domain_literal = "\\x5b($dtext|$quoted_pair)*\\x5d"; $quoted_string = "\\x22($qtext|$quoted_pair)*\\x22"; $domain_ref = $atom; $sub_domain = "($domain_ref|$domain_literal)"; $word = "($atom|$quoted_string)"; $domain = "$sub_domain(\\x2e$sub_domain)*"; $local_part = "$word(\\x2e$word)*"; $addr_spec = "$local_part\\x40$domain"; return $addr_spec; } function is_valid_email_address($email) { // TODO: Hier lieber einen korrekten Mailvalidator verwenden (C.Sayers Lösung)? $ary = explode('?', $email); $email = $ary[0]; $addr_spec = getAddrSpec(); return preg_match("!^$addr_spec$!", $email); } class MailLinkProtector extends UrlParseIterator { var $correct_missing_mailto; protected function link_callback($complete, $pre, $post, $urltype, $bracket, $url, $linktext) { if (beginsWithI($url, 'mailto:')) { // Link ist eine Mailadresse $mailaddr = remove_beginning_i($url, 'mailto:'); return secure_email($mailaddr, $linktext, is_valid_email_address($linktext), CFG_DEFAULT_CLASS); } else if (($this->correct_missing_mailto) && (is_valid_email_address($url))) { // Hier hat jemand "mailto:" vergessen. Wir korrigieren das mal... $mailaddr = $url; return secure_email($mailaddr, $linktext, is_valid_email_address($linktext), CFG_DEFAULT_CLASS); } else { // Normaler Link return $complete; } } } function protect_mail_address_urls($content, $correct_missing_mailto = true) { $t = new MailLinkProtector; $t->correct_missing_mailto = $correct_missing_mailto; return $t->process($content); } function auto_secure_mail_addresses($content) { // Step 1: Parse links and make them secure $content = protect_mail_address_urls($content, CFG_CORRET_MISSING_MAILTO); // Step 2: Find all further mail addresses, make then clickable and prevent spam bots $addr_spec = getAddrSpec(); // This fixes an error if the file is unix converted... // The error occoured at server4.configcenter.info: // [Fri Mar 26 20:23:24 2010] [error] [client] (104)Connection reset by peer: FastCGI: comm with server "/home/www/web66/html/cgi-bin/php-fcgi-starter" aborted: read failed // [Fri Mar 26 20:23:24 2010] [error] [client] FastCGI: incomplete headers (0 bytes) received from server "/home/www/web66/html/cgi-bin/php-fcgi-starter" $content = str_replace("\n", "\r\n", $content); // Diese Zeichen ausschließen, damit z.B. Satzzeichen am Ende einer E-Mail-Adresse, Anführungszeichen oder Klammern nicht // als Teil der Adresse angesehen werden. Die Liste ist länger als $addr_spec eigentlich benötigt (z.B. schließt $addr_spec // einen Punkt am Ende automatisch aus). Aber sicher ist sicher. $exclude_mail_chars_beginning = '\^°!"§$%&/()=\?´`}\]\[{\+*~\'#-_\.:,;'; $exclude_mail_chars_ending = $exclude_mail_chars_beginning; $content = preg_replace_callback("@(?![$exclude_mail_chars_beginning])($addr_spec)(?]*(href)\s*=\s*)(?(?=[\"'])(([\"'])([^>]*)\\4)|()([^ >]*?))([^>]*>)(.*)@ismU"; } protected function link_callback($complete, $pre, $post, $urltype, $bracket, $url, $linktext) { $url = $this->process_url($url); return $pre.$bracket.$url.$bracket.$post.$linktext.''; } private function link_first_callback($c) { $complete = $c[0]; $pre = $c[1]; $post = $c[8]; $urltype = $c[2]; // = href if ($this->use_original_bracket_at_link) { $bracket = $c[4]; } else { $bracket = '"'; } $url = $c[5].$c[7]; // Either [5] OR [7] is filled, so I simply concat them. $linktext = $c[9]; return $this->link_callback($complete, $pre, $post, $urltype, $bracket, $url, $linktext); } // CSS private function css_style_regex() { return "/url\(\s*(?(?=[\"'])(([\"'])([^>]*)\\2)|([^\)]*?))\)/isUm"; } protected function css_callback($complete, $bracket, $url) { $url = $this->process_url($url); return 'url('.$bracket.$url.$bracket.')'; } private function css_first_callback($c) { $complete = $c[0]; if ($this->use_original_bracket_at_css) { $bracket = $c[2]; } else { $bracket = "'"; } if (!isset($c[4])) $c[4] = ''; $url = $c[3].$c[4]; // Either [3] OR [4] is filled, so I simply concat them. return $this->css_callback($complete, $bracket, $url); } // Other (does not include a-href, but base-href etc.) private function other_style_regex() { return "/((<(?!a\s)[^><]*)(href)|src|background|code)\s*=\s*(?(?=[\"'])(([\"'])([^>]*)\\5)|([^ >]*?))/isUm"; } protected function other_callback($complete, $bracket, $type, $url) { $url = $this->process_url($url); return $type.'='.$bracket.$url.$bracket; } private function other_first_callback($c) { // Aufgrund des regex ist bei einem href $c[0] nicht href="..." sondern use_original_bracket_at_other) { $bracket = $c[5]; } else { $bracket = '"'; } if (!isset($c[7])) $c[7] = ''; $url = $c[6].$c[7]; // Either [6] OR [7] is filled, so I simply concat them. return $pre.$this->other_callback($complete, $bracket, $type, $url); } // Processing functions private function process_links($content) { $r = preg_replace_callback($this->link_style_regex(), array(&$this, 'link_first_callback'), $content); if ($r == null) return $content; // z.B. bei doppeltem ALAS-Processing! return $r; } private function process_other($content) { $r = preg_replace_callback($this->other_style_regex(), array(&$this, 'other_first_callback'), $content); if ($r == null) return $content; return $r; } private function process_css($content) { $r = preg_replace_callback($this->css_style_regex(), array(&$this, 'css_first_callback'), $content); if ($r == null) return $content; return $r; } public function process($content) { $content = $this->process_links($content); $content = $this->process_other($content); $content = $this->process_css($content); return $content; } } // ======================================================================== // SOURCE: VIATHINKSOFT ANTI SPAM include '../v3.inc.php'; // ======================================================================== // SOURCE: SIGMA 3.0 _sigma.php function remove_beginning($content, $beginning) { if (beginsWith($content, $beginning)) { return substr($content, strlen($beginning), strlen($content)-strlen($beginning)); } else { return $content; } } function beginsWithI($content, $beginning) { return beginsWith(strtolower($content), strtolower($beginning)); } function beginsWith($content, $beginning) { // return substr($content, 0, strlen($beginning)) == $beginning; return (strncmp($content, $beginning, strlen($beginning)) == 0); } function remove_beginning_i($content, $beginning) { if (beginsWithI($content, $beginning)) { return substr($content, strlen($beginning), strlen($content)-strlen($beginning)); } else { return $content; } } // ======================================================================== // USAGE: // $content = auto_secure_mail_addresses($content); // ========================================================================