FilterFactory - Function "put"

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Puts the new value v into cell i
Note: Modifies internal state



Original Machine Code (in OPER resource) of Filter Factory 3.0 and 3.0.4 for Photoshop/Win32

58 pop eax (param_i) .
5B pop ebx (param_v) .
0B C0 or eax,eax .
7C 0E jl +$0e (@@1) if (param_i <   0) goto @@1; // return param_v
3D FF 00 00 00 cmp eax,$000000ff (255) .
7F 07 jnle +$07 (@@1) if (param_i > 255) goto @@1; // return param_v
89 9C 87 78 35 00 00 mov [edi+eax*4+$00003578 (cell)],ebx cell[param_i] = param_v;
@@1: @@1:
53 push ebx return param_v;