FilterFactory - Function "add"

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Sum of a and b, or c, whichever is lesser

Manual errata

Note: The manual of Filter Factory for Premiere wrote Sum of a and b, or c, whichever is greater , which is wrong for FF for Premiere, FF for Photoshop/Windows, and FF for Photosop/Mac.



Original Machine Code (in OPER resource) of Filter Factory 3.0 and 3.0.4 for Photoshop/Win32

59 pop ecx (param_c) .
5B pop ebx (param_b) .
58 pop eax (param_a) .
03 C3 add eax,ebx param_a += param_b;
3B C1 cmp eax,ecx .
7C 02 jl +$02 (@@1) if (param_a < param_c) goto @@1;
8B C1 mov eax,ecx param_a = param_c;
@@1: @@1:
50 push eax return param_a;