4), then replace GMP with normal PHP operations if (file_exists($f = __DIR__ . '/mac_utils.inc.php')) include_once $f; else if (file_exists($f = __DIR__ . '/mac_utils.inc.phps')) include_once $f; if (file_exists($f = __DIR__ . '/gmp_supplement.inc.php')) include_once $f; else if (file_exists($f = __DIR__ . '/gmp_supplement.inc.phps')) include_once $f; if (file_exists($f = __DIR__ . '/OidDerConverter.class.php')) include_once $f; else if (file_exists($f = __DIR__ . '/OidDerConverter.class.phps')) include_once $f; // Note: The RFC allows various notations as payload, not a strict notation constraint const UUID_NAMEBASED_NS_DNS = '6ba7b810-9dad-11d1-80b4-00c04fd430c8'; const UUID_NAMEBASED_NS_URL = '6ba7b811-9dad-11d1-80b4-00c04fd430c8'; const UUID_NAMEBASED_NS_OID = '6ba7b812-9dad-11d1-80b4-00c04fd430c8'; const UUID_NAMEBASED_NS_X500_DN = '6ba7b814-9dad-11d1-80b4-00c04fd430c8'; if (!function_exists('_random_int')) { function _random_int($min, $max) { // This function tries a CSRNG and falls back to a RNG if no CSRNG is available try { return random_int($min, $max); } catch (Exception $e) { return mt_rand($min, $max); } } } function uuid_valid($uuid) { $uuid = str_replace(array('-', '{', '}'), '', $uuid); $uuid = strtoupper($uuid); #$uuid = trim($uuid); if (strlen($uuid) != 32) return false; $uuid = preg_replace('@[0-9A-F]@i', '', $uuid); return ($uuid == ''); } function uuid_equal($uuid1, $uuid2) { $uuid1 = uuid_canonize($uuid1); if (!$uuid1) return false; $uuid2 = uuid_canonize($uuid2); if (!$uuid2) return false; return $uuid1 === $uuid2; } function uuid_version($uuid) { $uuid = uuid_canonize($uuid); if (!$uuid) return false; return substr($uuid, 19, 1); } function uuid_info($uuid, $echo=true) { if (!uuid_valid($uuid)) return false; $oid = uuid_to_oid($uuid); echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Your input:", $uuid); echo "\n"; echo "Various notations:\n"; echo "\n"; echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "URN:", 'urn:uuid:' . strtolower(oid_to_uuid(uuid_to_oid($uuid)))); echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "URI:", 'uuid:' . strtolower(oid_to_uuid(uuid_to_oid($uuid)))); echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Microsoft GUID syntax:", '{' . strtoupper(oid_to_uuid(uuid_to_oid($uuid))) . '}'); echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "C++ struct syntax:", uuid_c_syntax($uuid)); echo "\n"; echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "As OID (ISO/ITU-T 128 bits):", $oid=uuid_to_oid($uuid, '2.25')); # Removed because it is too much information (we would also need to add this to the other OIDs too) #if (class_exists('OidDerConverter')) { # echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "DER encoding of OID:", OidDerConverter::hexarrayToStr(OidDerConverter::oidToDER($oid))); #} echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "As OID (Microsoft):", $oid=uuid_to_oid($uuid, '1.2.840.113556.1.8000.2554')); echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "As OID (Waterjuice 2x64 bits):", $oid=uuid_to_oid($uuid, '')); echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "As OID (Waterjuice 4x32 bits):", $oid=uuid_to_oid($uuid, '')); echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "As OID (Waterjuice 8x16 bits):", $oid=uuid_to_oid($uuid, '')); echo "\n"; echo "Interpretation of the UUID:\n\n"; if (!$echo) ob_start(); #$uuid = trim($uuid); # $uuid = str_replace(array('-', '{', '}'), '', $uuid); $uuid = strtolower($uuid); $uuid = preg_replace('@[^0-9A-F]@i', '', $uuid); $x = hexdec(substr($uuid, 16, 1)); if ($x >= 14 /* 0b1110 */) $variant = 3; else if ($x >= 12 /* 0b110_ */) $variant = 2; else if ($x >= 8 /* 0b10__ */) $variant = 1; else if ($x >= 0 /* 0b0___ */) $variant = 0; else $variant = -1; // should not happen if ($uuid == '00000000000000000000000000000000') { echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Special Use:", "Nil UUID"); echo "\n"; } else if ($uuid == 'ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff') { echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Special Use:", "Max UUID"); echo "\n"; } switch ($variant) { case 0: echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Variant:", "[0b0__] Network Computing System (NCS)"); /* * Internal structure of variant #0 UUIDs * * The first 6 octets are the number of 4 usec units of time that have * passed since 1/1/80 0000 GMT. The next 2 octets are reserved for * future use. The next octet is an address family. The next 7 octets * are a host ID in the form allowed by the specified address family. * * Note that while the family field (octet 8) was originally conceived * of as being able to hold values in the range [0..255], only [0..13] * were ever used. Thus, the 2 MSB of this field are always 0 and are * used to distinguish old and current UUID forms. */ /* Variant 0 UUID - 32 bit High Time - 16 bit Low Time - 16 bit Reserved - 1 bit Variant (fix 0b0) - 7 bit Family - 56 bit Node */ // Example of an UUID: 333a2276-0000-0000-0d00-00809c000000 // TODO: also show legacy format, e.g. 458487b55160.02.c0. # see also some notes at See https://github.com/cjsv/uuid/blob/master/Doc /* NOTE: A generator is not possible, because there are no timestamps left! The last possible timestamp was: [0xFFFFFFFFFFFF] 2015-09-05 05:58:26'210655 GMT That is in the following UUID: ffffffff-ffff-0000-027f-000001000000 Current timestamp generator: echo dechex(round((microtime(true)+315532800)*250000)); */ # Timestamp: Count of 4us intervals since 01 Jan 1980 00:00:00 GMT # 1/0,000004 = 250000 # Seconds between 1970 and 1980 : 315532800 # 250000*315532800=78883200000000 $timestamp = substr($uuid, 0, 12); $ts = gmp_init($timestamp, 16); $ts = gmp_add($ts, gmp_init("78883200000000", 10)); $ms = gmp_mod($ts, gmp_init("250000", 10)); $ts = gmp_div($ts, gmp_init("250000", 10)); $ts = gmp_strval($ts, 10); $ms = gmp_strval($ms, 10); $ts = gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s', intval($ts))."'".str_pad($ms, 6/*us*/, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT).' GMT'; echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Timestamp:", "[0x$timestamp] $ts"); $reserved = substr($uuid, 12, 4); echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Reserved:", "[0x$reserved]"); $family_hex = substr($uuid, 16, 2); $family_dec = hexdec($family_hex); $nodeid_hex = substr($uuid, 18, 14); $nodeid_dec = hexdec($nodeid_hex); // Sources: // - https://bitsavers.org/pdf/ibm/rs6000/aix_3.0/SC23-2206-0_AIX_Version_3_for_RS6000_Communications_Programming_Concepts_199003.pdf // - (For comparison) https://github.com/uuid6/uuid6-ietf-draft/issues/26#issuecomment-1062164457 // - (For comparison) https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.net.sockets.addressfamily?view=net-7.0 [numbers 0..13 are mostly identical] if ($family_dec == 0) { # Microsoft's AdressFamily: Unspecified 0 Unspecified address family. # AIX 3.0 Manual: 0 unspec = Unspecified $family_name = 'socket_$unspec (Unspecified)'; $nodeid_desc = ''; // TODO: how to interprete the Node-ID of that family? } else if ($family_dec == 1) { # Microsoft's AdressFamily: Unix 1 Unix local to host address. # AIX 3.0 Manual: 1 unix = Local to host (pipes, portals) $family_name = 'socket_$unix (Local to host, e.g. pipes, portals)'; $nodeid_desc = ''; // TODO: how to interprete the Node-ID of that family? } else if ($family_dec == 2) { # Microsoft's AdressFamily: InterNetwork 2 Address for IP version 4. # AIX 3.0 Manual: 2 ip = Internet Protocols $family_name = 'socket_$internet (Internet Protocols, e.g. IPv4)'; // https://www.ibm.com/docs/en/aix/7.1?topic=u-uuid-gen-command-ncs (AIX 7.1) shows the following example output for /etc/ncs/uuid_gen -P // := [ // time_high := 16#458487df, // time_low := 16#9fb2, // reserved := 16#000, // family := chr(16#02), // host := [chr(16#c0), chr(16#64), chr(16#02), chr(16#03), // chr(16#00), chr(16#00), chr(16#00)] // ] // This means that the IP address is 32 bits hex, and 32 bits are unused $nodeid_desc = hexdec(substr($nodeid_hex,0,2)).'.'. hexdec(substr($nodeid_hex,2,2)).'.'. hexdec(substr($nodeid_hex,4,2)).'.'. hexdec(substr($nodeid_hex,6,2)); $rest = substr($nodeid_hex,8,6); if ($rest != '000000') $nodeid_desc .= " + unexpected rest 0x$rest"; } else if ($family_dec == 3) { # Microsoft's AdressFamily: ImpLink 3 ARPANET IMP address. # AIX 3.0 Manual: 3 implink = ARPANET imp addresses $family_name = 'socket_$implink (ARPANET imp addresses)'; $nodeid_desc = ''; // TODO: how to interprete the Node-ID of that family? } else if ($family_dec == 4) { # Microsoft's AdressFamily: Pup 4 Address for PUP protocols. # AIX 3.0 Manual: 4 pup = Pup protocols (for example, BSP) $family_name = 'socket_$pup (Pup protocols, e.g. BSP)'; $nodeid_desc = ''; // TODO: how to interprete the Node-ID of that family? } else if ($family_dec == 5) { # Microsoft's AdressFamily: Chaos 5 Address for MIT CHAOS protocols. # AIX 3.0 Manual: 5 chaos = MIT CHAOS protocols $family_name = 'socket_$chaos (MIT CHAOS protocols)'; $nodeid_desc = ''; // TODO: how to interprete the Node-ID of that family? } else if ($family_dec == 6) { # Microsoft's AdressFamily: NS 6 Address for Xerox NS protocols. # Microsoft's AdressFamily: Ipx 6 IPX or SPX address. # AIX 3.0 Manual: 6 ns = XEROX NS protocols $family_name = 'socket_$ns (XEROX NS protocols)'; $nodeid_desc = ''; // TODO: how to interprete the Node-ID of that family? } else if ($family_dec == 7) { # Microsoft's AdressFamily: Osi 7 Address for OSI protocols. # Microsoft's AdressFamily: Iso 7 Address for ISO protocols. # AIX 3.0 Manual: 7 nbs = NBS protocols $family_name = 'socket_$nbs (NBS protocols)'; $nodeid_desc = ''; // TODO: how to interprete the Node-ID of that family? } else if ($family_dec == 8) { # Microsoft's AdressFamily: Ecma 8 European Computer Manufacturers Association (ECMA) address. # AIX 3.0 Manual: 8 ecma = European computer manufacturers $family_name = 'socket_$ecma (European computer manufacturers protocols)'; $nodeid_desc = ''; // TODO: how to interprete the Node-ID of that family? } else if ($family_dec == 9) { # Microsoft's AdressFamily: DataKit 9 Address for Datakit protocols. # AIX 3.0 Manual: 9 datakit = Datakit protocols $family_name = 'socket_$datakit (Datakit protocols)'; $nodeid_desc = ''; // TODO: how to interprete the Node-ID of that family? } else if ($family_dec == 10) { # Microsoft's AdressFamily: Ccitt 10 Addresses for CCITT protocols, such as X.25. # AIX 3.0 Manual: A ccitt = CCITT protocols (for example, X.25) $family_name = 'socket_$ccitt (CCITT protocols, e.g. X.25)'; $nodeid_desc = ''; // TODO: how to interprete the Node-ID of that family? } else if ($family_dec == 11) { # Microsoft's AdressFamily: Sna 11 IBM SNA address. # AIX 3.0 Manual: B sna = IBM SNA $family_name = 'socket_$sna (IBM SNA)'; $nodeid_desc = ''; // TODO: how to interprete the Node-ID of that family? } else if ($family_dec == 12) { # Microsoft's AdressFamily: DecNet 12 DECnet address. # AIX 3.0 Manual: C unspec2 = Unspecified $family_name = 'socket_$unspec2 (Unspecified)'; $nodeid_desc = ''; // TODO: how to interprete the Node-ID of that family? } else if ($family_dec == 13) { # Microsoft's AdressFamily: DataLink 13 Direct data-link interface address. # AIX 3.0 Manual: D dds = Domain DDS protocol # Some also call this "Data Link" ... Is that correct? $family_name = 'socket_$dds (Domain DDS protocol)'; // https://www.ibm.com/docs/en/aix/7.1?topic=u-uuid-gen-command-ncs (AIX 7.1) shows the following example output for /etc/ncs/uuid_gen -C // = { 0x34dc23af, // 0xf000, // 0x0000, // 0x0d, // {0x00, 0x00, 0x7c, 0x5f, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00} }; // https://github.com/cjsv/uuid/blob/master/Doc writes: // "Family 13 (dds) looks like node is 00 | nnnnnn 000000." $nodeid_desc = ''; $start = substr($nodeid_hex,0,2); if ($start != '00') $nodeid_desc .= "unexpected start 0x$start + "; $nodeid_desc .= ($nodeid_dec >> 24) & 0xFFFFFF; $rest = substr($nodeid_hex,8,6); if ($rest != '000000') $nodeid_desc .= " + unexpected rest 0x$rest"; } else { $family_name = "Unknown (Family $family_dec)"; # There are probably no more families $nodeid_desc = "Unknown"; } echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Family:", "[0x$family_hex] $family_name"); echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Node ID:", "[0x$nodeid_hex] $nodeid_desc"); break; case 1: // TODO: Show byte order: 00112233-4455-6677-8899-aabbccddeeff => 00 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88 99 aa bb cc dd ee ff $version = hexdec(substr($uuid, 12, 1)); if ($version <= 2) { echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Variant:", "[0b10_] RFC 4122 (Leach-Mealling-Salz) / DCE 1.1"); } else if (($version >= 3) && ($version <= 5)) { echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Variant:", "[0b10_] RFC 4122 (Leach-Mealling-Salz)"); } else if (($version >= 6) && ($version <= 8)) { echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Variant:", "[0b10_] RFC 9562 (Davis-Peabody-Leach)"); } else { echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Variant:", "[0b10_] Unknown RFC"); } switch ($version) { case 6: /* Variant 1, Version 6 UUID - 48 bit High Time - 4 bit Version (fix 0x6) - 12 bit Low Time - 2 bit Variant (fix 0b10) - 6 bit Clock Sequence High - 8 bit Clock Sequence Low - 48 bit MAC Address */ echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Version:", "[0x6] Reordered Time-Based"); $uuid = substr($uuid, 0, 8).'-'. substr($uuid, 8, 4).'-'. substr($uuid, 12, 4).'-'. substr($uuid, 16, 4).'-'. substr($uuid, 20, 12); $uuid = uuid6_to_uuid1($uuid); $uuid = str_replace('-', '', $uuid); /* fallthrough */ case 1: /* Variant 1, Version 1 UUID - 32 bit Low Time - 16 bit Mid Time - 4 bit Version (fix 0x1) - 12 bit High Time - 2 bit Variant (fix 0b10) - 6 bit Clock Sequence High - 8 bit Clock Sequence Low - 48 bit MAC Address */ if ($version == 1) echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Version:", "[0x1] Time-based with unique host identifier"); # Timestamp: Count of 100ns intervals since 15 Oct 1582 00:00:00 # 1/0,0000001 = 10000000 $timestamp = substr($uuid, 13, 3).substr($uuid, 8, 4).substr($uuid, 0, 8); $ts = gmp_init($timestamp, 16); $ts = gmp_sub($ts, gmp_init("122192928000000000", 10)); $ms = gmp_mod($ts, gmp_init("10000000", 10)); $ts = gmp_div($ts, gmp_init("10000000", 10)); $ts = gmp_strval($ts, 10); $ms = gmp_strval($ms, 10); $ts = gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s', intval($ts))."'".str_pad($ms, 7/*0.1us*/, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT).' GMT'; echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Timestamp:", "[0x$timestamp] $ts"); $x = hexdec(substr($uuid, 16, 4)); $dec = $x & 0x3FFF; // The highest 2 bits are used by "variant" (10x) $hex = substr($uuid, 16, 4); $hex = ''.$hex[0].''.substr($hex,1); echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Clock ID:", "[0x$hex] $dec"); $x = substr($uuid, 20, 12); $nodeid = ''; for ($i=0; $i<6; $i++) { $nodeid .= substr($x, $i*2, 2); if ($i != 5) $nodeid .= '-'; } $nodeid = strtoupper($nodeid); echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Node ID:", "[0x$x] $nodeid"); echo "\nIn case that this Node ID is a MAC address, here is the interpretation of that MAC address:\n\n"; decode_mac(strtoupper($nodeid)); break; case 2: /* Variant 1, Version 2 UUID - 32 bit Local Domain Number - 16 bit Mid Time - 4 bit Version (fix 0x2) - 12 bit High Time - 2 bit Variant (fix 0b10) - 6 bit Clock Sequence - 8 bit Local Domain - 48 bit MAC Address */ // see also https://unicorn-utterances.com/posts/what-happened-to-uuid-v2 echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Version:", "[0x2] DCE Security version"); # The clock_seq_low field (which represents an integer in the range [0, 28-1]) is interpreted as a local domain (as represented by sec_rgy_domain_t; see sec_rgy_domain_t ); that is, an identifier domain meaningful to the local host. (Note that the data type sec_rgy_domain_t can potentially hold values outside the range [0, 28-1]; however, the only values currently registered are in the range [0, 2], so this type mismatch is not significant.) In the particular case of a POSIX host, the value sec_rgy_domain_person is to be interpreted as the "POSIX UID domain", and the value sec_rgy_domain_group is to be interpreted as the "POSIX GID domain". $x = substr($uuid, 18, 2); if ($x == '00') $domain_info = 'Person (e.g. POSIX UID)'; else if ($x == '01') $domain_info = 'Group (e.g. POSIX GID)'; else if ($x == '02') $domain_info = 'Organization'; else $domain_info = 'site-defined (Domain '.hexdec($x).')'; echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Local Domain:", "[0x$x] $domain_info"); # The time_low field (which represents an integer in the range [0, 232-1]) is interpreted as a local-ID; that is, an identifier (within the domain specified by clock_seq_low) meaningful to the local host. In the particular case of a POSIX host, when combined with a POSIX UID or POSIX GID domain in the clock_seq_low field (above), the time_low field represents a POSIX UID or POSIX GID, respectively. $x = substr($uuid, 0, 8); $dec = hexdec($x); echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Local Domain Number:", "[0x$x] $dec"); # Timestamp: Count of 100ns intervals since 15 Oct 1582 00:00:00 # 1/0,0000001 = 10000000 $timestamp = substr($uuid, 13, 3).substr($uuid, 8, 4).'00000000'; $ts = gmp_init($timestamp, 16); $ts = gmp_sub($ts, gmp_init("122192928000000000", 10)); $ms = gmp_mod($ts, gmp_init("10000000", 10)); $ts = gmp_div($ts, gmp_init("10000000", 10)); $ts = gmp_strval($ts, 10); $ms = gmp_strval($ms, 10); $ts_min = gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s', intval($ts))."'".str_pad($ms, 7/*0.1us*/, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT).' GMT'; $timestamp = substr($uuid, 13, 3).substr($uuid, 8, 4).'FFFFFFFF'; $ts = gmp_init($timestamp, 16); $ts = gmp_sub($ts, gmp_init("122192928000000000", 10)); $ms = gmp_mod($ts, gmp_init("10000000", 10)); $ts = gmp_div($ts, gmp_init("10000000", 10)); $ts = gmp_strval($ts, 10); $ms = gmp_strval($ms, 10); $ts_max = gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s', intval($ts))."'".str_pad($ms, 7/*0.1us*/, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT).' GMT'; $timestamp = substr($uuid, 13, 3).substr($uuid, 8, 4)/*.'xxxxxxxx'*/; echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Timestamp:", "[0x$timestamp] $ts_min - $ts_max"); $x = hexdec(substr($uuid, 16, 2)); $dec = $x & 0x3F; // The highest 2 bits are used by "variant" (10xx) $hex = substr($uuid, 16, 2); $hex = ''.$hex[0].''.substr($hex,1); echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Clock ID:", "[0x$hex] $dec"); $x = substr($uuid, 20, 12); $nodeid = ''; for ($i=0; $i<6; $i++) { $nodeid .= substr($x, $i*2, 2); if ($i != 5) $nodeid .= '-'; } $nodeid = strtoupper($nodeid); echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Node ID:", "[0x$x] $nodeid"); echo "\nIn case that this Node ID is a MAC address, here is the interpretation of that MAC address:\n\n"; decode_mac(strtoupper($nodeid)); break; case 3: /* Variant 1, Version 3 UUID - 48 bit Hash High - 4 bit Version (fix 0x3) - 12 bit Hash Mid - 2 bit Variant (fix 0b10) - 62 bit Hash Low */ echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Version:", "[0x3] Name-based (MD5 hash)"); $hash = str_replace('-', '', strtolower($uuid)); $hash[12] = '?'; // was overwritten by version $var16a = strtoupper(dechex(hexdec($hash[16]) & 0b0011 | 0b0000)); $var16b = strtoupper(dechex(hexdec($hash[16]) & 0b0011 | 0b0100)); $var16c = strtoupper(dechex(hexdec($hash[16]) & 0b0011 | 0b1000)); $var16d = strtoupper(dechex(hexdec($hash[16]) & 0b0011 | 0b1100)); $hash[16] = '?'; // was partially overwritten by variant $p = 16; $hash = substr($hash,0,$p)."".substr($hash,$p,1).''.substr($hash,$p+1); echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "MD5(Namespace+Subject):", "[0x$hash]"); break; case 4: /* Variant 1, Version 4 UUID - 48 bit Random High - 4 bit Version (fix 0x4) - 12 bit Random Mid - 2 bit Variant (fix 0b10) - 62 bit Random Low */ echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Version:", "[0x4] Random"); $rand_line1 = ''; $rand_line2 = ''; for ($i=0; $i<16; $i++) { $bin = base_convert(substr($uuid, $i*2, 2), 16, 2); $bin = str_pad($bin, 8, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT); if ($i == 6) { // was overwritten by version $bin[0] = '?'; $bin[1] = '?'; $bin[2] = '?'; $bin[3] = '?'; } else if ($i == 8) { // was partially overwritten by variant $bin[0] = '?'; $bin[1] = '?'; } if ($i<8) $rand_line1 .= "$bin "; if ($i>=8) $rand_line2 .= "$bin "; } echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Random bits:", trim($rand_line1)); echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "", trim($rand_line2)); $rand_bytes = str_replace('-', '', strtolower($uuid)); $rand_bytes[12] = '?'; // was overwritten by version $var16a = strtoupper(dechex(hexdec($rand_bytes[16]) & 0b0011 | 0b0000)); $var16b = strtoupper(dechex(hexdec($rand_bytes[16]) & 0b0011 | 0b0100)); $var16c = strtoupper(dechex(hexdec($rand_bytes[16]) & 0b0011 | 0b1000)); $var16d = strtoupper(dechex(hexdec($rand_bytes[16]) & 0b0011 | 0b1100)); $rand_bytes[16] = '?'; // was partially overwritten by variant $p = 16; $rand_bytes = substr($rand_bytes,0,$p)."".substr($rand_bytes,$p,1).''.substr($rand_bytes,$p+1); echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Random bytes:", "[0x$rand_bytes]"); break; case 5: /* Variant 1, Version 5 UUID - 48 bit Hash High - 4 bit Version (fix 0x5) - 12 bit Hash Mid - 2 bit Variant (fix 0b10) - 62 bit Hash Low */ echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Version:", "[0x5] Name-based (SHA-1 hash)"); $hash = str_replace('-', '', strtolower($uuid)); $hash[12] = '?'; // was overwritten by version $var16a = strtoupper(dechex(hexdec($hash[16]) & 0b0011 | 0b0000)); $var16b = strtoupper(dechex(hexdec($hash[16]) & 0b0011 | 0b0100)); $var16c = strtoupper(dechex(hexdec($hash[16]) & 0b0011 | 0b1000)); $var16d = strtoupper(dechex(hexdec($hash[16]) & 0b0011 | 0b1100)); $hash[16] = '?'; // was partially overwritten by variant $hash .= '????????'; // was cut off $p = 16; $hash = substr($hash,0,$p)."".substr($hash,$p,1).''.substr($hash,$p+1); echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "SHA1(Namespace+Subject):", "[0x$hash]"); break; case 7: /* Variant 1, Version 7 UUID - 48 bit Unix Time in milliseconds - 4 bit Version (fix 0x7) - 12 bit Data - 2 bit Variant (fix 0b10) - 62 bit Data Structure of data (74 bits): - OPTIONAL : Sub-millisecond timestamp fraction (0-12 bits) - OPTIONAL : Carefully seeded counter - Random generated bits for any remaining space Since we don't know if timestamp fraction or counters are implemented (and if so, how many bits), we don't decode this information */ echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Version:", "[0x7] Unix Epoch Time"); $timestamp = substr($uuid, 0, 12); // Timestamp: Split into seconds and milliseconds $ts = gmp_init($timestamp, 16); $ms = gmp_mod($ts, gmp_init("1000", 10)); $ts = gmp_div($ts, gmp_init("1000", 10)); $ts = gmp_strval($ts, 10); $ms = gmp_strval($ms, 10); $ts = gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s', intval($ts))."'".str_pad($ms, 3/*ms*/, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT).' GMT'; echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Timestamp:", "[0x$timestamp] $ts"); $rand = ''; for ($i=6; $i<16; $i++) { $bin = base_convert(substr($uuid, $i*2, 2), 16, 2); $bin = str_pad($bin, 8, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT); if ($i == 6) { // was overwritten by version $bin[0] = '?'; $bin[1] = '?'; $bin[2] = '?'; $bin[3] = '?'; } else if ($i == 8) { // was partially overwritten by variant $bin[0] = '?'; $bin[1] = '?'; } $rand .= "$bin "; } echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Random bits:", trim($rand)); $rand_bytes = substr(str_replace('-', '', strtolower($uuid)),13); $var16a = strtoupper(dechex(hexdec($rand_bytes[3]) & 0b0011 | 0b0000)); $var16b = strtoupper(dechex(hexdec($rand_bytes[3]) & 0b0011 | 0b0100)); $var16c = strtoupper(dechex(hexdec($rand_bytes[3]) & 0b0011 | 0b1000)); $var16d = strtoupper(dechex(hexdec($rand_bytes[3]) & 0b0011 | 0b1100)); $rand_bytes[3] = '?'; // was partially overwritten by variant $p = 3; $rand_bytes = substr($rand_bytes,0,$p)."".substr($rand_bytes,$p,1).''.substr($rand_bytes,$p+1); echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Random bytes:", "[0x$rand_bytes]"); // TODO: convert to and from Base32 CROCKFORD ULID (make 2 methods in uuid_utils.inc.php) // e.g. ULID: 01GCZ05N3JFRKBRWKNGCQZGP44 // "Be aware that all version 7 UUIDs may be converted to ULIDs but not all ULIDs may be converted to UUIDs." break; case 8: /* Variant 1, Version 8 UUID - 48 bit Custom data [Block 1+2] - 4 bit Version (fix 0x8) - 12 bit Custom data [Block 3] - 2 bit Variant (fix 0b10) - 62 bit Custom data [Block 4+5] */ echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Version:", "[0x8] Custom implementation"); $custom_data = substr($uuid,0,12).substr($uuid,13); // exclude version nibble $custom_data[15] = dechex(hexdec($custom_data[15]) & 0b0011); // nibble was partially overwritten by variant $custom_data = strtolower($custom_data); $custom_block1 = substr($uuid, 0, 8); $custom_block2 = substr($uuid, 8, 4); $custom_block3 = substr($uuid, 12, 4); $custom_block4 = substr($uuid, 16, 4); $custom_block5 = substr($uuid, 20); $custom_block3 = substr($custom_block3, 1); // remove version $custom_block4[0] = dechex(hexdec($custom_block4[0]) & 0b0011); // remove variant echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Custom data:", "[0x$custom_data]"); echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Custom data block1 (32 bit):", "[0x$custom_block1]"); echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Custom data block2 (16 bit):", "[0x$custom_block2]"); echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Custom data block3 (12 bit):", "[0x$custom_block3]"); echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Custom data block4 (14 bit):", "[0x$custom_block4]"); echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Custom data block5 (48 bit):", "[0x$custom_block5]"); // START: Check if Custom UUIDv8 is likely an OIDplus 2.0 Custom UUID $oidplus_systemid_hex = $custom_block1; $oidplus_systemid_int = hexdec($oidplus_systemid_hex); // 31 bit hash of public key $oidplus_systemid_valid = hexdec($custom_block1) < 0x80000000; $oidplus_creation_hex = $custom_block2; $oidplus_creation_int = hexdec($oidplus_creation_hex); // days since 1 January 1970, or 0 if unknown //$oidplus_creation_valid = ($oidplus_creation_int >= 14610/*1 Jan 2010*/) && ($oidplus_creation_int <= floor(time()/24/60/60)/*Today*/); $oidplus_creation_unknown = $oidplus_creation_int == 0; $oidplus_reserved_hex = $custom_block3; $oidplus_reserved_int = hexdec($oidplus_reserved_hex); $oidplus_namespace_hex = $custom_block4; $oidplus_namespace_int = hexdec($oidplus_namespace_hex); $oidplus_data_hex = $custom_block5; $oidplus_data_int = (PHP_INT_SIZE == 4) ? gmp_strval(gmp_init($oidplus_data_hex,16),10) : hexdec($custom_block5); if ($oidplus_systemid_valid && ($oidplus_reserved_int == 0)) { if (($oidplus_namespace_int == 0) && $oidplus_creation_unknown && (strtolower($oidplus_data_hex) == '1890afd80709')) { // System GUID, e.g. 6e932dd7-0000-8000-8000-1890afd80709 echo "\nInterpretation of OIDplus 2.0 Custom UUID\n\n"; echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "System ID:", "[0x$oidplus_systemid_hex] ".$oidplus_systemid_int); echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Creation time:", "[0x$oidplus_creation_hex] ".($oidplus_creation_unknown ? 'Unknown' : date('Y-m-d', $oidplus_creation_int*24*60*60))); /**@phpstan-ignore-line*/ echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Reserved:", "[0x$oidplus_reserved_hex]"); echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Namespace:", "[0x$oidplus_namespace_hex] $oidplus_namespace_int=System"); echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Data (empty string hash):", "[0x$oidplus_data_hex] SHA1('') = ????????????????????????????$oidplus_data_hex"); } else if (($oidplus_namespace_int == 1) && $oidplus_creation_unknown) { // User GUID, e.g. 6e932dd7-0000-8000-8001-2938f50e857e (User), 6e932dd7-0000-8000-8001-000000000000 (Admin) echo "\nInterpretation of OIDplus 2.0 Custom UUID\n\n"; echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "System ID:", "[0x$oidplus_systemid_hex] ".$oidplus_systemid_int); echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Creation time:", "[0x$oidplus_creation_hex] ".($oidplus_creation_unknown ? 'Unknown' : date('Y-m-d', $oidplus_creation_int*24*60*60))); /**@phpstan-ignore-line*/ echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Reserved:", "[0x$oidplus_reserved_hex]"); echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Namespace:", "[0x$oidplus_namespace_hex] $oidplus_namespace_int=User"); if ($oidplus_data_int == 0) { echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Data (Username):", "[0x$oidplus_data_hex] 0=Admin"); } else { echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Data (Username):", "[0x$oidplus_data_hex] SHA1(UserName) = ????????????????????????????$oidplus_data_hex"); } } else if (($oidplus_namespace_int == 2)/* && $oidplus_creation_valid*/) { // Log entry GUID, e.g. 6e932dd7-458c-8000-8002-0000000004d2 echo "\nInterpretation of OIDplus 2.0 Custom UUID\n\n"; echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "System ID:", "[0x$oidplus_systemid_hex] ".$oidplus_systemid_int); echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Creation time:", "[0x$oidplus_creation_hex] ".($oidplus_creation_unknown ? 'Unknown' : date('Y-m-d', $oidplus_creation_int*24*60*60))); echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Reserved:", "[0x$oidplus_reserved_hex]"); echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Namespace:", "[0x$oidplus_namespace_hex] $oidplus_namespace_int=Log Entry"); echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Data (Sequence number):", "[0x$oidplus_data_hex] $oidplus_data_int"); } else if (($oidplus_namespace_int == 3) && $oidplus_creation_unknown) { // Configuration entry GUID, e.g. 6e932dd7-0000-8000-8003-f14dda42862a echo "\nInterpretation of OIDplus 2.0 Custom UUID\n\n"; echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "System ID:", "[0x$oidplus_systemid_hex] ".$oidplus_systemid_int); echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Creation time:", "[0x$oidplus_creation_hex] ".($oidplus_creation_unknown ? 'Unknown' : date('Y-m-d', $oidplus_creation_int*24*60*60))); /**@phpstan-ignore-line*/ echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Reserved:", "[0x$oidplus_reserved_hex]"); echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Namespace:", "[0x$oidplus_namespace_hex] $oidplus_namespace_int=Configuration Entry"); echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Data (Setting name hash):", "[0x$oidplus_data_hex] SHA1(SettingName) = ????????????????????????????$oidplus_data_hex"); } else if ($oidplus_namespace_int == 4) { // ASN.1 Alpahnumeric identifier GUID, e.g. 6e932dd7-0000-8000-8004-208ded8a3f8f echo "\nInterpretation of OIDplus 2.0 Custom UUID\n\n"; echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "System ID:", "[0x$oidplus_systemid_hex] ".$oidplus_systemid_int); echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Creation time:", "[0x$oidplus_creation_hex] ".($oidplus_creation_unknown ? 'Unknown' : date('Y-m-d', $oidplus_creation_int*24*60*60))); echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Reserved:", "[0x$oidplus_reserved_hex]"); echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Namespace:", "[0x$oidplus_namespace_hex] $oidplus_namespace_int=ASN.1 Alphanumeric ID"); $oidplus_data_24hi_hex = substr($oidplus_data_hex, 0, 6); $oidplus_data_24lo_hex = substr($oidplus_data_hex, 6, 6); echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Data (OID hash):", "[0x$oidplus_data_24hi_hex] SHA1(OID) = ????????????????????????????$oidplus_data_24hi_hex"); echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Data (Name hash):", "[0x$oidplus_data_24lo_hex] SHA1(AlphaNumId) = ????????????????????????????$oidplus_data_24lo_hex"); } else if ($oidplus_namespace_int == 5) { // Unicode Label entry GUID, e.g. 6e932dd7-0000-8000-8005-208dedaf9a96 echo "\nInterpretation of OIDplus 2.0 Custom UUID\n\n"; echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "System ID:", "[0x$oidplus_systemid_hex] ".$oidplus_systemid_int); echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Creation time:", "[0x$oidplus_creation_hex] ".($oidplus_creation_unknown ? 'Unknown' : date('Y-m-d', $oidplus_creation_int*24*60*60))); echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Reserved:", "[0x$oidplus_reserved_hex]"); echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Namespace:", "[0x$oidplus_namespace_hex] $oidplus_namespace_int=Unicode Label"); $oidplus_data_24hi_hex = substr($oidplus_data_hex, 0, 6); $oidplus_data_24lo_hex = substr($oidplus_data_hex, 6, 6); echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Data (OID hash):", "[0x$oidplus_data_24hi_hex] SHA1(OID) = ????????????????????????????$oidplus_data_24hi_hex"); echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Data (Name hash):", "[0x$oidplus_data_24lo_hex] SHA1(UnicodeLabel) = ????????????????????????????$oidplus_data_24lo_hex"); } else if (($oidplus_namespace_int >= 6) && ($oidplus_namespace_int <= 0xF)) { // System reserved echo "\nInterpretation of OIDplus 2.0 Custom UUID\n\n"; echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "System ID:", "[0x$oidplus_systemid_hex] ".$oidplus_systemid_int); echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Creation time:", "[0x$oidplus_creation_hex] ".($oidplus_creation_unknown ? 'Unknown' : date('Y-m-d', $oidplus_creation_int*24*60*60))); echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Reserved:", "[0x$oidplus_reserved_hex]"); echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Namespace:", "[0x$oidplus_namespace_hex] $oidplus_namespace_int=Unknown (System Reserved)"); echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Data (Setting name hash):", "[0x$oidplus_data_hex] Unknown"); } else if ($oidplus_namespace_int > 0xF) { // Information Object GUID, e.g. 6e932dd7-458c-8000-b9e9-c1e3894d1105 $known_objecttype_plugins = array( // Latest list here: https://github.com/danielmarschall/oidplus/blob/master/doc/oidplus_custom_guid.md '' => 'doi (ViaThinkSoft plugin)', '' => 'gs1 (ViaThinkSoft plugin)', '' => 'guid (ViaThinkSoft plugin)', '' => 'ipv4 (ViaThinkSoft plugin)', '' => 'ipv6 (ViaThinkSoft plugin)', '' => 'java (ViaThinkSoft plugin)', '' => 'oid (ViaThinkSoft plugin)', '' => 'other (ViaThinkSoft plugin)', '' => 'domain (ViaThinkSoft plugin)', '' => 'fourcc (ViaThinkSoft plugin)', '' => 'aid (ViaThinkSoft plugin)', '' => 'php (ViaThinkSoft plugin)', '' => 'mac (ViaThinkSoft plugin)', '' => 'circuit (Frdlweb plugin)', '' => 'ns (Frdlweb plugin)', '' => 'pen (Frdlweb plugin)', '' => 'uri (Frdlweb plugin)', '' => 'web+fan (Frdlweb plugin)' ); $namespace_desc = 'Unknown object type'; foreach ($known_objecttype_plugins as $oid => $name) { if ((hexdec(substr(sha1($oid), -4)) & 0x3fff) == $oidplus_namespace_int) $namespace_desc = "$oid = $name"; } echo "\nInterpretation of OIDplus 2.0 Custom UUID\n\n"; echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "System ID:", "[0x$oidplus_systemid_hex] ".$oidplus_systemid_int); echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Creation time:", "[0x$oidplus_creation_hex] ".($oidplus_creation_unknown ? 'Unknown' : date('Y-m-d', $oidplus_creation_int*24*60*60))); echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Reserved:", "[0x$oidplus_reserved_hex]"); echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Namespace (Obj.type OID hash):", "[0x$oidplus_namespace_hex] $namespace_desc"); echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Data (Object name hash):", "[0x$oidplus_data_hex] SHA1(ObjectName) = ????????????????????????????$oidplus_data_hex"); } } // END: OIDplus 2.0 Custom UUID Interpretation // START: hayageek UUIDv8 Interpretation // https://github.com/hayageek/uuid-v8 // Example: 07e80404-1736-8934-8374-e63eb25babd2 $year = hexdec(substr($uuid,0,4)); $month = hexdec(substr($uuid,4,2)); $day = hexdec(substr($uuid,6,2)); $hours = hexdec(substr($uuid,8,2)); $minutes = hexdec(substr($uuid,10,2)); $ver = hexdec(substr($uuid,12,1)); $rnd1 = substr($uuid,13,1); $seconds = hexdec(substr($uuid,14,2)); // Diagram (WRONG): <2 variant 0b10> <8 msec> <6 random> // Actual Code: <2 variant 0b10> <2 zero> <12 msec 0..0x3E7> $tmp = hexdec(substr($uuid,16,4)); $var = ($tmp >> 14) & 0b11; $zero = ($tmp >> 12) & 0b11; $milliseconds = $tmp & 0xFFF; $rnd2 = substr($uuid,20,12); $utc_time = str_pad("$year",4,'0',STR_PAD_LEFT).'-'. str_pad("$month",2,'0',STR_PAD_LEFT).'-'. str_pad("$day",2,'0',STR_PAD_LEFT).' '. str_pad("$hours",2,'0',STR_PAD_LEFT).':'. str_pad("$minutes",2,'0',STR_PAD_LEFT).':'. str_pad("$seconds",2,'0',STR_PAD_LEFT)."'". str_pad("$milliseconds",3/*ms*/,'0',STR_PAD_LEFT); $date_valid = checkdate($month, $day, $year); $time_valid = ($hours >= 0) && ($hours <= 23) && ($minutes >= 0) && ($minutes <= 59) && ($seconds >= 0) && ($seconds <= 59) && ($milliseconds >= 0) && ($milliseconds <= 999); /**@phpstan-ignore-line*/ if (($ver == 8) && ($var == 2) && ($zero == 0) && $date_valid && $time_valid) { echo "\nInterpretation of hayageek UUIDv8\n\n"; echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Date/Time:", "$utc_time UTC"); echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Random Data:", "0x$rnd1$rnd2"); echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Year:", sprintf("[0x%04x] %d", $year, $year)); echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Month:", sprintf("[0x%02x] %d", $month, $month)); echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Day:", sprintf("[0x%02x] %d", $day, $day)); echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Hours:", sprintf("[0x%02x] %d", $hours, $hours)); echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Minutes:", sprintf("[0x%02x] %d", $minutes, $minutes)); echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Random 1:", sprintf("[0x%s]", $rnd1)); echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Seconds:", sprintf("[0x%02x] %d", $seconds, $seconds)); echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Milliseconds:", sprintf("[0x%03x] %d", $milliseconds, $milliseconds)); echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Random 2:", sprintf("[0x%s]", $rnd2)); } // END: hayageek UUIDv8 Interpretation break; default: echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Version:", "[0x".dechex($version)."] Unknown"); break; } break; case 2: // TODO: Show byte order: 00112233-4455-6677-8899-aabbccddeeff => 33 22 11 00 55 44 77 66 88 99 aa bb cc dd ee ff // TODO: Is there any scheme in that legacy Microsoft GUIDs? echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Variant:", "[0b110] Reserved for Microsoft Corporation"); break; case 3: echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Variant:", "[0b111] Reserved for future use"); break; } // START: HickelSOFT UUID // Block 5 $signature = substr($uuid,20,12); if (strtolower($signature) == '5ce32bd83b96') { // HickelSOFT "SQL Server sortable UUID in C#" // Version 2: Resolution of 1 milliseconds, random part of 18 bits, UTC time, UUIDv8 conform. // Example: 2088dc33-000d-8045-87e8-5ce32bd83b96 // Block 4 $unused2bits = hexdec(substr($uuid,16,1)) & 0x3; $year = hexdec(substr($uuid,17,3)); // Block 3 $dayOfYear = hexdec(substr($uuid,13,3)); // 1..366 $day = (($dayOfYear < 1) || ($dayOfYear > 366)) ? "XX" : intval(getDateFromDay($year, $dayOfYear)->format('d')); $month = (($dayOfYear < 1) || ($dayOfYear > 366)) ? "XX" : intval(getDateFromDay($year, $dayOfYear)->format('m')); // Block 2 $minuteOfDay = hexdec(substr($uuid,8,4)); // 1..1440 $minutes = (($minuteOfDay < 1) || ($minuteOfDay > 1440)) ? "XX" : ($minuteOfDay-1) % 60; $hours = (($minuteOfDay < 1) || ($minuteOfDay > 1440)) ? "XX" : (int)floor(($minuteOfDay-1) / 60); // Block 1 $rnd16bits = substr($uuid,0,4); $millisecond8bits = hexdec(substr($uuid,4,2)); $milliseconds = round($millisecond8bits / 255 * 999); $seconds = hexdec(substr($uuid,6,2)); // Verbose info $utc_time = str_pad("$year",4,'0',STR_PAD_LEFT).'-'. str_pad("$month",2,'0',STR_PAD_LEFT).'-'. str_pad("$day",2,'0',STR_PAD_LEFT).' '. str_pad("$hours",2,'0',STR_PAD_LEFT).':'. str_pad("$minutes",2,'0',STR_PAD_LEFT).':'. str_pad("$seconds",2,'0',STR_PAD_LEFT)."'". str_pad("$milliseconds",3/*ms*/,'0',STR_PAD_LEFT); if ((strpos($utc_time,'X') === false) && checkdate($month, $day, $year)) { $deviation = "(deviation -2ms..2ms)"; echo "\nInterpretation of HickelSOFT \"SQL Server Sortable Custom UUID\", Version 2\n\n"; echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Random 16 bits:", "[0x$rnd16bits] 0b".str_pad("".base_convert($rnd16bits, 16, 2), 16, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT)); echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Milliseconds:", "[0x".substr($uuid,4,2)."] $milliseconds $deviation"); echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Seconds:", "[0x".substr($uuid,6,2)."] $seconds"); echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Minute of day:", "[0x".substr($uuid,8,4)."] $minuteOfDay (".str_pad("$hours",2,'0',STR_PAD_LEFT).":".str_pad("$minutes",2,'0',STR_PAD_LEFT).")"); echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Day of year:", "[0x".substr($uuid,13,3)."] $dayOfYear (Day=$day, Month=$month)"); echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Unused 2 bits:", "[$unused2bits] 0b".str_pad("".base_convert("$unused2bits", 16, 2), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT)); echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Year:", "[0x".substr($uuid,17,3)."] $year"); echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Signature:", "[0x".substr($uuid,20,12)."] HickelSOFT \"SQL Server Sortable Custom UUID\", Version 2 (very likely)"); echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "UTC Date Time:", "$utc_time $deviation"); } } else if (strtolower($signature) == '000000000000') { // HickelSOFT "SQL Server sortable UUID in C#" // Version 1: Resolution of 1 milliseconds, random part of 16 bits, local timezone, NOT UUIDv8 conform. // Example: ff38da51-1301-0903-2420-000000000000 // Block 4 $year = substr($uuid,18,2) . substr($uuid,16,2); $year = (!is_numeric($year) || ($year < 2000) || ($year > 2999)) ? "XXXX" : $year = intval($year); // Block 3 $day = substr($uuid,12,2); $day = (!is_numeric($day) || ($day < 0) || ($day >= 60)) ? "XX" : intval($day); $month = substr($uuid,14,2); $month = (!is_numeric($month) || ($month < 0) || ($month >= 60)) ? "XX" : intval($month); // Block 2 $minutes = substr($uuid,8,2); $minutes = (!is_numeric($minutes) || ($minutes < 0) || ($minutes >= 60)) ? "XX" : intval($minutes); $hours = substr($uuid,10,2); $hours = (!is_numeric($hours) || ($hours < 0) || ($hours >= 60)) ? "XX" : intval($hours); // Block 1 $rnd16bits = substr($uuid,0,4); $millisecond8bits = hexdec(substr($uuid,4,2)); $milliseconds = round($millisecond8bits / 255 * 999); $seconds = substr($uuid,6,2); $seconds = (!is_numeric($seconds) || ($seconds < 0) || ($seconds >= 60)) ? "XX" : intval($seconds); // Verbose info $local_time = str_pad("$year",4,'0',STR_PAD_LEFT).'-'. str_pad("$month",2,'0',STR_PAD_LEFT).'-'. str_pad("$day",2,'0',STR_PAD_LEFT).' '. str_pad("$hours",2,'0',STR_PAD_LEFT).':'. str_pad("$minutes",2,'0',STR_PAD_LEFT).':'. str_pad("$seconds",2,'0',STR_PAD_LEFT)."'". str_pad("$milliseconds",3/*ms*/,'0',STR_PAD_LEFT); if ((strpos($local_time,'X') === false) && checkdate($month, $day, $year)) { $deviation = "(deviation -4ms..0ms)"; echo "\nInterpretation of HickelSOFT \"SQL Server Sortable Custom UUID\", Version 1\n\n"; echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Random 16 bits:", "[0x$rnd16bits] 0b".str_pad(base_convert($rnd16bits, 16, 2), 16, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT)); echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Milliseconds:", "[0x".substr($uuid,4,2)."] $milliseconds $deviation"); echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Seconds:", "[0x".substr($uuid,6,2)."] $seconds"); echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Minutes:", "[0x".substr($uuid,8,2)."] $minutes"); echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Hours:", "[0x".substr($uuid,10,2)."] $hours"); echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Day:", "[0x".substr($uuid,12,2)."] $day"); echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Month:", "[0x".substr($uuid,14,2)."] $month"); echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Year:", "[0x".substr($uuid,16,4)."] $year"); echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Signature:", "[0x".substr($uuid,20,12)."] HickelSOFT \"SQL Server Sortable Custom UUID\", Version 1 (maybe)"); echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Generator's Local Date Time:", "$local_time $deviation"); } } // END: HickelSOFT UUID if (!$echo) { $out = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); return $out; } else { return true; } } function uuid_canonize($uuid) { if (!uuid_valid($uuid)) return false; return oid_to_uuid(uuid_to_oid($uuid)); } /* assert(oid_to_uuid('2.25.111325678376819997685911819737516232943')=='53c08bb6-b2eb-5038-bf28-ad41a08c50ef'); assert(oid_to_uuid('1.2.840.113556.1.8000.2554.21440.35766.45803.20536.48936.11354528.9195759')=='53c08bb6-b2eb-5038-bf28-ad41a08c50ef'); assert(oid_to_uuid('')=='53c08bb6-b2eb-5038-bf28-ad41a08c50ef'); assert(oid_to_uuid('')=='53c08bb6-b2eb-5038-bf28-ad41a08c50ef'); assert(oid_to_uuid('')=='53c08bb6-b2eb-5038-bf28-ad41a08c50ef'); */ function oid_to_uuid($oid) { if (substr($oid,0,1) == '.') $oid = substr($oid, 1); // remove leading dot // Information about Microsoft and Waterjuice UUID-OID: https://waterjuiceweb.wordpress.com/2019/09/24/guids-to-oids/ $ary = explode('.', $oid); if ((count($ary) == 3) && (strpos($oid, '2.25.') === 0)) { // ISO/ITU-T UUID-to-OID // Example: {53c08bb6-b2eb-5038-bf28-ad41a08c50ef} = 2.25.111325678376819997685911819737516232943 $val = $ary[2]; $dec = gmp_init($val, 10); $hex = gmp_strval($dec, 16); $hex = str_pad($hex, 32, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT); return substr($hex,0,8).'-'.substr($hex,8,4).'-'.substr($hex,12,4).'-'.substr($hex,16,4).'-'.substr($hex,20,12); } else if ((count($ary) == 14) && (strpos($oid, '1.2.840.113556.1.8000.2554.') === 0)) { // Microsoft UUID-to-OID // Example: {53c08bb6-b2eb-5038-bf28-ad41a08c50ef} = 1.2.840.113556.1.8000.2554.21440.35766.45803.20536.48936.11354528.9195759 $a = intval($ary[7]); $b = intval($ary[8]); $c = intval($ary[9]); $d = intval($ary[10]); $e = intval($ary[11]); $f = intval($ary[12]); $g = intval($ary[13]); return dechex($a).dechex($b).'-'.dechex($c).'-'.dechex($d).'-'.dechex($e).'-'.dechex($f).dechex($g); } else if ((count($ary) == 10) && (strpos($oid, '') === 0)) { // Waterjuice UUID-to-OID 2x64 Bits // Example: {53c08bb6-b2eb-5038-bf28-ad41a08c50ef} = $a1 = gmp_strval(gmp_init($ary[8],10),16); if (strlen($a1)>16) return false; $a2 = gmp_strval(gmp_init($ary[9],10),16); if (strlen($a2)>16) return false; $hex = str_pad($a1, 16, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT). str_pad($a2, 16, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT); return substr($hex,0,8).'-'.substr($hex,8,4).'-'.substr($hex,12,4).'-'.substr($hex,16,4).'-'.substr($hex,20,12); } else if ((count($ary) == 12) && (strpos($oid, '') === 0)) { // Waterjuice UUID-to-OID 4x32 Bits // Example: {53c08bb6-b2eb-5038-bf28-ad41a08c50ef} = $a1 = gmp_strval(gmp_init($ary[8],10),16); if (strlen($a1)>8) return false; $a2 = gmp_strval(gmp_init($ary[9],10),16); if (strlen($a2)>8) return false; $a3 = gmp_strval(gmp_init($ary[10],10),16); if (strlen($a3)>8) return false; $a4 = gmp_strval(gmp_init($ary[11],10),16); if (strlen($a4)>8) return false; $hex = str_pad($a1, 8, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT). str_pad($a2, 8, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT). str_pad($a3, 8, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT). str_pad($a4, 8, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT); return substr($hex,0,8).'-'.substr($hex,8,4).'-'.substr($hex,12,4).'-'.substr($hex,16,4).'-'.substr($hex,20,12); } else if ((count($ary) == 16) && (strpos($oid, '') === 0)) { // Waterjuice UUID-to-OID 8x16 Bits // Example: {53c08bb6-b2eb-5038-bf28-ad41a08c50ef} = $a1 = gmp_strval(gmp_init($ary[8],10),16); if (strlen($a1)>4) return false; $a2 = gmp_strval(gmp_init($ary[9],10),16); if (strlen($a2)>4) return false; $a3 = gmp_strval(gmp_init($ary[10],10),16); if (strlen($a3)>4) return false; $a4 = gmp_strval(gmp_init($ary[11],10),16); if (strlen($a4)>4) return false; $a5 = gmp_strval(gmp_init($ary[12],10),16); if (strlen($a5)>4) return false; $a6 = gmp_strval(gmp_init($ary[13],10),16); if (strlen($a6)>4) return false; $a7 = gmp_strval(gmp_init($ary[14],10),16); if (strlen($a7)>4) return false; $a8 = gmp_strval(gmp_init($ary[15],10),16); if (strlen($a8)>4) return false; $hex = str_pad($a1, 4, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT). str_pad($a2, 4, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT). str_pad($a3, 4, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT). str_pad($a4, 4, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT). str_pad($a5, 4, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT). str_pad($a6, 4, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT). str_pad($a7, 4, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT). str_pad($a8, 4, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT); return substr($hex,0,8).'-'.substr($hex,8,4).'-'.substr($hex,12,4).'-'.substr($hex,16,4).'-'.substr($hex,20,12); } else { return false; } } function is_uuid_oid($oid, $only_allow_root=false) { if (substr($oid,0,1) == '.') $oid = substr($oid, 1); // remove leading dot if ($only_allow_root) { return oid_to_uuid($oid) !== false; } else { // TODO: Check range of the components (e.g. max 128 bits for 2.25) if (strpos($oid,'2.25.') === 0) return true; if (strpos($oid,'1.2.840.113556.1.8000.2554.') === 0) return true; if (strpos($oid,'') === 0) return true; if (strpos($oid,'') === 0) return true; if (strpos($oid,'') === 0) return true; return false; } } function uuid_to_oid($uuid, $base='2.25') { if (!uuid_valid($uuid)) return false; #$base = oid_sanitize($base); $uuid = str_replace(array('-', '{', '}'), '', $uuid); // Information about Microsoft and Waterjuice UUID-OID: https://waterjuiceweb.wordpress.com/2019/09/24/guids-to-oids/ if ($base == '2.25') { $x = gmp_init($uuid, 16); return $base.'.'.gmp_strval($x, 10); } else if ($base == '1.2.840.113556.1.8000.2554') { return $base.'.'. gmp_strval(gmp_init(substr($uuid,0,4),16),10).'.'. gmp_strval(gmp_init(substr($uuid,4,4),16),10).'.'. gmp_strval(gmp_init(substr($uuid,8,4),16),10).'.'. gmp_strval(gmp_init(substr($uuid,12,4),16),10).'.'. gmp_strval(gmp_init(substr($uuid,16,4),16),10).'.'. gmp_strval(gmp_init(substr($uuid,20,6),16),10).'.'. gmp_strval(gmp_init(substr($uuid,26,6),16),10); } else if ($base == '') { return $base.'.'. gmp_strval(gmp_init(substr($uuid,0,16),16),10).'.'. gmp_strval(gmp_init(substr($uuid,16,16),16),10); } else if ($base == '') { return $base.'.'. gmp_strval(gmp_init(substr($uuid,0,8),16),10).'.'. gmp_strval(gmp_init(substr($uuid,8,8),16),10).'.'. gmp_strval(gmp_init(substr($uuid,16,8),16),10).'.'. gmp_strval(gmp_init(substr($uuid,24,8),16),10); } else if ($base == '') { return $base.'.'. gmp_strval(gmp_init(substr($uuid,0,4),16),10).'.'. gmp_strval(gmp_init(substr($uuid,4,4),16),10).'.'. gmp_strval(gmp_init(substr($uuid,8,4),16),10).'.'. gmp_strval(gmp_init(substr($uuid,12,4),16),10).'.'. gmp_strval(gmp_init(substr($uuid,16,4),16),10).'.'. gmp_strval(gmp_init(substr($uuid,20,4),16),10).'.'. gmp_strval(gmp_init(substr($uuid,24,4),16),10).'.'. gmp_strval(gmp_init(substr($uuid,28,4),16),10); } else { throw new Exception("Unsupported UUID-to-OID base"); } } function uuid_numeric_value($uuid) { $oid = uuid_to_oid($uuid); if (!$oid) return false; return substr($oid, strlen('2.25.')); } function uuid_c_syntax($uuid) { $uuid = str_replace('{', '', $uuid); return '{ 0x' . substr($uuid, 0, 8) . ', 0x' . substr($uuid, 9, 4) . ', 0x' . substr($uuid, 14, 4) . ', { 0x' . substr($uuid, 19, 2). ', 0x' . substr($uuid, 21, 2) . ', 0x' . substr($uuid, 24, 2) . ', 0x' . substr($uuid, 26, 2) . ', 0x' . substr($uuid, 28, 2) . ', 0x' . substr($uuid, 30, 2) . ', 0x' . substr($uuid, 32, 2) . ', 0x' . substr($uuid, 34, 2) . ' } }'; } function gen_uuid($prefer_mac_address_based = true) { $uuid = $prefer_mac_address_based ? gen_uuid_reordered()/*UUIDv6*/ : false; if ($uuid === false) $uuid = gen_uuid_unix_epoch()/*UUIDv7*/; return $uuid; } # -------------------------------------- // Variant 1, Version 1 (Time based) UUID # -------------------------------------- function gen_uuid_v1() { return gen_uuid_timebased(); } function gen_uuid_timebased($force_php_implementation=false) { # On Debian: apt-get install php-uuid # extension_loaded('uuid') if (!$force_php_implementation && function_exists('uuid_create')) { # OSSP uuid extension like seen in php5-uuid at Debian 8 /* $x = uuid_create($context); uuid_make($context, UUID_MAKE_V1); uuid_export($context, UUID_FMT_STR, $uuid); return trim($uuid); */ # PECL uuid extension like seen in php-uuid at Debian 9 return trim(uuid_create(UUID_TYPE_TIME)); } # On Debian: apt-get install uuid-runtime if (!$force_php_implementation && strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) !== 'WIN') { $out = array(); $ec = -1; exec('uuidgen -t 2>/dev/null', $out, $ec); if ($ec == 0) return trim($out[0]); } # If we hadn't any success yet, then implement the time based generation routine ourselves! # Based on https://github.com/fredriklindberg/class.uuid.php/blob/master/class.uuid.php $uuid = array( 'time_low' => 0, /* 32-bit */ 'time_mid' => 0, /* 16-bit */ 'time_hi' => 0, /* 16-bit */ 'clock_seq_hi' => 0, /* 8-bit */ 'clock_seq_low' => 0, /* 8-bit */ 'node' => array() /* 48-bit */ ); /* * Get current time in 100 ns intervals. The magic value * is the offset between UNIX epoch and the UUID UTC * time base October 15, 1582. */ if (time_nanosleep(0,100) !== true) usleep(1); // Wait 100ns, to make sure that the time part changes if multiple UUIDs are generated $tp = gettimeofday(); if (PHP_INT_SIZE == 4) { $tp['sec'] = gmp_init($tp['sec'],10); $tp['usec'] = gmp_init($tp['usec'],10); $time = gmp_add(gmp_add(gmp_mul($tp['sec'], gmp_init('10000000',10)),gmp_mul($tp['usec'], gmp_init('10',10))),gmp_init('01B21DD213814000',16)); $uuid['time_low'] = gmp_and($time, gmp_init('ffffffff',16)); $high = gmp_shiftr($time,32); $uuid['time_mid'] = gmp_and($high, gmp_init('ffff',16)); $uuid['time_hi'] = gmp_intval(gmp_and(gmp_shiftr($high,16),gmp_init('fff',16))) | (1/*TimeBased*/ << 12); } else { $time = ($tp['sec'] * 10000000) + ($tp['usec'] * 10) + 0x01B21DD213814000; $uuid['time_low'] = $time & 0xffffffff; /* Work around PHP 32-bit bit-operation limits */ $high = intval($time / 0xffffffff); $uuid['time_mid'] = $high & 0xffff; $uuid['time_hi'] = (($high >> 16) & 0xfff) | (1/*TimeBased*/ << 12); } /* * We don't support saved state information and generate * a random clock sequence each time. */ $uuid['clock_seq_hi'] = _random_int(0, 255) & 0b00111111 | 0b10000000; // set variant to 0b10__ (RFC 4122) $uuid['clock_seq_low'] = _random_int(0, 255); /* * Node should be set to the 48-bit IEEE node identifier */ $mac = get_mac_address(); if ($mac) { $node = str_replace('-','',str_replace(':','',$mac)); for ($i = 0; $i < 6; $i++) { $uuid['node'][$i] = hexdec(substr($node, $i*2, 2)); } } else { // If we cannot get a MAC address, then generate a random AAI // RFC 4122 requires the multicast bit to be set, to make sure // that a UUID from a system with network card never conflicts // with a UUID from a system without network ard. // We are additionally defining the other 3 bits as AAI, // to avoid that we are misusing the CID or OUI from other vendors // if we would create multicast ELI (based on CID) or EUI (based on OUI). $uuid['node'] = explode('-', gen_aai(48, true/*Multicast*/)); $uuid['node'] = array_map('hexdec', $uuid['node']); } /* * Now output the UUID */ return sprintf( '%08x-%04x-%04x-%02x%02x-%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x', ($uuid['time_low']), ($uuid['time_mid']), ($uuid['time_hi']), $uuid['clock_seq_hi'], $uuid['clock_seq_low'], $uuid['node'][0], $uuid['node'][1], $uuid['node'][2], $uuid['node'][3], $uuid['node'][4], $uuid['node'][5]); } # -------------------------------------- // Variant 1, Version 2 (DCE Security) UUID # -------------------------------------- define('DCE_DOMAIN_PERSON', 0); define('DCE_DOMAIN_GROUP', 1); define('DCE_DOMAIN_ORG', 2); function gen_uuid_v2($domain, $id) { return gen_uuid_dce($domain, $id); } function gen_uuid_dce($domain, $id) { if (($domain ?? '') === '') throw new Exception("Domain ID missing"); if (!is_numeric($domain)) throw new Exception("Invalid Domain ID"); if (($domain < 0) || ($domain > 0xFF)) throw new Exception("Domain ID must be in range 0..255"); if (($id ?? '') === '') throw new Exception("ID value missing"); if (!is_numeric($id)) throw new Exception("Invalid ID value"); if (($id < 0) || ($id > 0xFFFFFFFF)) throw new Exception("ID value must be in range 0..4294967295"); # Start with a version 1 UUID $uuid = gen_uuid_timebased(); # Add Domain Number $uuid = str_pad(dechex($id), 8, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . substr($uuid, 8); # Add Domain (this overwrites part of the clock sequence) $uuid = substr($uuid,0,21) . str_pad(dechex($domain), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . substr($uuid, 23); # Change version to 2 $uuid[14] = '2'; return $uuid; } # -------------------------------------- // Variant 1, Version 3 (MD5 name based) UUID # -------------------------------------- function gen_uuid_v3($namespace_uuid, $name) { return gen_uuid_md5_namebased($namespace_uuid, $name); } function gen_uuid_md5_namebased($namespace_uuid, $name) { if (($namespace_uuid ?? '') === '') throw new Exception("Namespace UUID missing"); if (!uuid_valid($namespace_uuid)) throw new Exception("Invalid namespace UUID '$namespace_uuid'"); $namespace_uuid = uuid_canonize($namespace_uuid); $namespace_uuid = str_replace('-', '', $namespace_uuid); $namespace_uuid = hex2bin($namespace_uuid); $hash = md5($namespace_uuid.$name); $hash[12] = '3'; // Set version: 3 = MD5 $hash[16] = dechex(hexdec($hash[16]) & 0b0011 | 0b1000); // Set variant to "10xx" (RFC4122) return substr($hash, 0, 8).'-'. substr($hash, 8, 4).'-'. substr($hash, 12, 4).'-'. substr($hash, 16, 4).'-'. substr($hash, 20, 12); } # -------------------------------------- // Variant 1, Version 4 (Random) UUID # -------------------------------------- function gen_uuid_v4() { return gen_uuid_random(); } function gen_uuid_random() { # On Windows: Requires # extension_dir = "C:\php-8.0.3-nts-Win32-vs16-x64\ext" # extension=com_dotnet if (function_exists('com_create_guid')) { $uuid = trim(com_create_guid(), '{}'); if (uuid_version($uuid) === '4') { // <-- just to make 100% sure that Windows's CoCreateGuid() did output UUIDv4 return strtolower($uuid); } } # On Debian: apt-get install php-uuid # extension_loaded('uuid') if (function_exists('uuid_create')) { # OSSP uuid extension like seen in php5-uuid at Debian 8 /* $x = uuid_create($context); uuid_make($context, UUID_MAKE_V4); uuid_export($context, UUID_FMT_STR, $uuid); return trim($uuid); */ # PECL uuid extension like seen in php-uuid at Debian 9 return trim(uuid_create(UUID_TYPE_RANDOM)); } if (strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) !== 'WIN') { # On Debian Jessie: UUID V4 (Random) if (file_exists($uuidv4_file = '/proc/sys/kernel/random/uuid')) { $uuid = file_get_contents($uuidv4_file); if (uuid_version($uuid) === '4') { // <-- just to make 100% sure that it did output UUIDv4 return $uuid; } } # On Debian: apt-get install uuid-runtime $out = array(); $ec = -1; exec('uuidgen -r 2>/dev/null', $out, $ec); if ($ec == 0) return trim($out[0]); } # Make the UUID by ourselves if (function_exists('openssl_random_pseudo_bytes')) { // Source: https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.com-create-guid.php#119168 $data = openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(16); $data[6] = chr(ord($data[6]) & 0x0f | 0x40); // set version to 0100 $data[8] = chr(ord($data[8]) & 0x3f | 0x80); // set bits 6-7 to 10 return vsprintf('%s%s-%s-%s-%s-%s%s%s', str_split(bin2hex($data), 4)); } else { // Source: http://rogerstringer.com/2013/11/15/generate-uuids-php return sprintf( '%04x%04x-%04x-%04x-%04x-%04x%04x%04x', _random_int( 0, 0xffff ), _random_int( 0, 0xffff ), _random_int( 0, 0xffff ), _random_int( 0, 0x0fff ) | 0x4000, _random_int( 0, 0x3fff ) | 0x8000, _random_int( 0, 0xffff ), _random_int( 0, 0xffff ), _random_int( 0, 0xffff ) ); } } # -------------------------------------- // Variant 1, Version 5 (SHA1 name based) UUID # -------------------------------------- function gen_uuid_v5($namespace_uuid, $name) { return gen_uuid_sha1_namebased($namespace_uuid, $name); } function gen_uuid_sha1_namebased($namespace_uuid, $name) { if (($namespace_uuid ?? '') === '') throw new Exception("Namespace UUID missing"); if (!uuid_valid($namespace_uuid)) throw new Exception("Invalid namespace UUID '$namespace_uuid'"); $namespace_uuid = str_replace('-', '', $namespace_uuid); $namespace_uuid = hex2bin($namespace_uuid); $hash = sha1($namespace_uuid.$name); $hash[12] = '5'; // Set version: 5 = SHA1 $hash[16] = dechex(hexdec($hash[16]) & 0b0011 | 0b1000); // Set variant to "0b10__" (RFC4122/DCE1.1) return substr($hash, 0, 8).'-'. substr($hash, 8, 4).'-'. substr($hash, 12, 4).'-'. substr($hash, 16, 4).'-'. substr($hash, 20, 12); } # -------------------------------------- // Variant 1, Version 6 (Reordered) UUID # -------------------------------------- function gen_uuid_v6() { return gen_uuid_reordered(); } function gen_uuid_reordered() { // Start with a UUIDv1 $uuid = gen_uuid_timebased(); // Convert to UUIDv6 return uuid1_to_uuid6($uuid); } function uuid6_to_uuid1($hex) { $hex = uuid_canonize($hex); if ($hex === false) return false; $hex = preg_replace('@[^0-9A-F]@i', '', $hex); $hex = substr($hex, 7, 5). substr($hex, 13, 3). substr($hex, 3, 4). '1' . substr($hex, 0, 3). substr($hex, 16); return substr($hex, 0, 8).'-'. substr($hex, 8, 4).'-'. substr($hex, 12, 4).'-'. substr($hex, 16, 4).'-'. substr($hex, 20, 12); } function uuid1_to_uuid6($hex) { $hex = uuid_canonize($hex); if ($hex === false) return false; $hex = preg_replace('@[^0-9A-F]@i', '', $hex); $hex = substr($hex, 13, 3). substr($hex, 8, 4). substr($hex, 0, 5). '6' . substr($hex, 5, 3). substr($hex, 16); return substr($hex, 0, 8).'-'. substr($hex, 8, 4).'-'. substr($hex, 12, 4).'-'. substr($hex, 16, 4).'-'. substr($hex, 20, 12); } # -------------------------------------- // Variant 1, Version 7 (Unix Epoch) UUID # -------------------------------------- function gen_uuid_v7(int $num_ms_frac_bits=12) { return gen_uuid_unix_epoch($num_ms_frac_bits); } function gen_uuid_unix_epoch(int $num_ms_frac_bits=12) { $uuid_nibbles = ''; // Add the timestamp (milliseconds Unix) if (function_exists('gmp_init')) { list($ms,$sec) = explode(' ', microtime(false)); $sec = gmp_init($sec, 10); $ms = gmp_init(substr($ms,2,3), 10); $unix_ts = gmp_strval(gmp_add(gmp_mul($sec, '1000'), $ms),16); } else { $unix_ts = dechex((int)ceil(microtime(true)*1000)); } $unix_ts = str_pad($unix_ts, 12, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT); $uuid_nibbles = $unix_ts; // Version = 7 $uuid_nibbles .= '7'; // Optional: millisecond fraction (max 12 bits) if (($num_ms_frac_bits < 0) || ($num_ms_frac_bits > 12)) throw new Exception("Invalid msec frac bits (must be 0..12)"); $resolution_ns = 1000000 / pow(2,$num_ms_frac_bits); if ($num_ms_frac_bits > 0) { $seconds_fraction = (float)explode(' ',microtime(false))[0]; // , $ms_fraction = $seconds_fraction * 1000; // , $ms_fraction -= floor($ms_fraction); // , $ns_fraction = $ms_fraction * 1000000; // $val = (int)ceil($ns_fraction / $resolution_ns); // Currently, for the output we only allow frac bits 0, 4, 8, 12 (0-3 nibbles), // since UUIDs are usually sorted in their hex notation, and one of the main // reasons for using the sub-millisecond fractions it to increase monotonicity $num_nibbles = (int)ceil($num_ms_frac_bits/4); $uuid_nibbles .= str_pad(dechex($val), $num_nibbles, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT); } // TODO Not implemented: Optional counter (to be defined as parameter to this method) // The counter bits need to be spread before and after the variant bits // Fill with random bits (and the variant bits) $uuid = gen_uuid_random(); $uuid = str_replace('-', '', $uuid); for ($i=0; $i= 2) $dt->setTimeZone(new DateTimeZone("UTC")); // First Sort block 5, nibbles from left to right (i.e. 000000000001 < 000000000010 < ... < 010000000000 < 100000000000) if ($hickelUuidVersion == 1) { $block5 = "000000000000"; } else if ($hickelUuidVersion == 2) { $block5 = "5ce32bd83b96"; } else { throw new Exception("Invalid version"); } // Then: Sort block 4, nibbles from left to right if ($hickelUuidVersion == 1) { $year = $dt->format('Y'); $block4 = substr($year, 2, 2).substr($year, 0, 2); // Example: 0x2420 = 2024 } else { $variant = 0x8; // First nibble needs to be 0b10_ (0x8-0xB) for RFC 9562. We use it to store 2 more random bits. $unused2bits = 0; // Cannot be used for random, because it would affect the sorting $year = $dt->format('Y'); $block4 = sprintf('%01x%03x', $variant + ($unused2bits & 0x3), $year); } // Then: Sort block 3, bytes from right to left (i.e. 0100 < 1000 < 0001 < 0010) if ($hickelUuidVersion == 1) { $block3 = $dt->format('dm'); } else { $uuidVersion = 8; // First nibble needs to be "8" for "UUIDv8 = Custom UUID" $dayOfYear = intval($dt->format('z')) + 1; /* 1..366 */ $block3 = sprintf('%01x%03x', $uuidVersion, $dayOfYear); } // Then: Sort block 2, bytes from right to left if ($hickelUuidVersion == 1) { $block2 = $dt->format('iH'); } else { $minuteOfDay = (intval($dt->format('i')) + intval($dt->format('H')) * 60) + 1; // 1..1440 $block2 = sprintf('%04x', $minuteOfDay); } // Then: Sort block 1, bytes from right to left if ($hickelUuidVersion == 1) { $millisecond8bits = ceil(($dt->format('v') / 999) * 255); // deviation -4ms..0ms $rnd16bits = _random_int(0x0000, 0xFFFF-1); $block1 = sprintf('%04x%02x', $rnd16bits, $millisecond8bits).$dt->format('s'); } else { $millisecond8bits = round(($dt->format('v') / 999) * 255); // deviation -2ms..2ms $rnd16bits = _random_int(0x0000, 0xFFFF); $block1 = sprintf('%04x%02x%02x', $rnd16bits, $millisecond8bits, $dt->format('s')); } $sleep_ms = (int)ceil(999 / 255); // Make sure that "millisecond" is not repeated on this system if (time_nanosleep(0,$sleep_ms*1000*1000) !== true) usleep($sleep_ms*1000); return strtolower("$block1-$block2-$block3-$block4-$block5"); } # -------------------------------------- // http://php.net/manual/de/function.hex2bin.php#113057 if (!function_exists('hex2bin')) { function hex2bin($str) { $sbin = ""; $len = strlen($str); for ( $i = 0; $i < $len; $i += 2 ) { $sbin .= pack("H*", substr($str, $i, 2)); } return $sbin; } } // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/72127764/shift-right-left-bitwise-operators-in-php7-gmp-extension if (!function_exists('gmp_shiftl')) { function gmp_shiftl($x,$n) { // shift left return(gmp_mul($x,gmp_pow(2,$n))); } } if (!function_exists('gmp_shiftr')) { function gmp_shiftr($x,$n) { // shift right return(gmp_div_q($x,gmp_pow(2,$n))); } } function shake128(string $msg, int $outputLength=512, bool $binary=false): string { include_once __DIR__.'/SHA3.php'; $sponge = SHA3::init(SHA3::SHAKE128); $sponge->absorb($msg); $bin = $sponge->squeeze($outputLength); return $binary ? $bin : bin2hex($bin); } function shake256(string $msg, int $outputLength=512, bool $binary=false): string { include_once __DIR__.'/SHA3.php'; $sponge = SHA3::init(SHA3::SHAKE256); $sponge->absorb($msg); $bin = $sponge->squeeze($outputLength); return $binary ? $bin : bin2hex($bin); } /** * Converts the day of year of a year into a DateTime object * @param int $year The year * @param int $dayOfYear The day of year (value 1 till 365 or 1 till 366 for leap years) * @return \DateTime The resulting date */ function getDateFromDay(int $year, int $dayOfYear): \DateTime { // Note: "Y z" and "z Y" make a difference for leap years (last tested with PHP 8.0.3) $date = \DateTime::createFromFormat('Y z', strval($year) . ' ' . strval($dayOfYear-1)); return $date; }